There are some combinations that just should never go together. Hello Kitty x Jesus. Hello Kitty x S&M room. Hello Kitty x Men’s underwear (I could go on and on, but I would rather not have your suicide attempt traced back to this blog). Of course, Hello Kitty continually adds to this list. Case and point — Hello Kitty x chainsaw:

While Hello Kitty fanatics may see something like this as cute (you have to seriously feel for the lumberjack significant other that has to carry this around at work), for the rest of us it pretty much exemplifies what any horror movie villain (or the evil feline herself) would undoubtedly use to dismember victims. In fact, The Hello Kitty Chainsaw Massacre is probably already in production and is guaranteed to be the most horrifying movie that you have ever seen. Then again, getting dismembered by Hello Kitty wielding a Hello Kitty chainsaw probably would be less painful than actually having to live in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by Shelly who really should have to spend all her free time cutting firewood with this thing (along with a miscellaneous Hello Kitty plush now and then which “accidentally” gets mixed in with the wood pile) as punishment for ever thinking that sending it to me could ever be a good idea.
Update: Apparently, this brings out the worst fears in everyone:

(via Onipepper)

(via Mysticmaster)
W00T! I am da first comment!
Anyways, let’s wait and see what Darlene is going to say about this. Shall we? I’ll share my popcorn.
Coming soon to theaters: Hello Kitty Chainsaw Massacre
I’m pretty sure that the creator of Hello Kitty stands by a statement where she does not put Hello Kitty’s face on any products that are weapons. Therefore, anything that is a weapon is probably a knock-off Hello Kitty product.
Can’t wait to see this used as a prop in the next “SAW” Movie!
I would SO use this to cut firewood! And it would keep my husband from handling my tools. Maybe I should kittify my tool kit to keep him from “borrowing” any more of my tools.
THE perfect thing with which to go Hello Kitty postal in a Hello Kitty fanatic significant other’s Hello Kitty collection…
@Lauren, a chainsaw is not a weapon, well unless you happen to be a tree anyway! 😉
Wow, forget the chainsaw – that’s such a great idea, a horror movie where the baddie is a Hello Kitty fanatic! Hollywood hasn’t even thought of that one yet.
The only good use for that monstrosity would be indeed to massacre Hello Kitty Plush
As much as I love HK, it never cease to amaze me the crap people come up with. Btw, love the pitch for the next Saw movie!!!
Oh, man, I need that! I’d be happier about doing firewood, and no one would steal the damn thing.
stupid but yet funny at the same time lol
HAH. found my zombie-killer weapon.
Just firewood nothing! I would use that at work! I’m USFS chainsaw certified and guarantee no one would laugh at me with that in my hands.
I only wish I’d had it when I went to saw school.
I almost expect to see an assassin lugging this thing around in No More Heroes 3.
Looks great!!!
photoshopped. doesn’t REALLY exist as a product.
I so want one.
Hello Chainsaw!
This must have come from some art gallery somewhere, right? As in, having been made by an artist? It would be nice to have a little attribution here.
i edited this. 😛 (supposed to be funny)
Yeah….. I’m going to pass on that one!
Left 4 Dead 2 gets an update to include a Hello Kitty chainsaw as a weapon. Other games follow suit.
Microsoft creates a Hello Kitty dashboard theme & gamerpics. Sony creates similar items for Playstation Home.
I love Hello Kitty but there are just some places she doesn’t belong. I’m not sure what’s more disturbing this or the Hello Kitty Vibrator. Is this even a real product?
Awww so cute! Jason Voorhes surely wants one of this on his next movie…Just what every Psyco dreams on Xmas!
Hey! My friend sent me that last week saying it’s perfect for me! Teehee… It was a funny email
Strangely, I found this chainsaw scarier than the regular ones.
i hate you
wow I love it
I know this is just a paint job on an antique saw, but what kind of saw is it, or is it just a mock up of old parts. I want that saw, hello kitty, or not.
this looks like a 3D render
wow i want one of those… its cute and psycotic…just my type
I need this!
Did I miss the Hello Kitty Hockey Mask?!
Ha wow this is so cute I want one now haha
Where can i purchase one of them??
Wow the perfect tool to take those zombies out with a bit of class.
I know im late on this but….as much as I love anything HELLO KITTY that chainsaw alone scare TF outta me that’s one HK I would nvr buy