My wife’s friend came by and proudly displayed her new Hello Kitty tattoo. There is nothing worse to a Hello Kitty fanatic than having someone do something that would indicate in any way that they were more of Hello Kitty fan than the fanatic. My wife doesn’t often get jealous when it comes to Hello Kitty (how could she with all this crap she has?), but that wasn’t the case this time. So my wife is now insisting that she needs to get a Hello Kitty tattoo (or more) and is searching for the perfect one at the moment. Unfortunately, there seem to be plenty of Hello Kitty tattoos to choose from:

Left by kaylamuldoon via twitter

Left by Jessica on Facebook

Left by Steffijo on Facebook

Left by Rosemarie on Facebook

Left by on Angelia Facebook
While the thought of anyone wanting to place Hello Kitty on their skin permanently is disturbing in its own right (wife: “It’s so cute and sexy and a tribute to Hello Kitty”), it also will add another aspect to Hello Kitty Hell. One of the only times that I don’t have to see Hello Kitty is when my wife doesn’t have any clothes on — a tattoo would make Hello Kitty Hell a 24 hour a day ordeal.

Sent in by Whitney

Sent in by Domonique
Everytime I think your life can’t get any funnier, it does!!! I hope you publish these stories in a book. Absolutely hilarious!
I have a hello kitty tattoo 🙂 it was my first one, and its very cute. there is a pic of it on myspace //
I’m getting my Hello Kitty tattoo done soon >____
The first one is done nicely, the others have god awful line work. I wouldn’t be pleased to have that crap on me.
Though i do love HK muchly, the love is not that immense to have her tattooed on my body for life.
Oh man, having a hello kitty tattooed on your body is soo darn wrong….
Poor thing…
Heh, wow, I actually Agree with you on this one. I hate the concept of tatoos, and those are plain crappy looking.
I agree Kristine. I love hello kitty, but i do not like tattos.
did she get the tattoo?
I feel really sorry for you… Maybe you should tell her that you love so much her skin, that you couldn’t stand the idea of a tatoo hurting her… Maybe it will work! I hope you will succeed in persuading her not to do that. You can also tell her that tatoos can bring diseases, even if I think this kind of arguments won’t have any effect on Hello Kitty fanatic…
I like the 2nd one and the tramp stamp the best, but you have to draw the line somewhere and this is getting scary.
Hey… I have a hello kitty tattoo… My husband even agreed that it was a good idea! check out myspace!
Tattoo your dog?
“Maybe you should tell her that you love so much her skin, that you couldn’t stand the idea of a tatoo hurting her…”
I believe she’ll say that Hello Kitty could never hurt her.
Your wife loathes you.
You’re right! I am not able to think as a Hello Kitty fanatic 😀
Ohhh my God.
I want oneee.
I can just see it now.
I’ll do it myself.
My mom might see it,
but what can she do?!
Not a thing.
And it’ll be juss me and hello kitty.
That stuff is permanent. I wonder if those people realize that?
I LOVE Hello Kitty, and usually I do not want the same tattoo as another person, but I an really considering a HK one. Maybe HK with a twist, my own touch. HK has been a part of my life since the 80s. 🙂
i saw someone with two hello kitty tattoos: one hello kitty on each shoulder and one was a devil and one was an angel. i thought that was brilliant! ! !
When I first got my tattoo.. I was thinking about a Hello Kitty one since I am a Hello Kitty freak.. but I past on that since I don’t wanna be laugh at when I grew old… but to be honest, the first one is pretty cool tho…:P
stfu to all the annoying people saying they think tattoos are dumb. ur dumb! and a hello kitty tattoo is cute
this is great! too bad i am reading this at work when i should be working.
WTF ? I like HK and all…but Christ.
At least get something neat like a tribal marking…least you won’t look like a total loser. 😛
omg the third one down is awesome….i would die to get it done!!!!!!!!
My girlfriend is getting a Hello Kitty garter done on her leg, she already has HK, My Melody and Ding Dong (yes I know he has nothing to do with HK but she likes him) and she is getting 3 more done soon. I have to say that they are amazing tattoos and I can’t wait to see the finished garter.
I would much rather see someone sporting a really well done HK tat than some inane tribal rubbish that means nothing!!!
i have that fatty cat tattoo!!
