One of the worst aspects of Hello Kitty Hell is all the Hello Kitty games that my wife receives and then gives to me. I have to make some type of effort or I end up sleeping on the couch even though it’s torture to do so. Well, all you readers who actually like Hello Kitty are going to have to start earning your keep for my torture. Today my wife gave me this “How Many Bows Can You Find” and since looking at it makes the Hello Kitty pop tarts actually seem appealing, I’m enlisting you to give me the answer:

Too many! (I got to 7 before I came to my senses and stopped)
since i have the box i went and checked the answer…. there are 18
I counted 11 before my brain shut down!
i only found 17..
17 mister.
i only counted 16!!!!………. im LOST!!!! lol
17 or 18
i got 17 on first count 18 on second i missed the slipper nose
theres 19 in the find it picture. 😛
i found 10
yeah i only found 17 -_- lol
I counted 4 before I even realized what I was doing, the stoped.
😀 i found em all!
.. sorry >.>
I found all 18! that was so annouying!
yay ADHD stirkes again!
i love hello kitty so much its better than high school musical !
i love hello kitty so much its better than high school musical ! and the ansrew is 13
i see 10…..
I saw three, then I asked myself why I was doing this XD