Even worse than people asking me to be a Hello Kitty wedding planner is the thought that one day I will have to hear about the concrete plans for my own Hello Kitty wedding. I make every attempt not to write anything about Hello Kitty wedding related stuff because it inevitable leads to trouble. When my wife and I got married, her Hello Kitty fanaticism had yet to kick in, and not having a Hello Kitty wedding is something that she feels is missing from her life. Our Hello Kitty wedding would, of course, include a minimum of at least one Hello Kitty wedding dress (it’s common for the bride in Japan to change into three or four different dresses during the wedding ceremony):

A second wedding with the full Hello Kitty theme is at the top of my wife’s wish list for our upcoming 15th wedding anniversary. It would include such horrifying things as the Hello Kitty tuxedo, Hello Kitty horse drawn carriage, Hello Kitty wedding cake, Hello Kitty wedding rings and ultimately end with us receiving a Hello Kitty wedding certificate. Facing something like this, it should be no surprise that I avoid anything and everything that might bring the second wedding topic up for discussion.
Hello Kitty fanatics don’t consider (or much more likely, don’t give a damn) that I may have a very good reason for not posting the Hello Kitty wedding dress, so they continue to send these photos to me almost as much as they used to send me photos of the Hello Kitty toaster. Stop. Just stop sending these photos to me. Believe me, if there is something out there that has anything to do with a Hello Kitty wedding, I have already seen it (and if I haven’t, I really have no desire to see it).
The fact that over five different Hello Kitty wedding dresses exist (and they’re actually coveted by many women) is further proof that the evil feline has successfully implemented her plan to take over the world. I know my personal Hello Kitty Hell has definitely reached new depths when it makes more sense for me to post these photos — and suffer through the inevitable consequence of listening about how wonderful a Hello Kitty wedding would be for the next several months — than it is to have them keep arriving in my email box…
Sent in by far, far, far too many people that obviously need to have their family and friend preform a Hello Kitty Intervention to rescue them from an addiction far worse than Hello Kitty cocaine…
I really just can hardly imagine that a woman with a clear mind would EVER wear something like this on her weddingday đŸ˜®
This HK-hysteria seems to be a very american problem, at least it would be way to cheap over here to pay a dress like this, and most of the crazy women don’t own that much money – or a husband. đŸ™‚
gruesse from germany
You could almost get away with the first all white one. I had to look hard to find the kitty. I’d rather not have to try to get away with it though.
okay, I am a fan, but the dresses are a bit much. My goddness, the money that you would spend to buy one of those dresses, you could go to David’s Bridals and buy several of their dresses.
What is wrong with you?! It’s your responsibility as a husband to make your wife’s wedding day perfect in every way. If you failed to do that when you got married, then it’s your job as a husband to do it over again until she is happy. It shows your total lack of respect for all women that you can’t even give one day to your wife to do what she wants. You are a poor example to all husbands out there.
A Hello Kitty wedding is every woman’s dream and it’s a man’s responsibility to make that dream come true. There is nothing more special than wearing a Hello Kitty wedding dress to show the love and happiness that is part of your world to everyone that is there. If you weren’t willing to do that, then you should not have gotten married.
It’s no wonder that nobody has any respect for you or can trust anything that you write. Suck it up, be a man for once and give her the Hello Kitty wedding that she wants.
Oh god, those are awful! I don’t even like any of the dress designs or colors. I wouldn’t like them without hello kitty, and I dislike them even more with hello kitty. (And I’m a girl Darlene.)
This is actually my first (maybe second post) they were just so ugly! I might have had something similar when I was 5 and played dress-up all the time. Only without the hello kitty.
Though I have to say, here in Pennsylvania, I really don’t see a lot of HK stuff. I see band-aids and chapstick, sure. The odd t-shirt, but nothing over the top.
Darlene, I could be polite, but I’m not going to. Not every woman wants a Hello Kitty wedding. I’d rather have a wedding that involves ninjas. So please go get screwed – and good luck. You’re so narrow-minded that you’d be lucky to.
Some of them are tolerable. There’s enough Kitty that your wife would be happy but it isn’t blinding. Small mercies.
Hey idiot if you had a ninja wedding it would be a regular wedding, because ninjas wear clothes that pertain to the situation. Dressing in all black ‘traditional’ ninjawear would be impractical for a person who is supposed to be undercover. Also, why is it narrowminded to assume thaat most women want to fulfill the traditionally thought of fantasy of a big, lavish wonderful wedding? Are you one of those tomboys who doesn’t tolerate women who wear dresses because they look weak? I hope you die painfully in a fire
Male perspective – I thought the all white dress with white details was tolerable, but the others…!!!!
Tansy, I love the idea of a Ninja wedding though! đŸ˜€
The pink one and the red one (for a Vampire wedding, perhaps) are OK. The rest are kinda barfy.
Wow, I think any bride who’d consider wearing these wedding dresses would not be old enough to marry in the first place.
It they modified them a bit they’d make cute party dresses for kids though.
Those wouldn’t even be tolerable without the hello kitty on them. Everyone, please picture for a moment each one of those dresses without the hello kitties attached. Now tell me, would anyone here in their right mind want to wear that dress, allow their best friend to wear that dress, or marry someone in that dress?
