It’s never, ever a good sign when there is a squeal of delight the second that my wife sees a photo of the evil feline. If it is something that can’t be bought, then my wife wants to go to where ever the Hello Kitty thing is located so she can say she has seen and used it. The Hello Kitty phone booth is now on her list of must see things when traveling and ensures that one more of our trips will be filled with the excruciating pain that is Hello Kitty Hell…

Left on Facebook by Mandy
Update: Anyone sane would think that one of these in public would be one too many, but obviously not the evil feline:

Sent in by rose
I’m sorry to say….but i think that is super duper cute. I would probably travel a short distance to get my picture taken under that XD Much cuter than a normal payphone.
But i wouldn’t travel way out of my way. I am not that crazy. XD
this is one of the cuter things i’ve seen in awhile!!!! they should make these with internet hotspots/ internet kiosks.. 🙂
Kind of cute, actually.
just curious… where are these even located? haha
Why do I see these as a horrible pre-cursor to HellKat hairdryers at your hairdresser?
Way to put commercialism into a rain guard. Amazing. 9.9
If I was FORCED to stand under one of these things to make an EMERGENCY phone call, I for one would feel unbearably self-conscious and would cut the call as short as possible. Why would anyone think such gratuitous infantilization is necessary?
Y’know…that would come in handy if it started raining. Kitty is good for something.
soo cute
Damnit… I gotta move to Japan. Will me being 5’7 cause a problem? lol
It’s in Hong Kong. It’s in one of Hello Kitty’s 35th Anniversary special function.
so freakin awesome