I was afraid to get Hello Kitty as my tattoo, so instead I got the butterfly off of her show. I was worried I might grow out of Hello Kitty, but I never thought that I would grow out of butterflies. Maybe she could pick an animal or flower off of her show so you won’t have to look at Hello Kitty on her body. I thought about my tattoo for two years before I finally got it. I am obsessed with hello kitty. You know I found hello kitty headlight lamps? But I don’t have them because I don’t think they are legal. I am now considering getting the bee on the hello kitty show tattooed on my wrist. Good luck with not having to see Hello Kitty EVERYWHERE. I may be a fanatic, but when my fiance started living with me, I drew a line so he was comfortable and not embarrassed.
helll yeahhhh. i want one so bad.
im going to get it on my hip.
I have a really well done HK tattoo a little below my collarbone on the left side. I get compliments all the time on her. I understand your conern with your wife getting a HK tattoo, however, it is her body. Good luck on talking her out of getting it done!
So, After I stumbled upon this site, I was complled to add to the madness, and get my own Hello kitty tattoo! I love it!!
Your wife inspired me to get a HELLO KITTY tattoo a few days ago.Please tell her she rules! You are a lucky man!
Tattoos rule! Hello Kitty rules!
I have a Hello Kitty tattoo, and i love it.
Hey well you wife is awesome cause im Hello Kitty biggest fan i been looking for hello kitty tatoos for ever but i still have not found the right one yet. but when i do boy i will be the first one at the tatoo place. hey if you find some can you please send some to my email.
I don’t know if anyone noticed but the Hello Kitty with the cross bones is’nt Hello Kitty. If you’re going to get a tattoo at least know what you’re getting. The bow is on the wrong side of her head, so it’s Mimmy- Hello Kitty’s twin sister. =)
Ewww. A Hello Kitty tattoo is about as sexy as a Jesus tattoo.
Lol I love all the tattos displayed here. The storm trooper is a little crazy though. And the dog forget it. I have a hello kitty tatto my self Lol If anyone wants to check it out go to my myspace page
i LOVE hello kitty tattoos… well at least ones that are done tastefully.
i have one on my foot. =) and i LOVE it, and so does my best friend.
Please please PLEASE look up the psychological condition called “Infantilization”.
hello kitty tatoo’s are so pretty i have one on my upper arm…these ones are gorgeous
Ihave two tats, and i will be getting a hello kitty tat very soon.
tattos rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Have A Hello Kitty Tattoo.
I Love Her.
It is terrible tattoing yourself
I dont agree with Kristine…I love HK a lot and would do ANYTHING to piss my step dad off…(of which he HATES ANY idea of tattoos) so i WILL do so…
I actually have both Kitty White as well as Mimi on my shoulders.
There are pictures on my Myspace ->
That’s awsome! My first tat is gonna be hello kitty.
i love these tat00s
love love hello kitty tattoos.
As much as I love hello kitty and tattoo’s I could never and will get hello kitty tattooed on me, I mean a tattoo is with you for life.
i love hello kitty but, charmmy kitty is cuter.
who ever owns this website is just jelous that they havent come up with somthing as good as hello kitty.
if you hate her so much why devote an entire website and most of your time to her?
you will never take in as much money, fame, fans and love as hello kitty does. i cant wait to get my hello kitty tattoo, and i think your wife is is the right frame of mind.. hello kitty rules. so screw you.
i love hello kitty tattoos. Im getting one prob in the next week im in culinary school and love what i do so my hello kitty will be in a chef coat and have a wisk in her hand.
And to the ppl who are hatein on Hello Kitty tats dont thats just what that person wants ur not paying for it so mind ur own Biz 🙂
What the hell! Darlene never commented here, I was expecting a good amount of lol’s from him/her.
I know the guy (yes, a guy) who has the straight edge hello kitty and I am very proud to have been the one to suggest he get that for his 27th birthday. (The idea of the tattoo was his, but he was deciding whether or not to get a black furrie tribal tattoo when I remembered this one.) It still looks as awesome as it when he first got it, and it get’s him all the honeys.
here is mine its based on a jewlry design i saw by tarrantino //
Tattoos throughout the ages have represented the culture around them. This tattoo is perfect in that sense.
Your wifer should wear it proud as she is the perfect product of her environment.
: )
Besides there are worse things than Hello Kitty.
I actually have a set of HK temporary tattoos in my collection. You’ve given me a brilliant idea to scare my boyfriend. *Evil laugh*
the second and third one looks crappy. but i think HK tattoos are cute. and for all the people who say they hate tattoos and that they are stupid ..dont knock it til you try it. i love tattoos.
