Just when you believe you’ve seen it all, Hello Kitty reminds you that there is no bottom in the pit of Hello Kitty Hell. This, my friends, is when you know you have a true Hello Kitty fanatic on your hands. 99.9% of the population would look at these and simply say “WTF?!?” but to a Hello Kitty fanatic, something like this makes perfect sense and you receive a reply like this one from my wife: “What a cute idea, I want those” (I know, I know, you’re asking yourself “HOW is that a cute idea?!?” but it is useless to try and understand). So I present to you the Hello Kitty menstrual pantie liners:

Courtesy (I think) of fork in the comments via ebay
They also come in holiday themes:

Sent in by Xenaspanky
… That’s utterly disgusting. They’re made of cloth, right? They look like it, so my friend and I are guessing they’re meant to be re-used…….. EWWW.
OMG… this is just too much.
OMG LOLZ :] Those are amazing :]
I’ve got gone & bought some, haha. The Ebay seller has a nice range in lots of pretty colours, but I’m an avid Hello Kitty collector so I’m just adding it to my collection.
I’ll just stick with Tampax for now, HAHA.
Ok, everything was cute up til now. This is just WRONG.
You are right, YOU ARE IN HELL!!
Please tell me these are a gag gift type thing.
Wow, That’s actually pretty damn sick. Bloody kitty. I’m sorry hello kitty man. I hate my period, not even hello kitty can make that look good or make one say “cute.”
These are too cute. I even went to the seller’s store to take a look. I would love to buy them, unfortunately I can’t bring myself to reuse a pad. lol
I’ve heard of reusable sanitary napkins (eco-friendly). But this is wrong! So very very wrong! I’d rather think of them as being shoe inserts.
Well, reusable pads are not disgusting in themselves….but you HK haters can just look at it as the ultimate insult to HK, can’t you? The only thing worse perhaps would be HK Depends…..
oops accidentally posted that comment without finishing it.
the above links to cute hello kitty cell phone straps
Oh dear.. you are in hell… I LOVE hello kitty myself… but that goes a little far!!! I think Cat Lady has a better idea… shoe liners! That would be less yucky…
not even hello kitty can make pads high fashion(:
I totally luv ur blog! Come´on….this is actually a cute thing!!! (maybe your theory its true, 4 a HKFan that makes a perfectly sense) I want thooooose!!!
erm… I thought HK was so pure ad young she didn’t know what menstruation was… 😐
I don’t even want to consider those being reusable, that’s the most disgusting aspect ever, but well…
Those must be nice for women who tend to get rashes… All that paint CAN eventually cause allergies, you know?
(There, did I make you feel a little bit better about it? 😀 )
And, why, pray tell, are reusable pads, in and of themselves, “disgusting?” What do you think grandma, great-grandma, et all used? You know the washing machine WASHES them, right? What a sad state we are in when women hate the natural functions of their bodies and consider a chemical laden landfill plug a better alternative to something that gets washed. Get a grip, peeps.
“And, why, pray tell, are reusable pads, in and of themselves, “disgusting?â€? What do you think grandma, great-grandma, et all used? You know the washing machine WASHES them, right? What a sad state we are in when women hate the natural functions of their bodies and consider a chemical laden landfill plug a better alternative to something that gets washed. Get a grip, peeps.”
As I was reading through the above comments, I was wondering the exact same thing… Shame.
well okay for ONE thing…just so you all know:
pantie liners are meant to be worn with tampons, meaning there it no actual flow going onto them. it is only for the “oops” that may occur if your tampon gets a bit too full. that is all. ;D
I would buy those, but I wouldn’t USE them.
Just keep them in a collection.
All those that think reusable panty liners are disgusting must wear paper knickers that they throw out every wear.
OH MY GOD… She is on the pad and… WAVING omg. Scarry.
Oy…and I thought the Hello Kitty ‘massager’ was wrong…
I do NOT want Hello Kitty on my nether regions.
I have that pattern as fabric! I got it at an art store! It’s awsome.
man i’d love to see pics of your house.
there must be this kinda crazy stuff
Ooh, how cute. What great work she does! I think it’s really sad that we live at a time when women are so out of tune with their bodily functions. What do you think women used to use- we haven’t had disposables forever you know. Why don’t you look into the chemicals used to make those disposables and think about the fact that those chemicals are leaking into your body when you wear them. Now THAT is gross!!!! Give me a nice, soft, pretty pad anyday instead of a crinkly, plastic, smelly one. Like the other poster said- “Get a grip!”
