I apologize in advance bringing a day of my life into your world. It’s never a fun process of opening my emails in the morning because I know that I will inevitably be terrified by some photo from a fanatic who somehow thinks it was a good idea to send it to me. Even worse, they can’t be unseen. It’s always been a bit beyond me why fanatics of the evil feline think that she’s sexy and will attract men when in all reality she’s an automatic repellent to anyone who has half a brain, but then we have already established that fanatics have little more than air floating around in their heads. Combine lack of brains with a twisted notion that she has sex appeal and ideas like Hello Kitty cleavage get dreamed up to terrify all of us with an ounce of common sense:

I guess there are a couple of legitimate reason that this would be beneficial. It would be a wonderful way to tackle world overpopulation since nobody in their right mind would ever want to reproduce with someone wearing this. It would also be a much more effective campaign than “abstinence only” and easily eliminate teen sex for generations. But in the end, it’s simply one more thing which adds to the horrifying depths of Hello Kitty Hell…
OMG so gross
What has been seen can not be unseen.
What IS this exactly?
It’s called photoshop you idiots
Hmmm might not be so bad. Are the Hello Kitties candy flavored?
Wouldn’t these more rightly be called “hello titties?”