The things about Hello Kitty fanatics is that they take something Hello Kitty that is already unbearable like the Hello Kitty hotel room (which one would assume could never get any worse) and combine it into a video with a song that takes it to as yet unknown nauseating level (warning: play the video at your own risk…)
I warned you. After listening to that once, I would rather have to listen to someone scratching their fingernails against a chalkboard for hours on end than listen to that again. Of course, my wife thinks it’s the “cutest thing ever” so it’s only a matter of time before it makes it way onto her playlist – ahhhh, the things I get to look forward to living in Hello kitty Hell…
I think I’m gonna puke now.
it’s like sanrio vomited…. and this room is the result. the song makes the nausea worse. oy.
I don’t dare watch that. I can’t afford to take a sick day tomorrow.
That song made my ears bleed *shudder*
The song was performed by the Powerpuff Girls on one of their episodes. What evil person combined that song with pictures of this hotel?!?!? *cringes*
I actually liked that episode of the powerpuff girls with this song, but now I don’t even want to have anythign to do with powerpuff girls. Damn.
ugh the pink….
I stopped watching at about the time the song got to the part with the vocals. It was too unbearable.
Why, Darlene, why????????
OH LORD!!! What the heck is this song??? Makes me wanna hear Britney Spears singing live a capella, oh God!
Too much pink!!
What’s next? Hello Kitty hookers?
That song was about the funniest thing ever in life BUHAHAHAHA. That actually made me crack up over watching this tour of the hotel room. LOL dandilions ay? lol
Hmm… If lo-lo-love makes the world go round how come there are two tiny separate beds instead of a cozy big one to make all the love in?
That song in itself is a WMD.
wow. i watched this video last night, and the song IS STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD!
I’m thinking it has been forever burned into my head.
I couldn’t listen to more than 5 seconds of the song… and I’m STILL cringing.
That was painful… like an ice pick to my ears. My own stupid fault for even playing the video.
Is it just me or could anyone else hear those screams of pain in the background? Particularly at the chorus.
I wish i could stay there…
Yay! :]
I’m so happy you used ittt.
I love your site – cracks me up.
But I have to admit, I do agree with your wife on a few things..
I’d say it’s fifty-fifty.
OMG, I’m blind, BLIND!!!!!!!
Oi, a powerpuff girl song. Probably one of the worst things to throw into what’s already to much “cute” in the first place. Only a matter of time until they find the other ones I suppose.
In the meantim, someone bring a new meaning to “carpet bomb” by blowing that hotel room to smithereens.
It’s so cute! I think I’d steal all those little HK things, shampoo and stuff… 😀
omg i literally just through up… literally
There is just something really creepy with Hello Kitty beckoning you to a motel rendevous, albeit rather luxurious and pink…….maybe she’s in heat?
where iz thiz at i wanna go nnnnnnnnooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, this is a powerpuff girls song! Hey, at least it’s not Hello Kitty, right? Best case scenario, your wife can realize that Powerpuff girls is way cuter ’cause not only are they cute, they’re superheroes!
P.S. WHO did they pay to dress up like that and HOW can they see outta that head thing??
i have just seen the…… BEST THING EVERRR, that hotel is RAD!!!
Though bits of it looked abit skank, but OMG.
I am in love.
Just wondering what country you live in
Dont know bout you all but i kinda dig it!!
Great symmetry and the angles were touching me as if i was there singing along. Kinda like a dream come true in the best sense. 3 thumbs up all the way, go kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eric the fan!!
My girlfriend just told me….”honeymoon” erm…no
ttly sick-making…but a great way 2 make someone miserable…
I loved it, its fantastic
That’s just wrong!
If anyone knows where this is… Please tell me! I neeeed to go. I promise to bring my bf and take pics of him in hello kitty hell 😉
Well, I think that that whole thing is a clever operation, set up by a ring of serial killers.
its burning my eyes and ears at the same time and i lost my eye hand coordination so i cant pause it !!!!!
jennster – OMG my thoughts exactly – you put it so eloquently.
looks like heaven
Why do I picture you in a dark dingy hotel room.. one used more by hookers than actual guests- sitting on the end of the bed, greasy hair, sweat all over in a sleeveless undershirt, cradling your head in your hands. Occasionally wiping the sweat from your brow and smoothing back your hair. Your eyes are red from a combination of lack of sleep and uncontrollable crying from true despair.
The entire time this song is playing in the background and just near the end you take the gun and put it to the roof of your mouth…
The picture fades to black….
GReat RoOm! i HoPe i CoULd Be in tHiS rOom in this lifetime!
WTF!!!!! OMG my eyes
It’s at Taiwan!
omfg,my eyes lol my head is starting to hurt i mean i luv hello kitty but the song is awfull ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you like Hello Kitty but you are in denial, anyways I hope I can have my honey moon in this Hotel.
wow. that’s friggin brilliant.
all those plushy fetishists must be imploding from excitement.
the hotel looks nice but the hello kitty suit creepy
I think honestly….they could have done better…why arent the floors pink? Why arent the walls a better color…come on guys… from someone with a Hello Kitty PT cruiser….I scoff at this amount of Hello Kitty… amp it up!
Thank for the video it room looks a bit too sterile for me.
We are a military family of four, I am the only female. My husband has mentioned that its possible we will be sent to Japan. In the past I have said I WOULD NEVER MOVE TO JAPAN. Well, thanks to this blog I want to move their immediatly! Thank you Mr. HKH for sharing your blog! 😀
how freaking hot can this be?!?!? omg, seriously, it can be rated the best hotel ever! (:
*vomits* oh im sorry, no realy the room is lovley *voimits more in complete udder discust*
I can’t believe I used to watch the Powerpuff girls for 2 yrs (thank god I’ve stopped), but I can’t believe that I used to like that song and to have it play in this video, makes me hate it even more and also HK
.. .Thank god I was got over Powerpuff Girls when I was 13.
The maid, or whoever the person in the outfit is supposed to represent, are a bit er…vomit-inducing. I could live with the excessive pink, but I think that the person-dressed-up-as-HK is creepy. . .
HAHAHAHAHA! That used to be my favorite episode of Power Puff Girls when i was little! I LOVED Bubbles!
I noticed that the tv is not hello kitty neither are the lamps, n why a power puff girl song?xD that table cloth isnt hello kitty either……..what is this?
i am 12 years old..i love hello kitty…i wish i can go to this hotel i would be happ….this will be the best thing that ever happened to me!!
Oh boy too much hello kitty for me. The song is from Powerpuff Girls by the way. It’s from quite a cute episode. :/
i want that! i think i may have to make the boyfriend take me, minus that scary ass human mascot hehe it soo cute but hed kill me if i made him take me to kitty hotel
wtf u can get me n that bed
this is very creepy but @ the same time cute but mostly creepy the bathrooms hot though:D