I don’t like tattoos, but if I did I would probably get a (small) Hello kitty tattoo.
I really, really want to get a HK tattoo, but my only concern is that I have tan skin, and I want HK to have a white face?? Any suggestions?? I know that the white paint will fade….
I love Hello Kitty and grew-up loving it……..
Love Hello Kitty! I just got the HK flowers added to my HK tat on my foot. Its so cute.
I was also wondering if those people did the tattoos at home? That is some really bad line work!
That last tattoo is pretty cute!!
i want to get one done dressed as wonderwoman
i hate hello kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no way not for this hk fan
i love hello kitty
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I can’t thank you enough for this blog. I was toying with the idea of getting a Hello Kitty Tattoo, but after seeing these pixs, I can see how real stupid that would be. The pixs also made me think about the terrible pain and scarring that these women will have to go through to get those ugly, nasty HK Tattoos removed.
thats cute i love hello kitty
i adore my hello kitty tattoooo 😀
Hi..I just wanted to comment and say that I have a HK tattoo and I love it. Tell your wife that she needs to find a pic of HK and bring it to a tattooist, have them re-draw it and make sure it is what she wants. I have seen a lot of bad ones that do not look anything like HK, mine is great! I had the best tattoo artist at a Vegas show do mine, I love the way he shaded everything and made my tattoo look just like the picture I brought to him, color and all. She does not need to pick from the ones that other people have, I didn’t!!!
Good luck, I hope she gets a good one!
My husband has a tattoo on his neck of Hello Kitty riding a dolphin!!!!
a pile of wank were are you going they are pretty nice i have to say :~)
these hello kitty tattooes are so cute my whole room is hello kitty
Most of these tattoos,(and links in comments’ tattoos) really suck.
really, get a decent tattooist.
bloody idiots.
My HK tatt still rocks.
these tattoo’s are good i like the bottom one and secoond from top the best xxxxxxxx
im 16 and i got a hello kitty tattoo last night on my hip. she was my first and it was pretty painful but bearable and very worth it lol it was a great xmas presant
i love hello kitty shes so cute and small like me
I think all of them are beatiful, i love them all
OMG i have a hello kitty tattoo on my hip i got it about 2 weeks ago and i think its lovely small and cute 🙂 i only got the head because the body is all to much but i love mine!!!
Here it is ..
I actually love some of the Hello Kitty Tattoos and some of the ones I’ve seen on this site have not been done very well. I’m actually getting a Hello Kitty Fairy tattooed on my right arm or right shoulder next week and I can’t wait. I guess it just depends on the artist and how well they manage to do on the tattoo!
Collecting hello kitty’s is my passion.
i really really love hello kitty.
i want to have a tattoo of hello kitty but our school dont aloud us to have…its really a disaster to me
what are they going to make you do? wash it off?- just get it and keep it covered up when you are at school. dont be a sheep.
Wat is up with the kitty is my Jesus If I were you i would pray God gives you a chance!!
… she could even design one herself
mind you, it’s been a while since this was posted, she hasn’t got the tattoo yet, has she?
I got the HK face tattoo’d on my inner lip. The tattoo artist was cracking up the whole time. Apparently that was the cutest tattoo he’s ever done on someone’s inner lip. 🙂
I think this is the comment chain where it really hit home that most of your audience are tween girls.
Who loves kitty the most? Tween girls.
What group of people doesn’t get it when you repeatedly tell them it’s not gonna happen? Tween girls.
What group of people complain that HK tattoos aren’t allowed at school and then tell eachother to just cover up? Tween girls.
Adds a whole new angle to the proceedings, really.
Getting a tatoo of Hello kitty would seem good if you could take it off.
well these are okay not that cute and in the wrong places i think
how much would a hello kitty tatto cost? just a small one????
Thanks for posting my tat! and putting it first!!! =)
my hello kitty tattoos are better than these, they are the best! :D!
I’d get that tattoo!!! but i only want the white hello kitty head with the bow on it… now im 13 and i’ll have to wait to get one…but i only want a really small one…idk where.
i want
its sad when people get her tattooed with the bow on the wrong side.
I love the first one!!! hopefully, my bf lets me do it :/