The Hello Kitty turkey was bad, but to take it to a literal level is something only a Hello Kitty fanatic would do — and of course, one did. This is why you never want to have Thanksgiving with anyone that loves the evil feline, and I can say that I am extremely thankful that I live in Japan where they don’t celebrate this holiday. Otherwise, I would probably also have to deal with something like the Hello Kitty Thanksgiving turkey:

The only positive thing about this is that anyone who sees this abomination will instantly be much more thankful in several orders of magnitude for not having to dine on something like ths and not living in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by sheena who has already proven by doing this that there is no hope for her no matter what type of punishment I wish to dispense…
Update: And you didn’t think it could get worse:

Sent in by Summer