You didn’t really think that the evil feline would stop with one shoe company did you? In addition to Hello Kitty Asics shoes, she has conned Reebok into selling their corporate soul by making special 35th anniversary shoes. I know Hello Kitty Hell is getting bad when my wife nearly has a different pair of Hello Kitty shoes for each day of the month…

Sent in by marylin
You know… normally, I wouldn’t mind Hello Kitty shoes. However, these are fug.
Well it could be worse. At least they’re monochromatic.
Unless you get them in white and REALLY look closely, you can’t tell there’s Hello Kitty on them. I like them though; not as out there as the Asics, and they’re versatile.
i like the white ones, where can i get them?
Yes, total fug
I never liked these shoes to begin with. Even though I do like Hello Kitty, I would never in a million years wear these shoes…
fug fug fug
those are the ugliest shoes i have ever seen. those are an insult to hello kitty.
where am i able to get this shoe?
What stores are these in?
name for me ONE THING that there isnt a hello kitty version of
all i can say is FRESH
dEM IS fi bi’!!! I lov kicks so mi momma might get me some ya dig!!!!HA_HA! Straight stuntin!
liked the white one…but i WILL DEFINITELY TAKE THAT DAMN RED RIBBON OUT…it ruins the picture for me…simple is the best XD
Where can I get them? Awesome ?
ii been wanting these shoes but i dont know where i can get them at
Hi there. I want it to ask, where or what wedside is it that i can buy thise shose?? i Really love them. But i can’t find them anywhere.
-Can you plzzz let me know where i can buy them!
Thank Youu
i want this shoes …. when can i bey this shoes???
where can i get these shoes?? in what store can i get them at??? come on help me here please..
where can I buy it in Indonesia?
please let me know
where can i get this shoes i want them 🙂
I love them so where can I get them in Durban in South Africa but I would also take out the red ribbon it spoils the whole shoe so please tell me where I can get them : )
I love hello kitty my room is full of her photos nd all kinds of things haa I guess I love her too much!!<3