Hello Kitty Checks

Even though we live in Japan where checks are not accepted, my wife had to have these (surprise, surprise).

Hello Kitty checks

Hello Kitty checks

Hello Kitty checks

Hello Kitty checks

Hello Kitty checks

Even worse, when we move back to the US, I will likely be forced to use these patterns (mental note to self: don’t ask wife to order checks for me). I can already imagine how manly I’m going to look going up to the store check-out register and whipping out my Hello Kitty checks…a toss up between that and using the Hello Kitty credit card

Thanks to CH Hair Fan who really should be forced to use these checks for the rest of her life for bringing them to my wife’s attention

40 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Checks”

  1. Yep, I have these. Makes bill paying so much cuter. I have the address labels to match. Of course my husband has separate checks. He would never write out a HK check.

  2. I have a variation of these as well…also have the checkbook cover to match. Nothing feels quite as silly though as being a 40 year old woman wearing a HK shirt and HK flip flops, having HK decals on my fingernails, buying HK stuff…pulling from my HK purse (with the cell phone hanging off the strap that has HK all over it) pulling out the HK checkbook and with the HK pen writing out the HK check and then getting into my car which is quite visibly decorated with HK.
    I often have to wonder what the cashiers and people behind me at checkout are thinking.

  3. I don’t understand why Hello Kitty lovers feel the need to comment on all your posts and state that they have the items in question and how cute they are.

    I don’t think they comprehend the point of this blog.

  4. yes, I sheepishly admit, I have these checks too…

    enjoy your time in japan as long as you can since your wife can’t use her checks there (saving you from utter embarassment 🙂 )

  5. I have these checks too. Yes checks are spelled CHECK in USA! My 12 year old loves HK too, and I loved HK back in the 70’s and 80’s when some of her very limited stationary supplies came out. Now we are besieged with HK stuff but I’m loving it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a wing nut that I have all the amenities as Cat Lady, but I could understand how she could easily get caught up in the HK fury!!! By the way Cat Lady, I’m in no way referring to you as a wing nut, I’m just saying I know that I would look like a wing nut because I am far older than you. All of you HELLO KITTY lovers, Rock On!!! Who cares what the guys think, they can only think football, and cars!!! You go Hello Kitty!!

  6. To Cat Lady: I think we could be friends. 😛 I’ve got the checks (including the cover and the return address stickers), the blankets, the bathroom set, the poptarts, various items my Japanese sister-in-law has given me, the wallets, the purses, etc. And I can always find my car in the parking lot due to my HK decal in the back window. 😛 I also have HK tattooed on me. I was sad cuz I though HK was gonna die when I had a c-section 2 weeks ago, but upon my request, the doctors avoided it. 😛

  7. I don’t have the real checks as I am only 13! But when I was 8 my friend brought me some hello kitty friendship checks! They say stuff on them like I promise to be your friend for… (instead of money)
    Too cuuuuuuute; I still have some ^o^

  8. Me too! Have these checks and another HK design! Love ’em! By the way, I’m 35 and always have an HK purse, HK wallet and a HK pen among other HK things on me at all times. What can I say? Hello Kitty makes me smile!! My husband has a different check, I could never subject him to my HK craziness…

  9. I love this because I too have these checks and of course the credit card, as well as many other hk items. My fiance can’t stand hk and thinks i’m ridiculous for getting the checks and card. Anything that belongs to the both of us is off limits. I can only have hk thats in MY purse or MY closet. He would never, never, use hk checks LOL. So I feel for ya man!

  10. Why doesn’t Japan accept checks as payment? Are checks accepted when you pay your bills? Do you people just use debit or credit cards when purchasing something in a store? Can’t say I blame Japan for not allowing checks~they are not very well trusted in America when purchasing in a store either.

  11. I just opened up the hello kitty bank account at BOA and cant wait to get the checks and the debit card!!!!!!! I am 21 and just got my own place and cant wait to send in rent with hello kitty checks

  12. I work in a Remmitance Deparment so I sort of have a mini version of Hll, I see at minimum at least one of these a day, or every other day, sometimes 20 or more..
    Thank goodness we get Kiss checks, too though to make up for it!

  13. I ordered separate checks for my husband. He will not understand why I need to have the $40 Hello Kitty checks instead of the $14.00. I have a hard time justifying my decision, but I do know that HK makes me smile.

  14. It’s sad. It wasn’t by choice that I became a Hello Kitty addict… It is scary and depressing, and expensive. I know it has gotten out of control, but I just can’t stop it. I began when I was 4. My mother would take me to the mall, and I got a small high, knowing there would be a little Hello Kitty boothe inside the department store that my mother frequented, and to appease me and my whining, she would always purchase a plethera of Hello Kitty scented and pink colorful cuteness. Well, thousands of dollars later, I am now 29, with three daughters, that all have the illness. My poor son, who loves One Peice as much as we love our Hello Kitty is trapped in this pink hell. I try to get him as much one peice as I can, but it is just so much harder to find that stuff in America. My point is, yes, I have different checks that you can only get at Bank of America, as well as the two DIFFERENT credit cards they have here, and the leather check book holder that only Bank of America carries, and trust me, it’s hell living this way. I am a single mom, do you know what men must think of my obsession, like my Hello Kitty toaster? What will I use as my excuse when I move out and can no longer pretend that this is just their stuff and they are the reason I buy this stuff?! Did you know there is even a Hello Kitty dildo? I don’t have it, but one of my good friends does…. We may be sick, but we know it, and we try to get better, but Sanrio just keeps making morte cute stuff….

  15. credit card?

    yeap, there is one too.
    By bank of america. You can get it through bank of america website or sanrio. com


    Too bad for the hello kitty haters because we OWN THE WORLD!


  16. I adore Hello Kitty and I’m 55 years old ! Like some have said – it makes one smile – in this world anything that does this is GOOD – Yeah Hello Kitty.
    BTW – Do they make Hello Kitty license plate frame? ha ha

  17. LOL my brothers girlfriend is chinese and she ADORES HK and she has her all in her car and the purses and all that fun stuff. My brother is in the Army reserves and until recently when he bought his own suv, he would drive hers with the HK seat covers and steering wheel cover and floor mats and antenna topper and decals to shooting competetions, and he became known as the HK guy. they used to make fun of him until he blew the top ranked guy out of the water….he just told them HK was his good luck charm!!!

  18. Hi everyone. I’ve been searching the internet where to get this design of hello kitty checks. Which website or check company in USA can I order it from? Thanks!


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