Hello Kitty exists in her own realm of fashion, that’s for sure.
Those dresses look like something you’d make your bridesmaids wear if you really, Really, REALLY hated them.
@Sasa thoes who would were this are teh same league with thoes having a Strar Trek or Klingon Wedding, no harm.
The top one is fine but the rest would be a test even for a Kitty loving guy like me.
Man, it took a second to find the HK head on the first one (looks like a Mormon girl’s wedding gown!) That being said, this sort of collecting in the States marks you as some kind of nutbag, because HK is pretty clearly marketed to the elementary set, hence the reason we’ve got buttloads of it around our place. On the upside, my girl often stages mighty pitched battles between her HK’s and the boys Jedi and ninjas…HK’s alway the giant monster.
Not that I think darlene will listen, but isn’t a wedding all about something more important and monumental than everything being perfect for a wedding? Anyone who claims a husband fails if he doesn’t work his butt off to give his wife the “perfect” wedding is causing uneccessary hurt; doing something like that should be a show of love and devotion on HIS part, not something forced by some weird “requirement”. And believe me, I’d be THRILLED if a guy did that much for me, but I’d be happy to marry I guy I love and who loves me back, even if the wedding wasn’t “perfect”.
On a lighter note, it a real shame. Some of these dresses have such potential if they didn’t look like glorified dress-up clothes.
Man, these are ugly dresses. The first one has no fitting and would be unflattering on any woman not shaped like a potato; the second – if you’re going to put ruffles on something, at least make them level, yes?; the third wishes it were in Gone With the Wind but fails; the fourth makes it a little closer – and fails (newsflash to the designer: hoopskirts went out of fashion for a reason); the fifth looks like a too-long tulle apron; the sixth appears to be trimmed with stuffed animal fur and the last one resembles a melting cupcake. And then they went and slapped the evil feline all over them and made them about ten times worse. Ew.
I would rather SHOOT MYSELF than wear that crap in my wedding >__>
The pink one pretty much all I prefer direct overlap any other class.
Wow these are beautiful, spectacular wedding dresses… for the BRIDEZILLA! Runn!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree with Apneatique, who the hell wants to wear these gowns?? And I’m Japanese for Pete’s sake!
WOW! I would kill myself if i had to wear something like that. Give the guy a break, he’s not trying to put women down. Seriously, it’s people who force these kinds of things that are putting women into demeaning roles. Hello kitty is not for everyone just a pink is not for everyone. No one wants to be forced to be the stereotypical “girly girly” so HK fanatics stop bashing this poor guy. As a woman myself, I can never imagine a grown person ever involving this frenzy into his/her life.
I assumed the ones that aren’t white are for the bridesmaids. That way everyone would be decked out in the evil feline.
dat blue n red dress look good i lykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I love how Darlene’s comment has absolutely no logic at all (but such could be safety assumed from someone as crazy as her).
NOT ALL WOMEN ARE HELLO KITTY FANATIC, Darlene. And I, for one, would shoot myself and stay single my whole life is that is my only wedding choice. And I love how you call Mr. HKH sexist just because he doesn’t like HK. Hates for hello kitty known no bound and I always wounder what would you say to a woman who doesn’t like HK.
Talk about respecting your significant other. Forced something down their throat when they obviously don’t like it has nothing to do with respect at all. Respect goes both way. Get in a relationship before you ever attempt on dispensing extremely mistaken relationship advice.
the first white dress didnt seem so bad. but the rest is just a crime against fashion
I like the red dress!
I like the red one and the last one, but the first one is ugly as hell.
I like dresses 3 &5 but the pink dress…. Jesus christ! Wtf happened!? It’s like a flamingo almost lol
…Am I the only one here that thinks “Wow, Darlene’s back??!”
As for the dress..I don’t think any human in their right mind would want to wear them…unless if they are hardcore Hello Kitty fanatics. o___o;;;
How beautiful! I love the colors…Her ideas are stunning!
Oh my god, I’m pretty sure I just threw up a little looking at these! What sane woman would walk down the isle looking like such a fucking spaz!? These women should be hospitalized, and DEFINATELY not allowed to marry. Holy shit…..
Hello Kitty Prom Dress
Very disturbing. It would be cute if it didn’t have HK all over it, the style is actually kind of cute.
The first and the fourth aren’t bad, except that it’s red, anyways, like Jodie said, they aren’t bad if they had no HK all over it.
Why would you even put any animal or characters at all on it? I would keep mine white or cream. Maybe a pale blue or pale pink, but that’s it.
theyre all hidious !!!! :O
*straight vommits on the floor*
4, 5, and 6 are pretty~ but I’d never wear them on my wedding day.
i would wear the white one the rest are UGLY!! but i still love hello kitty:]
How much are they.
All I want to say is that any woman who claims a wedding day is all about the bride doesn’t understand what a wedding means… no offence, but if I were truly inlove with the man I marrying, I would want it to be about BOTH of us. And guess what… if I wanted a Kello Kitty reference somewhere in the wedding, it would be okay with him, since he would be man enough to let me know he wanted to wear R2D2* cufflinks (or something). Grow up. Couples need to respect each others’ interests – and, let’s face it, the author of this blog wouldn’t still be married unless his wife actually just thought this blog was amusing. Better he blogs about it than not even register what her interests are.
