Despite the wishes of Hello Kitty fanatics, Hello Kitty doesn’t get her way with everyone. While Hello Kitty fanatics think that you will find sweetness inside the evil feline, more and more people are realizing that this is what is far more likely to be lurking inside. Apparently, the cops feel that Hello Kitty is up to no good:

My wife thinks that it is shameful that the cops would stop and question Hello Kitty. I, on the other hand, think that Hello Kitty getting stopped by the police is a good start, but this photo would have been infinitely better if she was being tasered with her own signature taser model…just saying
The photo comes from major deegan (used with permission). Originally sent in by HK Guy from a Hello Kitty Junkie tweet on Twitter (and then by many others). Next time find me a shot of Hello Kitty getting tased and I’ll buy you a beer…