Hello Kitty Reebok Shoes

You didn’t really think that the evil feline would stop with one shoe company did you? In addition to Hello Kitty Asics shoes, she has conned Reebok into selling their corporate soul by making special 35th anniversary shoes. I know Hello Kitty Hell is getting bad when my wife nearly has a different pair of Hello Kitty shoes for each day of the month…

Hello Kitty Reebok shoes

Hello Kitty Reebok shoes black

Hello Kitty Reebok bows

Hello Kitty Reebok shoes white

Sent in by marylin

24 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Reebok Shoes”

  1. Unless you get them in white and REALLY look closely, you can’t tell there’s Hello Kitty on them. I like them though; not as out there as the Asics, and they’re versatile.

  2. liked the white one…but i WILL DEFINITELY TAKE THAT DAMN RED RIBBON OUT…it ruins the picture for me…simple is the best XD

  3. Hi there. I want it to ask, where or what wedside is it that i can buy thise shose?? i Really love them. But i can’t find them anywhere.
    -Can you plzzz let me know where i can buy them!
    Thank Youu


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