BTW when my mother was young, living in Africa, she bought an original 70’s Hello Kitty mirror and comb set (inacase she ever had a daughter). On my 3rd Birthday, she gave it to me. I hae loved Hello Kitty ever since, and can not stand the modern bastardisation of it. To me, Hello Kitty was a cute character with a teddy bear and an apple, encouraging kids to go to school. I refuse to buy anything with strange ‘Bling’ Kitty or any other shit that has been designed in the past 10 years. NOTE TO DESIGNERS: Hello Kitty shoulder not be wearing high heels.
(Excuse my rant, I shall get off my soap box now.)
P.P.S. I actually have an R2D2 figurine in storage. Does that make me wierd? In my defence, it was originally my brothers.
P.P.P.S. Apologies for the typos – it’s late in NZ.
the dresses are soo beautiful………..
I know you don’t tell people where these images come from, but the fourth dress down is gorgeous, and I can almost guarantee the designer doesn’t just make Hello Kitty. (I would personally never incorporate Hello Kitty into my wedding or any other significant moment in my life, I have better more original ideas than that). But I was wondering if you could give me the designer for the fourth dress.
(also I expect a no, or no reply at all which is fine either way, I’m not going to beg/plead/cry for it but it never hurts to ask). xD
hi im bianca your my favorite cartoon chracters because i love you i hate them. all of the rest fr:bianca to:hellokitty i love you hello kitty
I actually like most of them, sans the last two, The feather boa…egh. Not working. And the last dress is a shapeless mass of fluff. But despite that, most of those dresses are actually very cute. Sometimes, people want to relive their childhood–or maybe some people really like the lolita fashion, or maybe some people just like obscenely cute things? She should be happy with wearing the dress she wants, but theres no reason to force her husband to wear what he doesn’t want to. I’m not a hardcore hello kitty fan, but when I saw some of these dresses, I was stunned by the designs, the talent, the time and the effort that went into making them. And you know, if I told my fiance that I wanted a hello kitty wedding, he’d be reluctant–but he’d go,” Alright, sure.” Just like when he told me he wanted a harry potter wedding, I said ‘Only if my dress can be Ravenclaw colors’ and he readily agreed. Its not about the dress, people. Its about the happiness of everybody involved. Also..enjoy being opinionated, don’t bash someone eles’ jusy beacause its not the same as yours. =x
I looove the dresses!!! me waaaaants!! i want to get married i one of those!!!! đŸ˜› xD
I really like the first one. But I can’t see all the hello Kitty stuff
Does are ugly dresses…
hello kitty i what to tell u something about ur movie i so cut ‘
@daisy no those are beautiful gowns for kids
beautiful gwonds for kids
I love Hello kitty but WOW! those dresses are so old fashion! Do something strapless, simple and not so puffy!
I could make a better dress than those ones :O
They are nice but not what people want to day maby
I’m a fan but those dresses are fugly with a capital F. There’s a time and place everything but I wouldn’t a HK wedding.
i love those dresses ,,all of that is my dream dress, the hello kity dress are my dream drees,,
I’d totally wear any of those if Sanrio were funding my wedding. Oh, and Hello Kitty wedding cake sounds really, really tasty.
Hello Kitty is taking over….an im lovin it =)
I saw a girl wear the pink one to our senior prom
With each one, I keep thinking “Aiiieee!”
Wow those are ugly! Who didn’t have any imagination at all to make those ghastly creations?
I dunno what you guys are talking about, I’d totally wear one of those dresses on my wedding! XD
these dresses are so cuuuuuuuuuuttttttttte
I love H Kitty as much (or more!) than the next girl, but even I drew the line at kitchen appliances. I wanted a Big Girl house, not a playhouse. These dresses are on the same lines. Great if you’re four, or taking your First Communion, not so much for making an adult commitment.
And can we say Hello Tacky?
i love hellokitty so much tht my wedding is going to be her nn i got every single thing nn my house hellokitty nn i liked her every since i was a little gurl i love the person who made hellokity cause it was not for her or him i would’nt even now hellokity i went nn a hellokitty store nn deerbroke mall nn bought one of everything nn there i love her so freaking much
i love hello kitty somuch!!!
i love the dresses!!!!!!!
i love HK……
i love it i am so gonna come here when i get married because this is so awesome i love hello kitty and i hope she never dies… the day she dies i die
I do like Hello Kitty, but these dresses are the tackiest clothes that I’ve ever come across. Even a ten year old would be embarrassed to wear them!
I think the wedding gowns are more suited for debutantes who like Hello Kitty. Putting Hello Kitty on wedding gowns make it quite hard for me to take a bride’s wedding ‘seriously.’ The gowns are cute, and I like Hello Kitty, but I don’t imagine myself wearing Kitty if I am to get married.
I like the pink and red ones. Everything else I hate.
BTW, TV Tropes led me here.
My prm dress