In my ignorance (helped along by a few beers of the non Hello Kitty persuasion), I mentioned to my wife that I thought it would be fun to get a skateboard. If I had been a bit more sober, I would have known before the words came out of my mouth that Hello Kitty would have one. Even worse, my wife found one that she thinks I should get because not only is it a Hello Kitty skateboard, it is a Hello Kitty Hilary Duff endorsed skateboard. Yep, that pretty much guarantees a Hello Kitty hellish day…

Hilary Duff sets an excellent example of dignity to the youth – even her album is called “Dignity”. It’s great to see this remarkable young girl endorse a Hello Kitty product.
effin right i want one of those i skatebroard alot…OH SEANNNNNNNNN I WANT ONEEEEEEEEE!! lol he always gets my boards
ew i hate hilary duff!
Yes, because a skateboard endorsed by a professional skateboarder; say, TONY HAWK? is so much more inferior. Yay logic.
I fail to see why all the fuss.
Oh great, a washed up actress/popstar is enforcing a skateboard. Yep, totally makes me want to buy it.
cool but she dosent do skateboardin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think she is a great role model. but the other day i relized during her lizzie mcguire days they made a point to say that its okay to be a bit chunky. they even had an anti anorexia episode. she even said she was happy with her image then a few years down the line she is like…a twig. she is a cool role model til i think about that..
I love Hello Kitty. I hate all of you for hating my two favorite things. Hello Kitty and Hilary Duff. I bet none of you could sing and act. Next time all of you should look at yourselves and stop criticizing great people. And don’t hate the kitty. She’s cute and you had just wish that you would have thought of something smart like that or even something smart at all!
i love it its so cute and fun
I am not so sure she is endorsing it or unable to release the board for fear of blowing away, therefore stuck taking a photo of the thing and pretending she won’t fall on her rump if she attempted to ride it….
Hello Kitty is cool, grew up seeing the logot, and I also sk8… For decades. My only problem, as displayed by my peers on this comments section, Hilary Duff should leave the board endorsements to professionals, (in this case SKATEBOARDERS), and the board should NOT be of the quality of a Wal-Mart special.