Hello Kitty Debit Card

If you ever end up living with a fanatic of the evil feline, take a small piece of advice that will save you countless instances of humiliation from both friends and strangers. Never, ever, get a joint bank account with a Hello Kitty fanatic. This may seem like advice you can ignore, but you’ll quickly regret not following it when one day the face personalised Hello Kitty debit card ends up at your house:

Hello Kitty debit card

Hello Kitty check card

I know exactly how this poor soul feels (believe me, it’s a “what Twilight Zone episode did I just get teleported into” feeling) because my wife has done similar things to me on far too many occasions. Just imagine trying to use that card for any purchase without feeling complete and utter embarrassment and you get a tiny glimpse of what it is like to live in Hello Kitty Hell…

Sent in by Kae who should have to cater to her husband’s every whim for the entire time this debit card is valid as punishment for ever even considering doing something like this to him and for giving my wife a “see, I’m not the only one” example that she will undoubtedly use again and again…

Update: Of course, there had to be more Hello Kitty debit card patterns out there and far too many readers decided to send me these patterns as well:

Hello Kitty credit card orange

Hello Kitty credit card pink

45 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Debit Card”

  1. I have one of those. It’s my own bank account, husband’s name isn’t on it. But he does use my card for various things. Funny, no one asks him for ID. They probably figure only a husband would willingly use someone else’s Hello Kitty debit card.

  2. I have sent my husband out to pick up Chinese food with my Hello Kitty debit card. After the snickering as they ran it, he returned home and vowed to pay for take out himself before he ever uses the card again. LOL!

  3. Paha!
    I am by no means a hello kitty freak…but I thought it would be fun to have the hello kitty debit card from Bank of America.
    (all their other designs are ugly)
    Anyway, being that my husband and I share an account he, too, had to get the hello kitty card. lol. And I love him for it. I’m glad he’s secure enough in his manhood to own a hello kitty card.

  4. @tiffany I am in the same boat.

    Here is a thought, he may not have been forced but wanted a Hello Kitty card. Male fans do exist.

    Sleep tight and happy dreams on that Mr. HKH.

  5. Dear god in heaven, whats wrong with just a plain card? does a Debit/cheque guarantee card have to have a frickin cartoon on it?! Or am I being too English here?

    Sod it, crank out the 8-bores and dragons breath cartridges, me and my fella are gonna cleanse the world of this abomination that is HK.

    All who stand in our way will be blasted into ittle bitty pieces that in no way shape or form correlae to anything sanrio related. 😀

  6. Let me help the husbands out. I too have the HK card, but my husband who shares the account with me does not. He just had to pick another “vanity” card, but with plenty to choose from there is no reason (other than wanting to) that the husband has to have the HK card. Be kind and share this information to those poor fellas who are suffering when they don’t have to be.

  7. Here come the lies and exaggerations again. Everyone can see that he loves Hello Kitty by the huge smile on his face. If he hated Hello Kitty, why is he smiling for the credit card photo? Caught in lies again.

    All men would be proud to have a Hello Kitty credit card like this and it shows he is confident in who is is unlike you. Show me a man who whips out his Hello Kitty credit card with a smile and you have a man that every woman would love to marry.

  8. i have that too (: my boyfriend was with me while applying for my account & he was the one who suggested I get the HK card; oh how i love him for putting up AND encouraging my little HK hobby. lol, i bet he wants one of those cards too 😛

  9. BWAHAHAAH!!!! I have one of those!!! And my husband has one too because of me! People always laugh about it and crack jokes. Haha!! This is actually one of those only reasons I stay with BoA.

  10. HA! I got this card for myself not realizing that EVERYONE on the account has to have the same card design. My husband was mad when he found out…meanwhile weeks later I still find it funny. Seems I don’t even have to work at torturing him kitty does it for me.LOL Guess I have to order him a new card soon.

  11. Do you know what’s truly depressing? As a graphic designer when we get handed these jobs at work and if we want a paycheck we damned well better add to HKH and create HK debit card designs. I didn’t do this btw. (shudder) Thank Heaven…

  12. Ew. Why would you get your picture on your debit card? nevermind that your a guy and your face is on a hello kitty card. I mean, just show your id if they need proof. It’s so awkward with the picture.

  13. I have a Hello Kitty card, (I’m a guy) and I really don’t see what the Hell the big deal is. I personally like it. If people hate on the my card then that’s there problem. But I doubt they’d care since they’re getting paid right? =P

  14. I have wells fargo bank and I would like to design my credit card with a Hello Kitty theme. Is there a way that I can create my personal credit card with a Hello Kitty design? Is there a number where I can order by phone or a website?


  15. Some things are just wrong. This is one of those things. A Hello Kitty credit card. Imagine it girls, now we can buy our Hello Kitty socks and our dresses that we really can’t afford with this cute little credit card. How fantastic.
    If I wasn’t deadly opposed to credit cards, didn’t have a credit rating of -mazillion and actually wanted to buy tons more crap I dont really want or need so that I can fill some huge gaping hole in my life I would DEFINITELY get some Hello Kitty plastic purchasing power.
    Remember JUST SAY NO.

  16. Thankfully I do not have a significant other who is in love with all things hello kitty. I cannot imagine myself with a card with hello kitty and my face beside it. That is one thing I cannot tolerate.

  17. I can’t believe Bank of America changed the hello kitty design!!! I don’t like the new one, and I lost my card, then found it, thus forced to get a new one with the new logo. Is there any way to personally customize my card to the old design??

  18. i have always wanted the hello kitty card from bank of america but could not get it because i owed them money so finally got things in order with them and opened an account and i just knew what card i was getting and just my luck they don’t offer the hello kitty card anymore i was crushed big time

  19. Well… I love Hello Kitty, I’m not a fanatic but… that kind of credit or debit cards sound more like cards for children play and not really serious things like a bank account requires… I don’t think I would want one… and If someone tries to pay me if that kind of cards I would think it’s a joke or fake card…


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