Hello Kitty Sunday Mail

A few of the emails I have received over the past few weeks:


I must say that when I came along and found your site I felt like a happy schoolgirl on a sunny day! I have been happily married to my high school sweetheart for three years. Unknown to me during the time we were dating I was unaware of my wife’s freakish obsession with Hello Kitty. The nightmare began on our wedding night when we were opening our wedding gifts that consistent of a Kitty toaster, handle towels, oven mitts and other monstrosities that I cannot mention without me having to evacuate to the bathroom and throwing up my very expensive t-bone dinner. I have explained to her that I think it might be time for her to get a much more grown up hobby. I threw out the idea that we might have couples golf lessons, gym sessions or something that does not include a feline in the mix. We have frequented the fine jewelry stores browsing for the perfect piece just to end up buying her the Kimore Lee Simmons “Hello Kitty” diamond collection. Should I mention that most of the pieces in that collection are $1000.00 or up and let me tell you my wallet felt it that day.

Reading through this forum I feel a little bit better about myself that I’m not the only Husband here that feels very hostile towards a very imaginary character. I know that every time that I wake up in the morning to eat some jam and toast I proceed to go to the toaster to see a white feline with her devilish eyes and her every sinister smile as if she saying to me “Even after you are gone and no one will remember you I will still bring smiles to grown woman every where.” I then take my burnt toast with a Hello Kitty imprint on it and then proceed to the couch, which is laced with overstuffed Hello Kitty pillows and eat my breakfast in a trance as if to wonder if our lives will ever be free of this pest lie little feline they call Hello Kitty — CB

Only three years? The worst — and yes, it will get much, much worse — is yet to come…

I am both happy and upset to have found your site. One of my kitty obsessed co-workers showed this sight pointing out that it was the most complete collection of hello kitty stuff. To find out that it was a hello kitty hate sight filled my heart with joy.

I work in a rather large gay night club. I’m only one of two heterosexual men working there. I’m known as DJ Blakkat, or at least was. My coworkers started buying me Gothic and punk hello kitty items. No big deal — just a few plush dolls kinda of cute I thought. Well, as time moved on, they shortened my name to DJ Kitty. They started buying me more and more hello kitty things each one more bizarre than the last. Now I live in hello kitty hell. Even my boss has had custom hello kitty lenses ordered for two of my trac-spots!

I must say that it hasn’t been all bad. It has gotten me laid more than the straight guy in a gay bar thing. Also there are many appliances that I could not afford on my budget such as the imported lcd TV that were bought for me, not a dime out of my pocket, all I have to do is live with that damn cat.

I’ll be reading your site regularly. It’s good to know there are others that are forced into having every thing they own covered with that damn cat! Anotherone in HK Hell — DJ Blakkat

If you can even think of saying “I must say that it hasn’t been all bad,” you still have absolutely no idea what Hello Kitty Hell is…


Recently my life has become hello kitty hell. My friend talks of nothing else she has t-shirts jewellery key ring, pencil case stationary and the list goes on and is unfortunately expanding. It’s only a matter of time before she has the theme song as her ringtone!!!

In retaliation I have had 2 start a small local hate club against the satanic hello kitty who plans to use her brainwashed followers to take over our world and make this universe EVEN MORE of a hello kitty hell. After founding the HKHK (Hello Kitty Hate Klub) I read your blog and see that u also live in a hello kitty hell,.

Is there any way to save my friend from the hell kitty’s corruption or is she doomed to spend her eternity as part of this demonic cult????

The question you should be asking (and be far more afraid of) is whether you, as her friend, are doomed to live her Hello Kitty Hell as well…

Hello Kitty Sunday Mail

More random mail that has found its way into my email box:

I found this job that I think you should apply for:

Sanrio Digital is interactive new media company which strives to digitally expand on world famous IP’s such as Hello Kitty, My Melody, Badtz Maru,etc and to generate higher value via the development of digital content, new media, community, and the social web. For more information please visit www.sanriodigital.com

Web Content Editor

Jobs & Responsibilities

Responsible for writing and editing articles on website
To manage the web content and web forum and to develop the websites
Controlling the quality of the website content

I think you would do an excellent job at this job — james

hmmmm, I think everyone should go to the site and recommend me for the job considering they are already sending me press releases… 😉

I just ran into this and thought you may get a kick out of HK’s new friend! — Zalphene

The divorced dolphin, I like it…

Dude, Is Darlene your wife? I’m trying to think of reasons why this lady would be so against your right to free speech in your hatred towards Hello Kitty. I mean hey it’s your blog. She should get her own. Although even if she did yours would still be undeniably more popular. Anyway good luck in hello kitty hell. Maybe i’l get my boyfriend to draw some pictures of the “evil feline” for your fan art to help your days go by. Stay strong. — sarah

No…and it’s not worth the time trying to figure out why. Hello Kitty fanatics simply make no logical sense and trying to figure out why they act the way they do will only drive you nuts…

It was clear to me from the first sighting of a Kitty mall shop long ago that mindless commercialism had come into its own. The convergence of over-population (“consumers”), globalization of crap commerce and cutsie “culture” was first epitomized by this character’s mouthless mug. “Shut up and buy!” taken to its iconic limit.

