Hello Kitty Costume Gone Horribly Wrong

There are way too many people that dress up as Hello Kitty, but Hello Kitty costumes take on new dimensions of horror when they interpret the evil feline like this:

Hello Kitty costume

All I can say, it certainly makes me want to run and hide…

Sent in by SoilentGreen who deserves to wake up with this photo in front of her face every morning as punishment for thinking it could ever be a good idea to send this to me…

64 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Costume Gone Horribly Wrong”

  1. @andophiroxia
    I love the Ganguro girls! The funny part is that they are, in a way, emulating the CA girl stereo type. 🙂

    This, strangely enough, doesn’t scare me. At least she’s got the spiderweb arm warmers and DIY skirt and not some scary pink jumper!

  2. Caption time:
    Oh look it Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter.
    What you get if Hello Kitty Married a Goth.

    Goth+ Hello Kitty this pretty much expalins the costume. It is spooky.

  3. Night of the living dead….Kitties!
    Don’t people read the directions that say do not allow children to play with prescription meds?

  4. Pathetic effort. If she’d removed or covered her mouth somehow it would have been much more convincing. And she should shave her head too.

    At present she just looks like a Furry. I would expect more commitment and attention to detail from a true HK fan.

  5. Wow. I was going to dress up as HK, but it’s a bit better since I am a 12 year old GIrl. Not a full grown women. Puh-lease. YOur not 14 anymore LADY.

  6. I pretty much agree with Acton; it looks like a cross between Ozzy and a Goth to me.

    That’s my only reservation though. If the costume had been clearly “HK Ozwaldina Osbourne” or “HK Goth Chick” rather than a fusion of the 2 I’d have liked it!

  7. dudes! hello kitty is frickin’ smexi! I love her and yeah this costume depicts her in a drugged out kinda way but it’s still in the kitty spirit YAY! ****4 stars! HELLO KITTY LIVES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh n btw sir my soon to be husband will indure kitty to a much higher degree then yew do! Almost feel sorry for him but i don’t ‘cuz hello kitty is the greatest thing in the whole world! Hello kitty costume yew say? How about a hello kitty house???

  8. @butch
    ………maybe (lol) just kidding
    What? I’m stupid? Excuse me for liking somthing so cute! Where as you spend your time on a website critisizing someone yew dont even know??? Oh, and I’m not powerful i just get what i want. On a nicer note where?(refering to the house)

  9. Um…
    Indy… if I were you I’d not reveal the source for the house…make the ‘truest fan’ look for it!

    I think what most people FAIL to realize when they come here and insult us is that we criticize because we have and like/love HK oursleves and are basically just flabbergasted by the extremes and misguided routes some people will go to…
    Evilness abounds!

  10. i too think some peple take it to the extreme however MHKITTY 06 i like that some people have a lot of spirit for her rather than insulting other ppl for trying to be spirited PEACE!

  11. I’m beginning to think this must be you in the picture, judging by your reactions…
    And, I’ve seen better ‘spirit’ from 4-year-olds…

  12. I never wrote this:

    “Comment from Indiana
    Time: November 17, 2008, 11:57 am

    @ Christy
    nope real life unfortunatley 0<”

    Is someone trying to copy my name? and I think unfortunately is spelt wrong. O.o

    Also Emily, I was kidding. But the house part, I wasn’t.

  13. Well, I think I was positive, if not complimentary, in saying that the costume would work if it was more resolved as to which of 2 influences it followed. Yes? No? Maybe?

    After all, it’s not like offering artistic criticism to a work someone chooses to put on the net is unreasonable! I’ve said it before, and no doubt will say it again, but what I hate is Sanrio’s inappropriate marketting, rather than the concept of cute Anime for young children.

    @ Indiana, you’re correct about how to spell “unfortunately”. I’d put the mis-spelling down to a trypo, and surely I’m not the only person here who can’t proff-reed? 😉

  14. that’s gay that sumone would copy your name Indiana and i’m sorry indiana i shouldn’t have been so rude but seriously where’s the house? oh and mhkitty06 no this is so NOT my picture my room or whatever room this girl is in would be much more …… pink and hello kitty-esque by the way u’re snide comments are really getting old. I’m sorry if i’ve ofended yew in sum way but whatever is wrong with yew is not my problem…….

  15. okay….. totally breathing…………I just don’t like when ppl r rude…. sorry ……i’m good now but seriously if this is her room where is all her hk stuff?

  16. Seriously, i cant even see any ears, unless its that crappy thing on her head u can barely see.
    1. It needs to be a bow, red, preferably
    2. It looks like Mimmy cuz of the way she took the pic
    3. it looks like crap
    4. where does she live?! a jail cell… jeezzzzz

  17. @emily hello kittys truest fan
    Um…your not texting so please spell out your words in proper English so we may understand your BS.
    and….mhkitty06 wasn’t being rude she was just “hitting the nail on the head” so to speak. Maybe your fiance will purchase a HK decoder book before the big day and come to his senses.

  18. @ Catherine
    Excuse me? I can write in whatever way i choose. I would also like to point out it’s not my fault yew don’t have enough intelligence to comprehend my abriviations, no one else has a problem with it amd niether should yew. Also what i say to mhkitty06 is directed at her not yew…and we’ve resolved our problems already thank yew. In conclusion my fiance understands me perfectly. Obviously if there was miscommunication in our realationship we wouldn’t be getting married. PEACE!

  19. after working a year at the hello kitty store i can tell you that this in face is not hello kitty but her twin sister mimmy

    the bow is on the wrong side

  20. okaay so um..catherine??? grow up and get a freakin life!!!! seriously now??? i mean, cut the lil kid bs 4reall!! youre not exactly in kindergarten anymore… i dnt think….

  21. @emily,
    what are you 12? Your constant saying of “yew” leads me to believe so. Baby talk is not attractive. Maybe you should learn how to properly spell before you get “married”

  22. @ emily:
    “Excuse me? I can write in whatever way i choose. I would also like to point out it’s not my fault yew don’t have enough intelligence to comprehend my abriviations, no one else has a problem with it amd niether should yew. Also what i say to mhkitty06 is directed at her not yew…and we’ve resolved our problems already thank yew. In conclusion my fiance understands me perfectly. Obviously if there was miscommunication in our realationship we wouldn’t be getting married. PEACE!”

    okay, um, how old are you? You said “everyone understands my abriviations” yet you misspell abbreviations?
    “In conclusion” is what you write when closing a science essay.
    A “yew” is a type of tree.
    And your subject-verb agreement is something an elementary school English teacher would give low marks on.
    “Peace” doesn’t exist in the world right now, and anyway, it’s no way to end a rant.

  23. @Nikki: I agree, whole-heartedly. What the hell is wrong with that woman? (Women…whatever.)

    @Ariel: “In Conclusion” is a term that can be used in any form of speech so long as there is an explaination at hand.

  24. @ariel
    swim away lady
    oh and peace cant exist soley bcuz there are ppl in this wrld like YEW WHO LOOK FOR NETHING AND EVERYTHING to whine and fight about……
    and claire is right in conclusion is used to conclude things and it really doesnt matter what ur concluding…. its only ppl like yew who FAIL to realize such things and i only say peace hoping that ill get sum and that the nvrending comments like urs would cease…in this i say peace ariel……


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