Hello Kitty Onigiri

Having a Hello Kitty fanatic in your life is bad. Really bad. So bad that nobody except those suffering through their own Hello Kitty Hell can even understand. My sympathies go out to you, but is actually can be worse. Seriously, I don’t think that there can be something quite as terrifying and sadistic as a follower of the evil feline that also likes to cook. All you have to do is look at Hello Kitty sushi (or even worse, Hello Kitty spam sushi) and Hello Kitty bentos to realize the horrifying truth to this statement. Or Hello Kitty onigiri:

hello kitty onigiri rice balls

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Hello Kitty Spock Tattoo

It sucks to be a Star Trek fan if there is a Hello Kitty fanatic in the vicinity. If you have to ask why, then obviously you haven’t seen the abominations such as the Hello Kitty Klingon, the Hello Kitty Captain Kirk and the Hello Kitty Spock. And we all know that Hello Kitty fanatics can’t resist terrible Hello Kitty tattoo combinations, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that some delusional fan thought that getting a Hello Kitty Spock tattoo would actually be a good idea:

hello kitty spock tattoo

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Hello Kitty Eyes

What is it about Hello Kitty and eyes? Hello Kitty contact lenses are one of the most disturbing (and that is saying a lot considering the amount of disturbing this blog produces) items I have come across, so artwork depicting the evil feline as eyes just makes Hello Kitty creepier than she already is (which again, is saying a lot considering how creepy she is without doing a thing).

Hello Kitty eyes

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Hello Kitty Car Door Lock

I’m not sure exactly what the obsession is with Hello Kitty and cars (then again, I don’t understand the obsession with Hello Kitty and anything, so that isn’t saying much), but there is an annoying trend of branding every car accessory possible with the evil feline. The Hello Kitty exhaust pipe, Hello Kitty car headlights and, of course, Hello Kitty car rims are just a few of many examples. Add the Hello Kitty car door lock to the mix of these hideous car accessories:

hello kitty car door lock

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Hello Kitty Jason Tattoo

Anyone that has followed this blog for even a short time has had to face the undeniable fact that there is absolutely nothing that Hello Kitty fanatics won’t ink onto their skin as long as the evil feline is a part of the tattoo in some way. You knew that once that once the Hello Kitty Jason appeared, it was simply a matter of time before someone (for some unfathomable reason) decided that a Hello Kitty Friday the 13th Jason tattoo would be a good idea:

hello kitty Jason tattoo

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Hello Kitty Hannibal Plush

Since anyone living in Hello Kitty Hell knows never to underestimate the lengths that a Hello Kitty fantatic will go to create Hello Kitty tattoo combinations that will almost certainly haunt them (and us) for the rest of their lives, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that some of these fanatics will take the horror they create a step further. While it’s obvious to anyone with even an ounce of sanity that the Hello Kitty Hannibal Lecter tattoo should have been the end (or rather, never even contemplated) of this evil feline mashup, we are talking about a Hello Kitty fanatic here. Thus, the obviousl next step was to create a Hello Kitty Hannibal Lecter plush:

hello kitty hannibal plush

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Hello Kitty Super Hero Tattoo

First it was the evil feline wanting to be other super heroes like Hello Kitty Superman, then she believed that she should be a super hero in her own right to the point that she had a Hello Kitty super hero plush made of herself. So was there really any doubt that someone would eventually (and foolishly) believe that a Hello Kitty super hero tattoo would be a good idea?

hello kitty super hero tattoo

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Hello Kitty $1 Million Painting

I’m not rich. In fact, being rich is something that I never want to aspire to be. While this might seem a bit strange to most people, it is perfectly obvious to anyone why not have large amounts of disposable income is a good thing when living in Hello Kitty Hell. The simple reason is that if money weren’t an object, there is no doubt that horrendous things like $1.5 million dollar Hello Kitty paintings would end up at my house:

hello kitty million dollar painting

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