Hello Kitty Hell takes on new dimensions of Hellishness when I begin receiving Hello Kitty ecards in celebration of Hello Kitty’s birthday:

Just wanted to say that I like your blog, even if you are a hater. =)
I’m a Hello Kitty Fan, my husband is not, he feels your pain and understands. One day the both of you will come to share in the pure bliss that is Hello Kitty. We, your wonderful wives will welcome you into the light, we’re givers like that. You know how fabulous we are (you married us) and you also know we’re always right – we love Hello Kitty, ergo she’s good.
BTW – Have a Happy Hello Kitty Birthday Celebration!
I actually like your blog (you keep me up to date with some HK merchandise I didn’t know about). However I will continue to pray for your Hello Kitty enlightenment.
The simple fact that Hello Kitty ecards exist is quite disappointing. That one would ever be sent to me moves the level up to disturbing. That anyone would think it’s a good idea to send one to me in celebration of Hello Kitty’s birthday does nothing but fire up the flames in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent to me by *Hello Kitty Fan* (with a username like that, you know there is going to be nothing but Hello Kitty Hell) who should be forced into a padded room with no Hello Kitty for an extended period of time until the evil feline has been completely detoxified from her system (and I know I have the full support of you husband in this endeavor).
I don’t understand why you have to insult every person that send you an email. You get a nice email card wishing you a great Hello Kitty birthday celebration and she even tells you how much she likes your blog, and you insult her. You constantly insult the very people that read your blog. It’s the rudest thing in the world.
You can’t have it both ways. If you are going to use Hello Kitty fans to make your blog popular, then you have to respect Hello Kitty and what we think.
Haha. Thats sweet of her to send. <333
Aww I wish you a Happy Hello Kitty Birthday too <3
I have yet to be insulted yet I sent him a few things with Hello Kitty. Hehe. He sorta Insults his own wife.. to an extent but not personally.. And he doesn’t personally insult these people who send him things. He insults their devotion to Hello Kitty and only the part that invloves Hello Kitty. :3
Darlene should be packed into a hello kitty rocket and fired far far out to space hehehe…
Darlene, it seems that you are somewhat hard of thinking so I’ll type this as clearly as I can.
I am not insulted by anything on this blog, except your hysterical (in the literal sense, not the funny) rants. Also, a month ago, I asked you to provide independant evidence to back up your claims about the good and love that HK spreads in the World. I note that you have not yet chosen to do so. Should I take this as arrogance on your part, or just as meaning that they don’t exist?
darlene is back. Her persistence always amazed me. Hope not all Hello Kitty fanatics are like her …
i think hilary clinton should hire darlene. i have never seen a better spin doctor in my life!
Hello Kitty Obsessives are a cult, pure and simple. They’ve turned Hello Kitty into their ‘imaginary friend’ (read: god) and project all kinds of……bizzareness onto a MARKETING PRODUCT.
Darlene: You’re deranged. The owner of this blog isn’t ‘using’ fans at all, and thus he has no obligation to cave to anyone’s concept of how he ‘ought’ to run his blog.
Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to send HKH a HK e-card needs to be put in a HK straight-jacket immediately!
lol .. for someone who supposedly hates hello kitty, you sure have a nice informative website for her. Thanks! 🙂
and shadowdragon, are you sure hello kitty is a marketing product? NO REALLY?
thankyou captain obvious.
Those dolls that the Kitties are holding look like they know the meaning of Hello Kitty Hell. Or maybe it’s just that they’re being held by their necks.
It amazes me to no end how thoughtless some of these people are.
Before a friend gave me the link to this blog, I thought hello kitty was just some forgotten cartoon character that was only really popular in Japan. I didn’t realize that the creepy looking feline had a cult following.
What is Hello Kittys Twin sisters name again?
siimuk – her name is Darlene.
LMAO! Cheers!
Um, I sent this e-card, I was even kind and addressed it to *HelloKittyHusband* and it was sent from my hellokitty.com e-mail. I’m not offended in the least bit, this was sent purely as a fun little torment to Mr. Kitty Hell, or ‘tongue-in-cheek’ as I told him. I figure if he lives with it and has a blog about it, he ‘gets’ the joke. Relax….
I am a HK fan, not a cultist and and I’d probably really like the HK straight jacket. =)
Ahaha! Even though I am kind of a Sanrio fan myself, your blog always makes me laugh. I am a fan of Harry Potter too but I love parodies. So I guess I don’t mind laughing about Hello Kitty, hehe.
Thank God I live in Germany so I don’t have to look in that cat’s face 24/7. I guess if I had to do THAT my psychiatrist would sign me up for a hater-blog.
dat my fan the hello kitty love pasion love hello kitty
i feel your pain i hate it when people get over obessive over things. i like hello kitty but not that much only enough to buy like school supplies,bags and t-shirts ocasinally but i hate hello kitty fans
I think you are the biggest meanie in the world! Your just hatin off hello kitty cause she’s cute and adorable and your NOT! Hahaha!
holy cow Darlene needs to be medicated, eh?
HK’s twin is named Mimmy, as per HK.com. She has her own email service now… *shudders*