Old nightmares are coming back to haunt me now that we have returned to Japan. I mentioned awhile back that my wife was thinking about getting a Hello Kitty scooter for errands around the house, but that potentially disastrous Hello Kitty Hell situation was forgotten when we moved to the US. Now that we’re back in Japan, the Hello Kitty scooter nightmare is once again coming closer to reality. I didn’t realize how close, however, until a package arrived in the mail today,
Although we don’t have a scooter yet, we do have a brand new shiny Hello Kitty scooter helmet:

Having lived in Hello Kitty Hell as long as I have, I expect things to be bad to some degree. The thought of riding a Hello Kitty scooter is just downright embarrassing, but to be wearing a Hello Kitty Helmet on top of that is a shame that pretty much ranks up there with the worst Hello Kitty Hell has had to offer thus far (although I never underestimate that there is something Hello Kitty out there that could make it worse). With the Helmet already purchased, it’s only a matter of time before that scooter ends up outside our place and Hello Kitty Hell will reach yet another whole new level…
Update: You thought there would just be one?

Sent in by weistar

Sent in by clara
The helmet is so cute. I can understand that as a guy you might not want to wear it… but it’s so cute!!!
thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!
OMG! Sugarland is YOUR WIFES STORE?! I FREAKIN’ LOVE HER! I buy stuff from her all the time!
OMG my husband and I have been laughing for HOURS reading your blog! I too am a HK freak. After reading this my husband is thinking that maybe I am not THAT crazy about HK!!!! Of course I have a motorcycle and I HAVE to have the helmet…please tell me it is not only found in Japan!!! I also have the HK Fender guitar in Black…plays like $%#@ but I always get compliments from guys and gals when I am on stage cuz everybody LOVES HK!!! Well I am off to get HK angel/devil tattoos on both my shoulders… just so I can get a little help from time to time from HK.
Do OMG and Hello Kitty go together ??? Everyone here sounds like my wife 🙁 This is supposed to be my escape from Hello Kitty fanatics…
I have never been a Hello Kitty fan and found your site by accident. LOVE YOU! Sending lots of sympathy your way. Thanks for sending the laughs my way.
You must really love your wife to tolerate this insanity!
Hello Kitty Hell (I don’t know your name?) I’m so sorry, I know this is supposed to be your escape, but when you post such great stuff, how can we NOT be all over it?
My wife is driving me crazy with all the hello kitty stuff, where on Gods green earth did your wife buy that helmet. My wife saw it and is driving me nuts, is there an online store or what, I need to find out so that I can get some sleep.
My wife is driving me crazy with all the hello kitty stuff, where on Gods green earth did your wife buy that helmet. My wife saw it and is driving me nuts, is there an online store or what, I need to find out so that I can get some sleep.
This sounds like a Hello Kitty fanatic pretending to be a husband because a husband would not post something like that. If I am wrong (doubtful), I am doing you a favor by not telling – give in this time and it will only get worse. I speak from experience. Either way, welcome to my Hello Kitty Hell
Funny!!! I actually own a Honda f4 & it has Hello Kitty ALL over it…so U know I’m loving the helmet & the fact that she’s getting a scotter!!! kudos…Girl Power!!! xoxo
My wife wants that helmet!!! Where can I find one?
Hi…this is David’s wife. Can you please tell us where you acquired the helmet? I’m NOT a Hello Kitty nut on ANY SCALE. I think an HK Scooter is a bit overboard. I just want something different here in Michigan. The only other Hello Kitty item I have owned in my 36 years is a mousepad I got at Best Buy last year. And I do not consider adding a helmet the beginning of a treasure trove of HK stuff. Everything should be in moderation….
I have no intention of taking my husband through “Hello Kitty Hell” so to speak. I’m sorry your wife is driving you nuts though. But seriously, will you please tell me where I can get one? I would greatly appreciate the information. Perhaps the cost won’t justify it but I would like to make up my own mind.
Can’t take any chances…as I said before, welcome to my Hello Kitty Hell
Well thanks…for treating me like an adult.
It is just not nice to tease people and i know you are going to mad…
But I found the helmet.
It comes in 3 colors – white, pink, and blue. It is a youth helmet and measures 53-55cm, so i am not sure it will fit. The price is about $191 usd. The catch is, is that you have to find someone who knows japanese to order it for you – because I could only find it on poorly translated japanese websites. Here is the site. good luck. If you find a translator, can you let me know? I am trying to order one too!
We (as a family) ride sport bikes. I had to search every nook and cranny of the internet to find a PINK full face helmet for our daughter. Having a Hello Kitty helmet would be a great find. So I also ask the question of the post……where did you aquire this helmet? thx!
omg i love sports bike and i go riding with my friend from time to time and this is the perfect helmet!!!.. btw ur site rocks.. i was searching for helmets and landed here lol.. anywho you should post pixs of ur house.. i been dying to see what it looks like =)
im a fanatic not to the extreme as your wife but that is a great find, ive been bothering my bf for this helmet since hes into drifting, and has his own site we go to alot of events and i go on ridealongs and i would want my own helmet instead of borrowing a sweaty one from a guy
I don’t really like helmets but this one is just so darn cute I would love to wear it on the bike or scooter.
Hey everybody here, … I’m desperately looking to find a Hello Kitty bicycle helmet for my 21-year old daughter (she is a biiig fan of Hello Kitty and unfortunately recently suffered a broken arm in an accident when another biker overrolled her). Who can help me to find a bicycle helmet for her????!!!
I count on your information so, PLEASE reply!!! THANKS!!!
I want that helmet!! I am planning on getting my two-wheeled transportation soon, I would love to have that helmet too. It would be the hottest thing on the street. If you could PLEASE let me know where I can purchase that helmet, that would be soooo cool, thanks.
Why do you hate Hello Kitty, so much. She is the most adorable creature on earth. Please tell us whree to buy those converse HK hightops.
All that helmet needs is a set of helmet pigtails.
Mr. Hellokittyhell i whish you can survive to all that overwhelming hellokitty attack. You have all my support. The world has not faced such hazzard since the tragic years of Snoopy. Let’s hope it’s just not too late for mankind.
Btw… is there any hellokitty helmet in blue… er… for a guy i know? And i think a flower or two on top of the helmet would make it just perfect 😉
Greetings, thanks for making me smile and a lot of emotional support… you’ll need it!
How do I get one
i really really want to buy this helmet and the #2 tv i love hello kitty oh by the way i was looking for hello kitty #1 tv i don’t know where to find it.
Well you could look on the brigh tside… No one will know it’s you- unless you take the helmet off …
Ok, For a man? BAD!!!!
For a girl? FABULOUS!
First let me say that this is one of the funniest blogs I’ve ever come across. Your sense of humour and the absurd is finely honed my friend! Don’t really know why people think you’re a hater… its just a comment on your personal hell!
Now the bad part… my wife wants the hello kitty scooter hemet. We live in Thailand and she wants to know where she can order online. If your wife can provide the info please send answer directly to our email.
Thanks in advance,
where can i purchase a hello kitty helmet
You make me laugh! I love your blog. My daughter is a closet hello kitty lover. She will say she doesn’t like it but when she gets something she freaks out and its all she can talk about or show anybody. I have told her that when she gets married all I am going to buy her is hello kitty items. I look on here and plan my revenge on her boyfriend who I don’t care for! You post things I could never even imagine they have come up with. Thank you for helping me out in my devious plan to make this man’s life miserable. >:]
I need información about the hello kitty helmet, i live in México!!!
Love the helmet. Where can we get one?