What is worse than Lady Gaga dressed in a Hello Kitty plush dress? The thought of a line of Lady Gaga Barbies wearing that Hello Kitty plush dress:

My wife took one look at this and thought it was the greatest thing ever (The fact that not every Hello Kitty item can be “the greatest thing ever” seems to be one of those impossibilities that Hello Kitty fanatics conveniently ignore), and thinks it would make a wonderful addition to her collection. I think that when you take three wrongs (Lady Gaga + Barbie + Hello Kitty) and combine them together, they not only don’t make a right, but you have basically set in motion the conditions for the human race to give up all hope. That’s certainly the point in Hello Kitty Hell I reached when I saw it…
Sent in by tiff (via veik11 – used with permission) who should have to spend her life creating Hello Kitty Lady Gaga Barbies as punishment for ever thinking that sending me this photo could ever be a good idea…
i love it.
3 wrongs dont make a right!!!
the dress is bad enough, but why did they feel the need to make her eyes all huge and cracked out like that?
I would totally buy it. That’s awesome.
*instinctively reaches for a lighter* Such an abomination should not be allowed to exist another second T_T
no no no no no no no no no.
dude i love hello kitty, but that’s just wrong and scary
Your wife is on crack if she thinks that is cute.
OMGSH!!!! Thats is so adorable!! Absolutely incredible and fantastic!! I love it! Lady Gaga rocks and Hello Kitty is ALWAYS so adorable 🙂 Hugs for the awesome guy that runs this incredible web site <3
Garbage, but with a smidge of artistic integrity.
OMG!! Is there any limits for HKs and Gagas crazyness?
Looks like a OOAK(one of a kind) Barbie. Someone just took a Barbie and customized it. The eyes are way to big, and thick to be anything machine maded. But the point is…that is really, really scary, and needs to be burned and and dosed in Holy Water so that it won’t come back to life and kill us all.
I actually thought this was pretty funny cause it’s making fun of HK, Barbie AND Lady Gaga all at the same time! Triple play!
A win for originality and giving Mr. HKH nightmares.
Terrifying. And yet strangely awesome.
ugly !
I like Hello Kitty but that’s just scary.
Her hair is too poofy and her eyes are way freaky…
Yeah, but three lefts make a right…
LOVE Kitty. LOVE Gaga, but her eyes weird me out a bit. i’d still get it and put it on my mantle.
Crafts day in the mental hospital today?
I disagree. Lady Gaga has an interesting and eccentric style, but putting in Hello Kitty and Barbie kind of ruins the elegance.
omg that is sexy as hell and idc what nobody says!! i love barbie and hello kitty and i think it goes well together.plus i love lady gaga because i love her sense of fashion even though it looks weird lol
lol love it…. Barbie is so crazy…..(^_^) Lady Gaga Awesome
i don’t se what’s wrong with that. it’s kind of cool.
i love it!!
her eyes look like that cuz she modeled that and thats how her make up was. like some anime stuff lol
I love hello kitty
Hello Kitti the best forever.I love Hello kitty
i love hello kitty.hello kitty the best forever
LMAO what a doll……
OMG!!! I hate barbie, LOVE HELLLO KITTY!!!, and like lady gaga. The eyes are so ugly!!!! I <3 MANGA but the eyes are so ugly MANGA!!! 🙁 (HELLO KITTY ROCKS!!!) 🙂
To clarify the big eyes, it’s because the Japanese use that look a lot with their manga, etc. Hello Kitty being from Japan, Lady Gaga did a Hello Kitty outfit and had them paint her eyes to look manga.
why would you do that to hello kitty
the eyes are tooooooooooo BIG!!!!!!
THIS. IS. AMAZING. I don’t care what you cold-hearted people think about Barbies, Hello Kitty, and Gaga. They are all wonderful in my eyes. Obviously most guys will not understand the meaning of these three creations. They are beautiful and if millions of people love them all around the world, well then they can’t be that bad.
This site is hilarious . It’s just ironic that you, who absolutely despises Hello Kitty, would put your time into making a site that attracts Hello Kitty’s biggest fans.
….omfg. this is terrifying. I swear if ANYONE ever bought this for my child i would first burn the head off of it, and throw it in the fireplace. >____<
What’s wrong with barbie her eys and my melody is stuck on bottom? Its cool as a collectible not to play with