It really is a testiment that there are far too many Hello Kitty fanatics in the world when there isn’t just one Hello Kitty mascot costume for sale, but an entire line of them. That there is a Hello Kitty mascot specifically for weddings is downright terrifying and if your significant other requests one for your wedding, it’s a good sign you should run like hell…
Sent in by Rykan (via milanoo)
Is it just me or do these particular costumes make HK even more disturbing?
I think it is official.
Satan is a creature of the feline persuasion.
Dear god, make it go away!!! Dx
Hello KItty Fursuiting yes!
The first one look good, the second is so so, the third looks like a strange wedding ritual.
I LOVE Hello Kitty and even I find this creepy!
lol these look like the rip offs you see walking around the streets of my beloved Mexico. xD
dear god, I wouldn’t want to run into THAT in a dark alley.
… damn O_O
/over and out
Honestly, these are kind of hilarious and cool at the same time.
Well I just got one of these and my husband was thinking of dressing up as Hello Kitty’s boyfriend Dear Daniel. What a great husband!!!
This is so retarted and not sexy