My wife absolutely loves her mini collection of Hello Kitty nori (seaweed) cutters and uses them way too often. What they mean for me is that the evil feline ends up staring back at me on virtually every meal that I’m served and there is nothing that will ruin a meal faster than having Hello Kitty staring back at you…
Left in the comments by rachaelwrites
Wow, that’s more than a little creepy
Every meal that you are served contains Nori? I am sad for you.
Where have you BEEN? This has been around forever.
And seaweed in every meal? That’s kind of sad, although healthy to some extent.
i wish i had seaweed in every meal regardless if HK was on it or not. it’s yummy and good for you!
I think what he likely meant was it’s just another way that HK finds her way into his food.
Not, necessarily, that seeweed is part of every meal.
Lord I hate my own typos.
i hate everything and hello kitty is second on the list! i really hate her. im not emo shes just everywhere. damn
I now own this set, courtesy of the dude that runs this site 😀