You know that you really can’t take a fashion magazine seriously when they are willing to place the evil feline on the cover. You know they have gone completely insane when they think that doing a double cover is something that’s acceptable. We know that Elle Taiwan editors have guzzled the Kool Aid with their December Elle Hello Kitty magazine double cover:
I guess it really shouldn’t surprise me that this would come from a country that has a Hello Kitty hospital and a Hello Kitty airline (along with the Hello Kitty airport), but it still disturbs me to no end…
Sent in by so many people that I do have some serious doubts about the sanity of this world…
Now that is style…!!
The dresses are nice, but I can’t help but wonder if they know how silly this looks. Like having a Minnie Mouse character on Vouge; acceptable, but weird.
Its sooooo awesome < 3. I want it oh n btw which country is this cause I would definitely go live there
Y is my comments not goin thru. Arrrrrgggg
Elle Magazine has now entered a new level…..HK hideousness.
I think its 2 cute n nt hidious bt u hv 2 admit it lks kinda funny
My first reaction upon seeing this was simply to laugh followed by an are they serious? And then a head shake.
@ hks best fan….it is Taiwan…..
I wish Mr. HKH would post my new HK tattoo…
@candyfiend :U live in taiwan wow I live in South africa. U so lucky u cn hv a tattoo I’m 11 so I cnt hv 1
These stupid comments dey tk years 2 go thru
Like Mr. HKH said, is this really surprising given the country this came from? But I will say the polka dot dress is really cute!
@ bst fan…I live in the US, but that is from Taiwan……
My Kitty all grown up. Kind of cute except for the boots.
@ candyfiend:
Oh u still lucky u live near target where they sell a whl lota HK things ( I LOVE HER) I want 2 see ur tattoo! What phone do u have?
@ bst fan…it is a motorola droid…contact me @ akandyfiend the address is @ yahoo
Sowi candyfiend I cnt
In Style did a whole spread with Miss Piggy… I can’t decide which is worse… At least with Miss Piggy you don’t have to have a bow?
well its not like its american Elle
A refreshing quirky change from anodyne emaciated boygirls with sunken faces in clothes made by woman hating over fake tanned idea robbers. Hello Kitty is beautiful, sweet and perfectly round faced and glamorous like a front cover girl should be. More please! Next time dress her like Liz Taylor or Grace Kelly (proper beautiful women when women were so).