Why does this not surprise me? I post about a Hello Kitty car and a few hours later I have a photo of a Hello Kitty Porsche in my email inbox. While not quite as overdone as the Hello Kitty Ferrari, this is obviously another photoshopped car. Of course, this has little effect on my wife. She likes it. Which puts me into the ultimate Hello Kitty man quandary. I have a wife that will happily let me purchase a Ferrari or a Porsche (now what man wouldn’t like to have that spousal support), but only if it is Hello Kitty themed (sure puts a damper on that first point). Maybe our current car that is slowly being Hello Kittified isn’t as bad as I first thought…(a sure sign that Hello Kitty Hell has progressed far beyond the safe level…)

Thanks (I think) to devon
you should post pictures of the inside of your car
Thios pic is totally fake, but the other is ok, that car does exist
really looks like it’s a huge fake O.o
i totally love this freakin car….. hello kitty is my absolute favorite…..
Alright, well — if your wife would by this car (If it were real.) and you were concerned with the Hello Kitty image plastered on it — the fix is simple. When you drive it, you whip the magnetic decal out of the trunk that is the same color as the car itself. They make these. Just make sure it’s the same size as the image or images and you don’t have to look like a chode when you’re driving a seemingly un-Hello-Kitty Porsche. =D
Totally a fake. You can tell it’s a Photoshopped pic.
Photoshopped? I didn’t look closely enough … but those are some awesome wheels! Get rid of the Kitty, and I’d totally drive it.
yep , its a PS , enhance the LP and you’ll be able to track the owner … obvious fake just to torment you…
that car is sooooooooooooooooooooooo awsome!!!!!! where can i get one?
o m g…can i have it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
…….i cant drive yet…but i will soon!!
i have to have a copy or that car!!!!
That’s photoshopped. The kitty doesn’t even have the curve to it. So that’s one crappy photoshopper.
this is so cute i just might have alot of cars when i get all mi money
Forget your car and buy a pair of nice shoes to walk around. Pray so that when you get old she won’t offer you a Hello Kitty walking stick.
Too Bad Cuz Thats Hot
That is SOOOOOOO fake. They should’ve done a better job photoshopping.
Too bad its not a real hello kitty car!!
Beautiful car…
It occurs to me that all you’ll ever need to get an outrageous purchase past your wife is a few soluble paint kitties. You purchase the item, kittifiy it and then a few weeks later… Aaaw! She’s coming off in the rain/with wear/with scrubbing! How sad.
Not Pink enough.
I sure hope that’s photoshopped, I don’t think anyone could possibly DO THIS to a Porsche!
Sorry, but between the brightness of the icon and the last of contour, I’m almost certain that this photo has been doctored.