One of the worst things about my life is that people actually think it’s a good idea to send my wife all kinds of Hello Kitty crap. Believe me, the last thing in the world that is needed around my house is anything with the evil feline on it. In most cases, it’s unavoidable that it enters her collection because I have no idea what has been ordered and what hasn’t, but a few days ago a package arrived with a message on the outside that indicated that whatever was inside was a gift (“A little something for Mrs. HKH”). I stealthily brought it inside and opened it to find the following letter:
Dear Mrs. HKH,
I love Hello Kitty almost as much as you do. I’m jealous that you are able to get so many Hello Kitty products that I can only dream of having one day. The one thing that I do love the most in my collection are my Hello Kitty glasses. Everyone compliments me when they see them and tells me how great they look. I am sending you a pair because I know that you will love them as much as I do!
As you can plainly see, they’re quite hideous and undoubtedly created to inflict the greatest amount of pain on anyone who happens to come in contact with the fanatic delusional enough to wear them:

In the rare situation when I find myself in possession of something that my wife has no idea about, there is only one thing to do — get rid of it before she discovers it. The preferable course of action would be to take a hammer and let all my frustration loose, but that could leave tell-tale signs which would inevitably lead me to having to spend large amounts of time on the couch in the Hello Kitty sleeping bag.
Instead, I will secretly do a little test to see how many of you out there have no qualms of willingly torturing those you love by forcing this painful look on them…
Someone stole my Hello Kitty sunglasses that look like these! I’d love these!
These things are so adorably gawdy looking that I can’t help but want a pair.
I think it’s worthwhile to embarrass all my friends by wearing these glasses because… oh, wait. It’s not embarrassing. They’re cute.
I love hello kitty hell!!
i would totally wear these because im awesome enough to kick anyone’s ass who dares make fun of me 🙂
Anybody who knows me knows about my guilty pleasure for HK.
At this point, I don’t care if the WORLD knows-
so cute id wear them everyday!!
Those glasses are adorable!! And I always find it super funny that most of the HKH subscribers are HK fans 🙂
I would kill a puppy for these, seriously.
They’re so hello kitty, that my friend’s will be disappointed if i don’t own them.
These will be a great match for my Hello Kitty sunglasses.
My girlfriend will like these, actually.
so cute i wud love to be embarrassed to wear them.
These are so funny. I would wear them!
I would never wear them, but I would add them to my collection of HK stuff.
How does she.not know this blog exists.
These are cute!! 🙂 I want them!!!
I actually kind of like them, in an I hate them sort of way.
I work at an Animal Shelter and these would be so cute to wear at work!!!
I would love to sport a pair of these next time i go out with my friends. They would probably suffer as much as you would!
So ugly theyre great! My mother in law would love seeing me wear these
Sorry, they’re kind of cute.
I have a great sense of humor about the fact that I’m of a certain age and I would consider wearing Hello Kitty glasses out in public, yes, even at work. Maybe not in a meeting with The President, but I’d carry them just in case we need a moment of joviality 🙂
These glasses are too stinking cute!!!
I already have a different pair, so another pair would make my life that much better! (=
I have to wear glasses (mine have skulls on the temples); I’m blind without them. I think I would rather stumble around running into walls rather than have to wear these! I get the concept behind them but the execution was terrible. The bow looks like an afterthought and hot glued on. That said, if they made these child-sized the glasses would be cute on say, a six year old. I would have loved them when I was little. They really would have taken the sting out of having to wear glasses.
If my prescription fits in that frame, I’m in!
It’s simple…my wedding is next month and we’re going with a rockabilly theme, complete with polka dots, leopard print, AND…a bunch of Hello Kitty thrown in the mix! These glasses would be the perfect finishing touch to a perfect day!!!
I am surrounded by hipsters with their fake glasses! I would love to mock them with some horrendous Hello Kitty glasses!
I need a new pair of glasses anyways and I think I can modify and re-paint the frame just a bit.
perfect…i’m in need of some new reading glasses…
Aagh! I sooo waant!! B)
I’ve been looking at getting new glasses. These would be perfect!!
I already wear glasses, but I’m sure my vision would improve if I wore these!
They will be mine….
These are too cute! Plus my hubby would hate them sooo…I need them! He hates HK as much as I adore her.
I’ve always had a fantasy that involved glasses…hope I win!
more like the BEST giveaway ever. I will wear these shame(ful)lessly.