I’m not sure… BUT…
Someone claims that these are…
Hello Kitty douches!
Thank you… disposable “landfill” panty liners and tampons are a modern invention…
These are eco-friendly and not unlike what women have been using for THOUSANDS OF YEARS… It’s not THAT bad…
I agree with the below comment:
****And, why, pray tell, are reusable pads, in and of themselves, “disgusting?” What do you think grandma, great-grandma, et all used? You know the washing machine WASHES them, right? What a sad state we are in when women hate the natural functions of their bodies and consider a chemical laden landfill plug a better alternative to something that gets washed. Get a grip, peeps.”””
OMG!!!! You have got to be kidding!
i allright and for tha gurl that uses pad AND tampons u put the E in ignant (fresh prince) u wear one of the other duh
thats disgusting. you wash these??? eww…. burn them.
OMG Gross shes waving on it and theres like rainbows on ur private u no ! GROSS but cute pattern
ummm ppll thats pretty sick but i boughhem wen i visited china….yea BU DONT USE EM!!!thank god for that i think im gonna sell tem go on ebay ull see em there for a few bucks
I don’t know about you..but the last thing a woman who is on her period…and has god awful menstrual cramps..would wanna see….is the serene and smiley face of that damn cat winking at her
O_O omg why is the part where ur thing touches………..winking?
i’m 18 and never heard of a reusable menstrual pantie liner. lol. i’m eco friendly (to a degree). and should have known this! i should really get some and stop using scratchy paper!
i’m pregnant and was planning on using cloth diapers during the time i was home with my baby. and only others when we went out or the baby went to bed. saves money and is eco friendly….never thought about the pad! lol. i can do my part too! plus other pads irritate my skin! just no HK staring at my stuff please!!!!
Kimberly, you should give them a try- they are amazingly great!! Just no Hello Kitty. 🙂 Once you try cloth you never would go back to disposables- they are way easier than cloth diapers to clean even. And just think of all you are keeping out of the landfills!
honestly i have hello kitty pads!!! but after seeing all those silly hello kitty stuff it kills the whole thing about hello kitty now they r like insane about it!!! omGGG
eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww grosss
Nothing’s cuter than a cat sitting and staring into your thing while letting blood pour all over itself, right?
Well, there is something fun about covering cutesy things in blood…
How do you keep those things from shifting, though? Safety pins?
C’est monstrueux… Er, sorry. This is monstruous.
“Part of this complete breakfast.”
What a cute idea, I want those
how can anyone think thats cute? having hk staring at ur va jay jay thats just creepy
Just threw up a little in my mouth right there.
Cloth pads rock, it’s not a ‘eco-friendly’ thing, it’s also a hygiene and health thing as they’re MUCH cleaner, more hygienic and less prone to cause gross smell and infections as disposables. They’re also FAR more comfortable – no different to wearing underwear; which is cloth, and reusable.
Disposables are gross!
Hello kitty pads…okay, totally not my thing, a little odd…but Lunapads (major cloth pad brand) have cupcake pads, which to me is a little worse food+menstrual flow, mmmmm….yum.
Disposables *are* gross. I don’t know why anyone would want to sit in a soggy, scratchy, stinky, disgusting plastic and paper pillow when she could have soft, fresh, clean cloth. People are weird.
People are so weird so no one has a problem reusing the underwear that period blood leaks on but they have a problem with reuseable pads lol….How about disposables are gross contain harmful chemicals and they make you stink….I’ll take cloth every time….
These are both totally adorable and good for the environment. I am not a Hello Kitty fanatic, but I think a lot of their products are cute and have pretty designs and colors. Thanks for presenting these, blogger; I’m going to look for them and give them to my daughter when she starts menstruating.
And RIGHT ON to Karen’s comment, #51. Anyone who has a problem with menstrual blood can recall that they were swimming in it for the first nine months of their lives. Without menstrual blood there would be no HUMAN RACE. Hooray for menstruation, uteri, pregnancy, and all those other lady-related-things that allow us to maintain a presence on the planet.
(Final note, the blogger here could earn money by providing links to where to buy some of these items.)
Please tell me these aren’t real.
I suspect that these are actually being produced for the rest of the female market, the women who hate Hello Kitty.