So it becomes apparent that humanity does not end with a whimper or a bang after all. The final scene is a seething mass of toxic plastics and “Kitty krap” on the Pacific Ocean MUCH larger than Texas. Happily scampering and eternally singing their theme upon this “new continent”… the Kitties. — Questpass

One more thing to look forward to in Hello Kitty Hell…

Hello Kitty Found Dead, Charred in Los Angeles — many readers

If only it was true…

Hi! So I love your site and at the same time I despise it because it’s filled with the very thing I love and hate, which is Hello Kitty. Unfortunately she was forced in to my life by my grandparents and aunts who did/do nothing but send me everything they could find of Hello Kitty. Trust me, I never wanted Hello Kitty in my life. Whenever I see her face I’m immediately drawn to the object and find myself trying to justify my need for it to my husband. He usually drags me far enough away that I realize what an idiot I was wanting it. I know it’s wrong, but it’s like a reflex every time I see her face. I need help. You don’t know how happy I was to read that you won’t tell anyone where to get the HK items you post!!! I don’t need to know and I really don’t need them anyway so I just want to really Thank You for that!!! Although I was tempted by the sewing machine that turns in to a Transformer…. If, in a moment of weakness, I do decide I need it then I’m sure I could find it myself. Then I’d blame you because I saw it in your site. Sorry, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. I’m sure you understand. — A

And you thought crack addicts were bad…

Hi there, ive just been on your hello kitty hell site, and it really made me laugh, you have a funny way of writing. It seems your getting alot of negativity by some hk fans out there, so i thought id restore the balance some what and say how good and funny your site is! I myself am a 26 year old English girl, and a fully recovered hk addict! Back in my day i was gripped by her to the extreme, its an easy trap to fall into for a lot of girls and women.
When i was 4 i got a hk glow in the dark toy for xmas, which on reflection must have been a bootleg type thing , because it had a massive head! (even by hello kitties standards..) I liked it alot though and still do have a peculiar penchant for things with giant heads, anyway its not till i was around about 18 that i discovered hk through a friend of mine from brighton, which is englands gay capital incidently.

The fever quickly took hold, and i began to get obsessed i did think she was cute, and at that point still fairly underground where i lived anyway, and i like the unsual, now when i go back home even the scummy kids have hk clothes and stuff, and you can buy lots of tacky crap emblazoned with an outline of her head, and the gullible saps just lap it up!

I havent purchased anything with hk on it in a long time now thank god! At the worst financial drain of my hk obsession, i managed to spend at least $500 in just one shop that specialized in sanrio things in Amsterdam, i thought oh i can get stuff we cant get in england..i bought a lot of stationary, writing paper and unusual things,damn what a waste of money that was, of that whole collection i now possess just one hand mirror of hk which i appreciate as its my only item and fairly vintage now. The rest of my collection was stolen, by my ex b/f who decided after we broke up he could probably make some money on the stuff id collected over the years and took the lot to ireland, never to be seen again.. i do kinda miss that first doll, that glowed in the dark when i was 4, for sentimental reasons but the rest of my useless dust collecting collection i dont miss a drop, When you dont have it round you then you dont miss it, you dont need these things, and now im free.

At my most depraved point with hk, i persuaded the same ex b/f to drive me to brighton (gay capital), over 300 miles away just so i could purchase a hk dildo, officially released as a massager! (yeah right). So literally hk has made me orgasm with her vibrating head – i know at this point your probably hurling into a bucket, and horrified beyond belief, maybe just wondering why some random girl is telling you so much about a hk fascination.. well the moral to this disturbing and horrendous story is, i recovered and can fully understand why you live in hello kitty hell, mass merchandise is never a good thing, and even if its wrapped up in a sweet simple cat picture, its still just wrong, alot of its been made in china, probably by impoverished children and i just dont want to be a part of that society. People have long since forgotten how to be grateful for what they have, and to treasure things , they just waste money and dont think and amass a pile of useless plasticy tat that one day will end up in a charity shop because they will die, leaving behind all their useless crap, it may even be that some one so obsessed wants to be buried with their hk crap, in a hk coffin with a hk grave stone-surely there are better ways to spend your time than collecting useless junk, i think you were right when you said that people instead of whinging to you should be more constructive and send out love instead of hate. Besides if you were that much of a bastard you wouldn’t be still married to your wife, in a way i think its kinda sweet that despite your loathing for the kitty, you love your wife enough to be interested in her stuff, enough to make a website about it, i bet secretly you have some hk boxers! haha

anyway thanks for the site it brightned my day, and thanks for rading my ramblings…

sanrio satire from beth x

Sanrio just read this and have already developed a plan to launch Hello Kitty anonymous…

Thought you might appreciate the HELLo my wife just added to our kitchen.
She handed me the printout of the order she placed at target and said thanks for the valentines day present. Just what I needed .. a pink kitchen
So I can now look forward to a morning of hello kitty toast and waffles to go with my hello kitty
coffee, and clean up with our hands free hello kitty soap dispenser … someone please shoot me now. Putting The SIN in SINcerely, — My Hazey Clarity

Typical day in Hello Kitty Hell…welcome to the club…

I’m going to confess to not getting the whole “Hello Kitty” thing myself. Having said that, our large volunteer group is headed by a woman (not my wife or girlfriend) who is putting tons of time into the group while working full-time and studying for her MBA.