These are so insane that I would wear them. Inside the house. Okay, I’d wear them outside the house, too. Because they are crazy, and I’m like that. Well, I live in NYC, so it’s less weird here, right? Maybe not. I’d wear them anyway. They’re fabulous.
Hi, I think they are HIDEOUS !! send them to me !!!
I cant help it. They are so adorkably cute I want a pair. Ive got glasses anyways, might as well have some fun with them.
I already wear hello kitty sunglasses. These would be perfect for me.
I would be willing to wear them myself if I was with my mother-in-law. She hates HHK almost as much as you. She is not a bad mother-in-law but I sometimes need to get her to back off. this would work wonderfully.
OMG my boyfriend would hate these lol i have to have them!!!
I need to win this contest so I can dispose of those hideous things in a proper ritualistic fashion!
leopard and hk combination…it s certainly lethal^^…i really wanna have them to kill at first sight =^.^=
I put it to you, that as a long suffering husband, you will perhaps sympathise with my dad and that my wearing these will go a long way to cheering him up!. My dad still buys me HK, my mum rolls her eyes and sighs. My poor dad has to put up with a lot in this family, so the brief moment of rebellion he earns at my mothers wincing when she sees his (not so) little girl in yet more HK, is utterly delicious and deserved. Go on, let some real good come out of your HKH.
My japanese language teacher would so love these. She is a mad collector just like me
Love to get them for my wife so she will have to wear them EVERYWHERE we go… 😉 and have me make a bit of funny pics.. 😀
Omg is this for really, has Mr. Hkh happen to you ? If this is for really then I would, if not then what a pretty good joke bye for now Eileen.
I would LOVE to have these! If not to wear around all the time, just for my collection! Of course my boyfriend will undoubtedly hate you, Mr. HKH, if I were to win, because he’s tired of all of my Hello kitty “crap”, but I’d be ecstatic! I’d have to wear them at least once a week with some sort of outfit.
So… hipsters wear glasses, but I’m sure than nobody of this hipsters would wear this Hello Kitty glasses.
I will be the ultimate hipster!
My one goal in life is to embarrass my friends & family.
It pleases me. [insert maniacal laughter here]
Also, it’s time for new glasses & Hello Kitty ones would make my day.
Yeah, a giveaway for my girlfriend! o/ 😀
I have been inflicted with them on many occasions. My only hope it to hide or destroy them so that no one else will have to suffer the same fate … (this isn’t true at all. While I not on your wife’s level, I do love Hello Kitty. I just thought you might be amused by this sort of response and could not think of anything better to enter the contest with.)
I’m a very mature student who will torture the hipster frosh with something they have likely never seen.
I think these glasses are quirky and fun, and a good conversation starter 🙂
I found a pair of Hello Kitty sunglasses on vacation and my fiance said he would not be seen in public with me if I wear them….imagine how he’ll react to THESE!
I love them!
Right now I’d probably be considered cool for wearing these. However, my kids are getting older & it’s just a matter of time before everything I do & wear will be an embarrassment. I’ll be able to wear these glasses for YEARS.
Honesly? I work for a Japanese company and I’m hoping this will help me in my quest for a promotion.
I sooo want to win those. Whats better than a new fun way to terrorize my husband?
What a better way to embarrass my trendy roommate than to wear to class daily
Hello kind sir,
I believe I most deserve the glasses because I NEED a new pair of glasses. I can’t imagine anything that would bring more horror to my son than showing up to his high school in these loud frames. I would be getting the frames fitted with prescription lenses so I could cause even more suffering to those around me on a regular basis.
PLEASE PLEASE choose to help me. I really don’t have the money for new glasses and it’s been over 5 years since I’ve had a new pair. Good karma for you, one less hello kitty item in your house and giving me the gift of vision. 😀 Thank You!
These are soooooo cute, I want so badly to win these glasses! HK and animal print are my two favorite things, it’s a perfect combination and a win/win for me! I need a pair of new glasses anyway, so winning these now would really save me some money:)
I really really don’t want to win, but if I do, I will e-mail you a photo of the glasses after I have driven some 3000lb of car over them!
I just might wear these… for Holloween tho. They have a hipster feel to them…
I deserve these glasses because I will wear them daily to embarrass my poor HK-hating husband!
Hook me up! ^__^
I try for my friend Dina!
I would wear these every day! They are so me! I wear leopard glasses already and these will be even better!
