Back in July I asked all of you to comment on a post to help me get rid of 200 Hello Kitty items by leaving a comment on the post. The deal was that if the thread got over 1000 comments, my wife would donate 200 of her Hello Kitty items to a local orphanage that I collect presents for here in Japan. If the thread failed to reach 1000, I had to take my wife on a Hello Kitty trip without complaining. Luckily, you all came through and there were a total of 1,219 comments left.
Last weekend we ended up gathering up all the items for the orphanage. We asked what the kids wanted most and the request was for plush and for small items like pencils, notebooks and key-chain holders that they could use at school. We ended up giving more than 300 Hello Kitty plush away along with 200 of the smaller items that the kids had requested meaning that over 500 Hello Kitty themed goods left my house!!