While I have no doubt that Hello Kitty will eventually come out with a limited edition Apple iBook (much like the Hello Kitty iPod mini) to compete against the Hello Kitty NEC Lavie G laptop computer, Hello Kitty fanatics aren’t that patient. They need to get their Hello Kitty fix this very second and if they own an Apple iBook, they accomplish this with the Hello Kitty Apple iBook computer skin:
While I must admit that this is a rather reserved Hello Kittification (I mean, look at how some Hello Kitty fanatics mod their notebooks), you have to view any Hello Kittification as a harbinger of bad things to come (and that eventually means something that leaves you thinking WTF?!? as the Hello Kitty fanatics squeal with delight).
This is a classic Hello Kitty Hell teaser. It’s bad – enough to make non Hello Kitty fanatics cringe at the thought — but since it is obvious it is only the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come, we aren’t sure whether to be relieved or desperately sick…
Thanks to bethany who really should be required to use nothing but Hello Kitty computers for the rest of her life for showing me this…
Left by Jessica on Facebook
Its not that bad compared to the other ones…but my god..when will this stop…??….i guess it will only end when hello kitty has taken over the world…..god i hate that cat..she ruins everything….^-^
Cute. I need a HK skin for my Dell.
Oh, I hope Apple come sout with a Kitty Mac!!! I’ll have to get one for sure!!
I have to say that this is not so bad.
I didn’t know iMac can take a custom skin. That kind of idea never come out from men’s brain. I bet Sanrio is now talking to Apple to sell a new HK product (they call it collaboration …)
Wonder where I can get one. It would keep mine from getting dirty!
what is your wife’s business? does she sell hello kitty? if she does can i have the website please? thanks
Oh my Hello Kitty goodness! You MUST tell me where this is from i have a personlized swarovski crystal Apple iBook and iPod already but this would look super cute along with them! how exciteing! hehe!
Ok I love this skin!!! Where can I get this? Anyone?…Please. If you know please email me the website- [email protected].
Thanks a Bunch
How much the laptop of Kitty??
i love hello kitty so much
holy bejesus! i’m not a mac fan, but am trying to break into television and video production, where macs reign supreme. this will be THE ONE THING that will convince me to get an ibook. SERIOUSLY! 🙂
We are at the end of 2008!!! Where is the HelloKitty MacBook???? I’m waiting for
Could you PLEASE tell me where to get the Mac Hello Kitty Skin? I’d love to buy one. THANKS!!!
I would love to get a Hello Kitty Mac! For sure i would buy one.
So is this not for sale? I been waiting for it!!!!
please i just wanna know if i can buy this ibook skin…
cause i love itt!!
i really wanna buy it!!
thank you
Hii. I really want a Hello Kitty Skin. 🙂 Please. I’m about to buy and ibook. Where can I buy the skin ???:)
hi i really want a laptop but it also has to be hello kitty i love her she is sooo cute and cuddly lol:) xoxoxox <3
every laptop or netbook owner could now have their laptop being hello kitty, with Gmask Hello Kitty Skin. Cute little kitty on every laptop
After looking at the HK “Hobbies gone wrong” notebook, this one looks pretty much amazing. I’m an HK fan and my eyes still exploded. x_x Ow.
OMG these laptops are cute! I wish I had one skinned with Hello Kitty. I saw a pretty Hello Kitty Acer One (I guess). Unfortunately didn’t had enough cash that time to buy it!
OWN! x3
I usually wait milliseconds. lol Seconds are too long for me.
this laptop is very funny and very very beautiful i liked very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! byeeeeeeeeee
is very beautifual ¡¡kitty arrives hello!!