Those are supper kute!!!…i have like 6pair of those but nun like tht
lol you are too funny
since i need to wear glasses actually and i really hate them, i would wear them if they’d just look like this ones! xD <3
These glasses will complete my hello kitty lifestyle. Already being near sighted, the glasses will help me, as well as being hello kitty chic! Working at a hipster store on top of it would only make owning these even sweeter. The people who will suffer the most would be my room mate/ best friend, as well as my significant other. These glasses are perfect!
Recently I introduced my fiance to the hell world of Hello Kitty- he had no idea what this cat was nor her popularity. I showed him this site and about once a month he’ll randomly come up with some thing that couldn’t possibly have ‘Hello Kitty’ on it- and then we google to see if the Hello Kitty demons have tainted whatever it is… (TMNT etc.). I think the Hello Kitty glasses would be a wonderful reminder of the Hello Kitty world domination and the fun annoyance it will bring to him. If you should suffer, so shall he.
I currently go to a very fancy art school and all I deal with all day is bitchy fashion students so these glasses would help so much because they are so ugly and would go great with some outfits that I own.
Yes sir! Leopard print and hello kitty? to die for, for sure 🙂 <3
Hoping to win!
at least i made people happy
Just stumbled across your blog. I have one word. Gold!
Well everybody wears geek glasses, so why can’t i wear these ??
. . . . just because
Because I have the ultimate obsession with Hello Kitty and I am slowly creating my collection. I will gladly take those glasses off your hands c;
Don’t give it away… You’ll end up with more people who don’t get what this site means contacting you for a chance to win something… anything to with HK… Take the bow off and sell them to a fashion savvy teenager instead… at least you’ll make some bucks off of it… and there will be one less HK item in the world!
Uh… just so everyone knows… I’m not sitting on this site at 3:13 in the morning… I’m in South Africa and it’s only going on lunch time now… so I’m not a crazy person surfing the net in the middle of the night… also on that note… Maybe Mr. HKH should move here to SA?? HK hasn’t really put hectic roots here… there aren’t any HK stores or anything like that… In fact we only have a few items here and there like prints on a t shirt and the odd mug or cuddly teddy bear at the kiddies stores…
There are no collectors items here… 😉
Oh… wait… here’s one better… move to one of the little farming communities here in SA… there are no major malls but great internet signal… there is no HK around for freaking miles and miles and miles… it would take you almost 4 hours to drive to buy anything remotely hk… Think of it as putting your wife into rehab…
I made it on to Hello Kitty Hell about a year ago.. I think I deserve an extra entry!
I lov these. I will embarass everyone wearing them and I will enjoy it. thnk you
I am 7 months pregnant and would love to embarrass my new born son (whom I am naming Daniel with the initials DD, like Dear Daniel) in some of his first photos.
Love these
Loveeee this website, I use to adore hello Kitty but ever since my mom bought hello kitty backpack, pencil, jacket, boots etc I’ve tone down a lot moree LOL its cute none the less just wish to not be crowed by itt
To keep the tradition of Hello Kitty alive I have passed down my entire collection to my 6 yr old. She tried these on at the store but I wasn’t about to pay that much… but free is good 🙂
I totally want to look like a geeky Hello Kitty librarian.
Where do I sign up for the free hk giveaway??? And how??? I must have these glasses!
I really don’t care what my friends or anyone else thinks…I’d rock these glasses everywhere!!!
I have dedicated my life to embarrassing myself and my family with my extreme love for Hello Kitty. I’ll be 32 on Monday and I’m not stopping now!
Why do I want these? Honestly, because I’m from a small town and I will probably never see these in person unless I win them! 🙂 Please help a girl out! 😛
I love your site, because I sound like your wife & you sound like my man.
Must. Have. I am a 46 year old man with more Hello Kitty stuff than all of you lot combined.
It’s my job to embarrass my friends and family so these are perfect for me
I need these glasses just to torture all my Hello Kitty friends by saying I have them and they don’t. I do that now with a Hello Kitty hat that no one else has been able to find.
It’s cheetah, hello kitty, and has a pink bow. Come on..what’s not to love 🙂
When it comes to something free, you just need to find the right look to match it! Everyone has their eccentric days.
My husband said if I got anything else hello kitty in the house he will put a batman poster on the dinning room. These will be in the house, but not part of the house and I have to use them because they ate glasses… Perfect!!! Please let me take my husband to HK hell!!!
I just accidently broke my pair of librarian glasses and these are so adorable! they would make a wonderfull replacement.
