You know it’s going to be a bad day in Hello Kitty Hell when you hear the words, “Honey, do you want to see the new thing I got in the mail?” This is because you have already fallen into a trap from where there is no escape. Even though there is absolutely no intrigue in the question – I already know that it is going to be something Hello Kitty and it is going to be something bad – I have to act excited, but of course, not too excited. If I don’t act excited, then my lack of appreciation will get me in trouble, but if I act too excited, then she knows I’m faking enthusiasm and I will get into trouble. Ahhh, the thin line I have to tight rope along living in Hello Kitty Hell (which I must say, I have well perfected).
The problem with today was that it went on beyond the initial “look at this” and I was actually asked for my opinion. This part of Hello Kitty Hell I still haven’t perfected and almost always results with me taking out the Hello Kitty sleeping bag.
Of course I didn’t get the answer right (note to self: “whichever you like best” won’t cut it in Hello Kitty Hell — when answering any question related to which Hello Kitty item I like best, remember the correct answer is “all of them” according to my wife) and paid the Hello Kitty Hell price…
Update: You actually thought that more of this hideousness wouldn’t be produced?
Sent in by Jen
you poor poor gy…. i feel so sorry for u…
i wonder now that ure in japan – has ure wife dragged u to a hello kitty themepark yet?
Do you ever get to sleep with your wife?
Take a drink and move on
You ever think of starting your own obsession? like taking an obscene liking to mecha or something else with a lot of useless junk about it? i know theres really nothing as bad as hello kitty, but having something that bugs her the same way hello kitty hell bugs you might give you some leverage in the fight against hello kitty.
the pink ones are the cutest, if you have to pick one.
though next time you should suggest she get a real manicure and see if the nail person can paint the pictures on her real nails. 😉
“Do you ever get to sleep with your wife?”
That was mean.
Hey, I picked up similar press on nails at the store the other day! They were in the cosmetics section, in the kiddie section. They had a whole bunch of different styles, but they’re all too small and won’t fit me.
I agree with Jason. Become completely obsessed with wrestling or something equally as stupid, its pretty much the only way for her to see how you feel. That seems to be what my boyfriend is doing.
Please please please tell me where I can purchase these nails. I’ve looked almost everywhere and am desperate to know. It’s for a special occasion XD
Please please please tell me where I can purchase these nails. I’ve looked almost everywhere and am desperate to know. It’s for a special occasion
Don’t bother asking – it aint going to happen
If you live in Canada, you can get some at Zellers in the kiddie make-up department. Claire’s also sells some too. Sorry Hello Kitty Hell, I had to help a fellow HK-er out!
where can we gat those nails , you have no idea how money you can get out of hello kitty . I LOVE IT like your wife , you go girl …
You know, i had some once. My cousin bought them for me along with a nice Hello Kitty pillow with crayons, makers, and stickers inside. The nails were worthless to me… They were too small! Hello Kitty made me sad that day…
i have these on right now lol. got em @ penny’s.
and, just for the rercord they are adult sized… got em @ walmart in the us or at least my boyfriend’s sister did… we have recently reached an agreement bc of this site that i can get all the hello kitty stuff i wish as long as when i move in it’s gone… MIGHT HAPPEN… prob. not though it’s ok though, he’s doing as u suggested above and obssesing over trucks.
I often wonder how you sleep at night, hard floor, hello kitty sleeping bag.
haha, i have to laugh though your obsessed aswell !!
I like hello kitty though, some of the products are mental.
i had to gasp when i saw:
I like your wife…she and I would get along well, since I’ve a hello kitty obsession too *LOL* Hey…can she get me the hello kitty laptop? And btw…I’m turning my car into a Hello Kitty car…
where do you get them from? ^_^
Aaaw some suteness in the world of Hello Kitty… Why do you people actually hate HK?????
im fanatic about my nails
:O omggggggg
and i lovee lovee hello kitty
omg omg omg i well want someeeee
where everrrr do you get them frommm
GeorgiaGORE – I saw some at target a few days ago and ya can find anything and everything on eBay.
I wouldn’t wear them i think press on nails are tacky.
wow..those are neat!
i hella wanna do them for my graduation!!!
im in love!
i luv hello kitty prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
These are so tacky and ugly that only 8 year olds are allowed to have them. Any grown women with these needs to be slapped.
I have one of those…but are not really…..glued!
I’m not sure if this is a problem for you still, these entries being practically fossilised and all, but a handy trick when forced to offer an opinion on something you hate is to fall back on ignorance, but informed ignorance.
For example, in this situation, say something like “Well, the pink ones are more stylish but the multicoloured ones are more fun!” This is the correct answer, meaning she will have to buy both in order to be fun *and* stylish.
This would also work picking between the two Kitty handguns. “Well, the one with the scope is more useful, but the other one is cuter!”
Of course, if you’re gonna be sleeping on the couch anyway, then a good old “Press-on nails are for tramps” might be slightly more satisfying.
haha i got the bottom ones at target =]
hello kitty nice
omg I <3 them soooo much! they are the cuttiest nails for me!
I like to know where could I purchase or order hello kitty pressed on nails???? Anyone can give me a website? Thanks
LOL wish they didnn’t come in pink lol, so are you sleeping in the hk sleeping bag tonight ???