It’s cherry blossom viewing season in Japan and so my wife wants to make a picnic and go view the cherry blossoms. Then Hello Kitty Hell struck with a link left in the last post that showed photos of various Hello Kitty obento creations:
I don’t even want to imagine what I’m going to see when I open my bento box next time. You know those scary movies when the main character decides that it’s a good idea to go down into the basement, and the feeling you get when she/he opens the basement door – that “No! No! Don’t do it! How the hell can you be so stupid? You know how horrible it’s going to be down there!” That’s the feeling I’m going to have every time I open up a bento box from now on…which pretty much is on par with Hello Kitty Hell.
From Mrs Muffle in the comments who should be forced to not only make these for herself, but also eat them everyday from now on… (via e-charaben)
Update: One would think that the above Hello Kitty bentos would be enough to swear all others off of creating their own, but that would be greatly underestimating the complete lack of sanity of Hello Kitty fanatics:
Sent in by milli (via akinoichigo)
at least u’d get to bite kitty’s head off, stab her w/ ure chopsticks hehe 😛
I’m so sorry ^^ But random kt freak is right, you’re now able to cut hello kitty in little pieces without having to apologize!
wow, that’s really cute.
I was just going to send you those pictures. I found them online while searching for the HK rubber stamp for food. My student assistant is Japanese so she helps me find exotic HK stuff.
Have to say that, for some reason, the photos on the Hello Kitty Bento post tickled my funny bone more than any others have for quite some time…as well as, of course, got me thinking “how cuuute”! ;DDD
I think it’s cute.
Just don’t let the stuff get to you.
If not, send some HK things to me.
Okay. I searched for a new website so as you can forgive me for the previous link 😉 I hope you’ll enjoy it (I’m sorry if I make mistakes, my english is not perfect ^^)
I thought your wife might want these Hello Kitty bento molds // does she have a website? I would love to see it 🙂
I agree with most of the above. Stab HK win her face. Repeatedly
Hahaha — I can’t help but be disturbed about a cat (no matter how cute it is proclaimed by the world) sitting in my bento box. If I were vegetarian, I would be having nightmares…
Dear Lord… I bet you have nightmares with Kitty! LoL
So I went to as linked here by Mrs. Muffle.
And in one of the articles, it mentions:
…There’s a hello kitty wedding dress. o.o
No, surely not! But after seeing the strangest things listed on HelloKitty Hell, I knew it must actually exist. So I googled, and found it here…
Ugh. @.@ They didn’t even keep it white. I guess true HK fans don’t care about being pure. 😀 Aren’t you glad your wife wasn’t HK-flippy when you married. She might have insisted on something like that. @.@;
this website is cruel to hello kitty. she is a worldwide phenomenon and this website would not be allowed by Sanrio (her creators) i am a hello kitty luva 4 life, and im reporting you to sanrio.
and oh, the bentos are the cutest!
Yeah, I’ve seen those artsy bentos before. Apparently, some Japanese housewives don’t have anything better to do than slave away making art in their kids’ lunch, only to have it be consumed in a few minutes.
I feel for you.
Mmmm! I’d eat some.
That’s Funny. talk about playing with your food. 🙂
I am sorry this is your hell…I have love HK for years and only my tenuous hold on reality stops me from burying my house in HK product and all her cute pinkness…these obento are by far the most amazing thing I’ve seen in a while. Kudo’s to your wife!
Those bento’s are really cute and I’m a huge fan of Hello Kitty!!
Hello kitty are best 4 ever
I like the ast one of Kitty in the Kimono <33
ooh im sorry for what im going to say but they are really cute XD i dont like hello kitty i rather chococat ja but bento is rice ball? or bento box like lunchbox? im from mexico and i really want to know that japanese things, love your blog you are really funny!
aaaaaaawwww!! The little one with the kimono is so cuuuute! You are so lucky living in Japan with your hello kitty wife!!!
hahaha! I have no sorrow for you!
I’m sorry, but that IS cute.
Maybe I’m just a sucker for edible art. (Yeah, you might come back with something like “this isn’t edible art, it’s an edible akuma!!”, but it’s a visual depiction of someone/thing made out of different objects, so it’s a type of art)
I’m telling you. This world is going down..
with all the hello kitty crap.
I would love to stab hk with a fork [doesn’t matter what she is -food,plushie, anything.]
and then every little girl who thinks she’s mature would cry T__T
Sooooooo cute! I would never want to eat it.
goood i lovet $_^
single i liked,i liked, i liked
>,<; I don’t want to say it but those are SO CUTE!
:p i wish I could take those to school…
If a HK fan east this could it be considered cannibalism. I just cannot get into eating a cartoon character. It just seems too morbid to me.
Oh, man. Hey, you know how to make bento? Just say you’ll make your own! No, wait, that might not work… Um, I got nothing.
I have to admit- that’s really made well done! The art looks really good! Yeh I’m a fan of food art- HK or not!
The first one is my fav!!! Love the Hello part XD It’s almost as if HK was saying
“Hello! Eat me!”
Cute! Even though I’m no fan of HK
i’d never eat those.. too precious..
these are so cute i wish i knew hot to make them
Never had a Bento, kind of want one. Just because i want to see what all that stuff is made of.
It’s almost as cute as Hana Yori Dango’s cookies…almost. While those cookies were heart warming these are kind of sickening.
Not gonna lie, those look delicious.
Note to Hello Kitty fans who visit this page: I think you should know that everybody has different likes and dislikes. This poor guy doen’t like Hello Kitty and lives with someone who is absolutely obsessed with HK. I’m willing to deal with the Tails, Blaze, Vector, etc. haters out there and the fact I share a planet with them, so just deal with the fact not everybody likes HK and move on (preferably to a different site, other than GoodbyeKitty and KittyHell).
ive never had these bento boxes before, but if i had the opportunity to try some that looked like these i would 🙂
I LOVE this!! Shame you can’t get it in the UK!
Haha. so cute.
Can’t you register as restaurant in online food delivery shop Seamless in US or Maishoku( // ) in Tokyo for example.
You got many orders and will be rich the Kitty’s bento 😀