Yes, please! These will make an amazing Christmas gift for my daughter, one of those annoying HK fans you love to talk about!
Every fiber of my being wants these! I love the kitty in a totally healthy way of course.
I would love these for my four year old daughter. My son who was born first has been brought to the dark side by my husband and has been studying to be a Jedi. I swore my revenge the day my girl was born. Victory over SW nerds will be won by these glasses.
Because they are just TOOOO Cute!
these glasses are not hideous. actually, they would not only help me fit in (my friends actually appreciate my sense of style), but they would make my life a little more complete. the ultimate goal is hello kitty domination. now, the glasses please? 🙂
I love Hello Kitty and want the world to know! hahaa
These would make a great gift for my HK friend.
My friends wear embarassing stuff too so i want to return the favor
ZOMG WANT!!! I need new glasses too
I would love to wear them! I’m due to get a new pair of glasses, but haven’t got the money. Maybe it’s because I should be wearing these cute HK ones instead!
I love these glasses! My husband would just laugh his ass off if I wore these.
I think these glasses are cute.
My family will love these…in the worst way possible
I need these so that I can rid of you of the misery of owning them! =)
Love them. I’ve been wanting some of those but will NOT pay $15 for them at Hot Topic.
I really want this glasses because they’re awesome and I don’t want to pay for them! I hope I win! 😀
I don’t know about you, but I know I could get some girly action with these, keke
I am a huge HK fan myself, but I can totaly understand why you would recent having all that Kitty-cuteness forced on you!
Still I think it’s great that you are willing to suffer, so your wife can enjoy her collection! ^-^
One aspect of my collection is trying to find the most ugly HK item I can get my hands on….and I think you of all people will agree that there are a lot of realy ugly and strange HK items out there!!
So ofcourse I would like to winn these…let’s say unique glasses!! They’ll would be at the top of my list of ugly Hello Kitty items!
Greetings from Holland!
Oh these are delightfully evil.
Honestly, it’s not me I want these hideous beasts for. It’s the woman my heart is enslaved to who is a devout worshipper of the demoness queen that is Hello Kitty. I know these monstrosities will bring a huge, bright smile to her face, and so I will suffer the diabolical gaze of these glasses to make my lady giggle with delight; her laughter is soothing music to my ears. Which will be nice since my eyes are aflame with the sight of these glasses.
Cute. I could wear them to my friend’s Party Rock birthday. 😛
If I win these I’ll smash them with a hammer for you. If that is not an option, my niece would like them.
I want these because I have no shame and would wear them in public.
I’m a teacher and my students lie when I dress up in cute crazy costumes so these would go perfect to teach some crazy lesson! Plus yeah I torture my son with Hello Kitty, but I think he’s used to it by now haha
As an again HK fan, I have been wearing glasses for a few years now. I can’t see very well up close, so I need these awesome glasses to adorn the fine detail of my HK stuff.
My friends already know I love Hello Kitty. This will take it to the next level.
It would be great to toture my boyfriend on a daily basis wearing those and also my friends and family. (:
I recently went to the “show” in my city and picked up the hello kitty showbag full of goodies. The sunglasses that came in my bag were missing the bow, therefore voiding it’s hello kittybility. I know you probably don’t sympathize with my issue but my poor boyfriend had to carry that giant bag plastered with hello kitty’s face while I went and bought her and her friends in plush toy form. please let me make his life just a little more unbearable.
I just lost a pair of glasses… a Hello Kitty replacement would be wonderful (in a hellish sort of way.)
just imagine the look on my husbands face as I walk around with him while wearing them…i think it would be fun and embarrassing times ;P
I wouldn’t be caught dead in them. I’ll let my daughters fight over them if I win!
I would love to harass my husband with these. All day… everday. Yay!
ZOMG, Want! I already have a pair in Black, but having them in gaudy leopard print would make my day!
So cute!! They would go great with my bow collection
So how do we win these dang free hello kitty fake glasses? 😉
Oh lame and I wanted these too cute. where can I get a pair then?
how can i get them glasses. i really love them<3.
i love hello kitty to death. I would rock these glasses for sure. I would do my whole house if i could afford to
i am one of hello kittys biggest fans oh how i would rock these glasses even at my age she is the cutest and i dont even like cats but who can resist her? if i could afford it i would buy everything of hers but i am on a fixed income from being disabled
i want hello kitty glasses so so bad
These are cute…for Halloween! I’d wear them around the house as reading glasses though.