Would a $20 “donation for bandwidth” be enough for you to make an exception to “don’t ask where it came from rule” for the USB aquarium? Please trust me when I say I’m embarrassed to be asking.

Additionally, I would also gladly include a 3′ inflatable hammer, a full sized whoopie cushion, and a container of fart putty from our dental prize cabinet for your help. In any case, thanks for your time. Friendly Regards — Howard

For her and the group’s sake, it an’t going to happen – (refer to crack addict comment above…)

Hello Kitty Sunday Mail

I’ve started to get quite a bit of random email recently, so I’ve decided to start a new theme called “Sunday Mail” where I will be posting what I receive during the week for all your reading pleasure:

I love HK (but most of her stuff is ridiculous!!!) and I’m sorry what your wife is putting you through. You’re a strong man! Anyway, I work at a store called Altex where the registers are fully functioning computers. Everyday I come into work I check your website to see what’s new in HKH. It has now become a “tradition” of sorts for the guys I work with (I’m the only female amongst 10 men) to follow me to my register to “see what’s going on in Hell today.” And if they don’t catch me when I first walk in, they stand next to my register until I pull up your website for them so see. I know if they knew I was e-mailing you they’d scream, but we totally love your website!!! -the Altex Crew

Hmmmmm, this is quite disturbing and simply confirms that no matter how much people want to look away from a car wreck as they pass by, it’s impossible to do…

Hello mr. Hello kitty hell! I was just wondering…Do you own any hk items? Not your household items, but I mean YOU bought it.. xD Hello kitty computer mouse, hello kitty strawberrys or even a plushie.. I’m sure all of your readers & such would like to know! – Raine

Why in Hello Kitty Hell would I ever buy crap of the evil feline for myself? Have you even read any of the posts in this blog???

HI! I sent you an e-mail (twice) from my work e-mail 😛 I usualy send you stuff from this one… anyway, I’m Absinth on your blog. If anything that we sent you are worthy of being mentioned my friend will be astonished… she believes that you will never pay attention to our e-mail… I know Paula is wrong! Wishing the best far away from the HK sleeping bag – Absinth

mentioned…be astonished

First off, I would like to state, that I do not care much for hello kitty, and I absolutely LOVE your blog, it’s hilarious. Anyways, I started to ponder something recently. You hate Hello Kitty, specifically the products of the feline, however, through your hate, haven’t you become an accessory to her fiendish world-take over? Because of Hello Kitty, there is now a comedy themed anti-hello kitty news site that regularly reports on the products of hello kitty “Hello Kitty Hell” So, in a way, you’re an accessory of Hello Kitty, and an object of your hate, and pain. – Jesse

Great, like I really needed another reason to kill myself….

Hi, long time reader of your blog, I too have been living in a Hello Kitty Hell, but my girlfriend has taken things a little too far. I should of known from the beginning that dating a Hello Kitty fanatic would be different, but not consuming every single part of my life. I too have been though all the clothing, the bracelets, rings, wallpaper and just about anything else that you could imagine. Also, saying anything about Hello Kitty is almost always grounds for some sort of punishment, ranging from the traditional kicked out bed for the night, to the i-am-not-talking-to-you-for-a-week. The other day I had gotten into a disagreement about putting Hello Kitty bedding down on our bed and for some strange reason, she didn’t get mad, only brushed me off and didn’t talk to me for the rest of the night. However today after I got home from work, I had found the sheer hearted revenge that could only come from a Hello Kitty fanatic. I went to use my new laptop that I often use for work and lo and behold there she was for all her glory, Hello Kitty, super glued onto my computer. I can only say this will be the last major argument we ever have….because now I have to figure out how to get Kitty off my machine…..I’m glad to see that more people are put to suffer at the ever changing hands of Hello Kitty than myself. Thought I might share. – Logan

Hello Kitty Dell computer

Welcome to the club – it only get worse…

hello i just read all the posts under the hello kitty tattoo tag, and i think mine should be on it as well 😛 mine appeared on bmezine mod blog but people thought i was trying to slander hello kitty and IT’S NOT TRUE i am a 100% hello kitty lover and the vagina face and dickhead came from a traditional japanese book! i love vagina, penis and hello kitty. so put them together and there you go! they are on my inner arms. =D love your blog! – Cici

As hard as it may be to believe, there are some Hello Kitty photos that are even too disturbing for me to post here…