Hello Kitty Halo

More proof that Hello Kitty has to Hello Kittify everything she comes in contact with (and that no matter how wrong it is to modify something, Hello Kitty will still lay claim to it), including first person shooting computer games:

Hello Kitty Halo

Of course, my wife thinks that this is a positive thing (I know, I know — it is impossible to see how this could ever be a positive thing to any normal human being, but you have to remember that Hello Kitty fanatics have a warped sense of what Hello Kitty can do): “Doesn’t it look sooooo much better? By Hello Kitty giving Halo her heart, those who play the game will be given a kindness that only Hello Kitty can give.” (?!? ummmm, it’s a game with the goal of killing everything in site…)

The sad fact here is that upon seeing this latest Hello Kittification, I wasn’t even surprised in the least bit which goes to show that Hello Kitty Hell has begun to numb my senses…and that is exactly what scares me most about Hello Kitty Hell…

Thanks to Nic who should be forced to live with Hello Kitty Halo images every night in her dreams for sending this to me…

14 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Halo”

  1. Personally, I think in Halo 3, they should make it so when you play online, everyone looks like that. Everyone’s aggresion would rise from seeing Master Chief become Hello Kitty and end up getting 20 kills every round.

  2. As much as the idea of my Halo experience being infested with the bow-tied abomination makes my stomach crawl, I have to admit there is a certain appeal to shooting to breaking out the sniper rifle and scoring head shots repeatedly on “Kitty-chan”.

  3. “By Hello Kitty giving Halo her heart, those who play the game will be given a kindness that only Hello Kitty can give.” (?!? ummmm, it’s a game with the goal of killing everything in site…)”

    *still laughing*

  4. mine was better because she only had the helmet on and she had her super cute clothes on. it was more hello kitty-ish and i love it. mine is way BETTER! HALO KITTY LOLOLOL!


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