Hello Kitty Sig Sauer p226 Gun

Note: Sanrio legal counsel has contacted me because they realize that their fans are not bright enough to know what is an official Sanrio product and what is not. They didn’t feel that this would be a problem until the fans started contacting them directly, and they soon realized how painful it was to actually have to converse with a fanatic, and not even they had the patience to actually do this. As a result, they sent out a notice to me begging for me to take down my posts about guns that had the evil feline on them just so they didn’t have to ever correspond with the fanatics again. When I explained that they brought it on themselves, they pleaded that I spare them the torture that they inflict on me on a daily basis and asked me to post the following, Since I actually have a conscience, here is what they have to say:

Sanrio® has informed us that Sanrio is not involved in the manufacture or sale of Hello Kitty guns or weapons, and does not allow Hello Kitty® to be used to market guns or weapons. The items shown in this post are either digitally fabricated images or were custom-decorated without Sanrio’s permission. Sanrio alleges that creating false digitized images of Hello Kitty guns or weapons, or custom-decorating a real gun or weapon with Hello Kitty art, infringes Sanrio’s copyrights and trademarks, and may violate criminal laws.

And onto the original post…

As I have said time and again, Hello Kitty loves her guns

Hello Kitty Sig Sauer gun

Sent in by gunlovr

How To Make a Hello Kitty Mascot Head

They really don’t celebrate Halloween in Japan, but that doesn’t stop my wife from doing her best to bring the evil feline into the holiday anyway. The one thing that she absolutely hates is that she can’t dress up in a Hello Kitty costume like she sees so many people do in the US, but since this guide on how to create your own Hello Kitty mascot head landed in my mailbox, she’s been strongly hinting that we need to join some of the US Halloween party celebrations in costume. Yet one more thing to worry about in Hello Kitty Hell…

Hello Kitty mascot head

Sent in by tauney (via instructables)

Hello Kitty Birthday Party

I hate my birthday. It’s not that I care that I am getting a year older, but the fear each year of what my wife will do to celebrate it. It’s never a pretty sight and no matter how much I protest, she manages to slip the evil feline into the celebration in some way. The truth is that what she would really like to do is throw me a party like this:

Hello Kitty birthday party

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Hello Kitty Pokemon Fetish (nsfw – or your sanity)

One would imagine that it really couldn’t get worse than the Hello Kitty fetish underwear, but then that would be highly underestimating the evil feline. Long after any normal person would stop and say, “Okay, this really has gone way too far,” Hello kitty is looking for ways to stretch the bounds of human reason to the point that we all just give up and accept her as our overlord so that she will just stop. If stretching these bounds requires a little help from Pokemon, so be it. As I have said it on many occasions before, you are better off leaving and enjoying the rest of your day because you can’t unsee the image and it will haunt you – you have been warned:

Hello Kitty pokemon fetish

See, I told you…

Sent in by Physalis

Hello Kitty Jack-o-Lantern

It’s not like there was any surprise that this was coming. My wife loves to create Hello Kitty pumpkins and the fanatics out there have never had a problem sending me their Hello Kitty pumpkin carving creations to give my wife more ideas. I have the distinct feeling that I will be getting more to add whether I want them or not because Hello Kitty fanatics don’t understand the concept of “don’t share” and they seem to feel (for some unfathomable reason) it’s their duty to make my life all the more Hello Kitty Hellish.

Hello Kitty Jack-o-Lantern

Sent in by Alice

Hello Kitty 3D pumpkin

Sent in by Jessica

Hello Kitty bat bow pumpkin

From Shelly via Facebook

Hello Kitty skeleton pumpkin

Sent in by carmenkitty

Hello Kitty Jack-o-Lantern

Sent in by Gayla

Hello Kitty pumpkin carving

Sent in by hellokitty_luver

Hello Kitty Halloween jack-o-lantern

Sent in by Layla

Hello Kitty samurai pumpkin

Sent in by Ericka (“I thought someone might enjoy seeing an evil Hello Kitty with a katana that I made into a jack o lantern last night.”)

Hello Kitty pumpkin 2006

Hello Kitty pumpkin witch

Hello Kitty pumpkin jack-o-latern

Hello Kitty pumpkin face

Left by Kathryn via facebook — one for each of the last four years.

Hello Kitty jackolatern

Left by MSNikkiD via twitter

hello kitty pumpkin carving

Sent in by Kelsey

Hello Kitty Hello Kitty

It pains me greatly to have to write the evil feline’s name each time I make a new post on this blog. The simple fact that I had to type Hello Kitty twice for the title of this post should be enough to warn you that what you are about to see isn’t going to be pretty — Hello Kitty made out of Hello Kitty goods:

Hello Kitty Hello Kitty

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Hello Kitty Shower

My wife absolutely loves this Hello Kitty shower and would like to have one just like it to go along with the Hello Kitty house made of Hello Kitty bricks with Hello Kitty plants in front surrounded by the Hello Kitty picket fence with Hello Kitty display cases and Hello Kitty stained glass windows inside.

I have a slightly different view. I believe a shower is a place that you get clean, but how can any self respecting man take a shower in something like that and not feel dirty afterwards? Just one more thing to worry about in Hello Kitty Hell…

Hello Kitty shower

Hello Kitty shower door

Hello Kitty shower

Sent in by annaxray

Hello Kitty Weekly Photo Dump

For those of you that enjoy torturing yourself to no end, here are the photos from the last week that didn’t make the front page of the blog, but still will send shivers down your spine (just don’t do it – you’ll be much happier if you avoid these links and go for a long walk – you have been warned…)

Hello Kitty Porn Star Tera Patrick (sfw)
Hello Kitty Farmville
Hello Kitty Tattoo Promo
Hello Kitty Sushi Plush
Hello Kitty Gangster Car
Hello Kitty Telephone Booth
Hello Kitty Nori Cutter
Hello Kitty Skis (update)

See, I told you…