Hello Kitty Banana Cover

The thing about Hello Kitty Hell is that it will never end. Any normal person would assume that Hello Kitty would eventually run out of new things to stamp her little face on, but that is not how Hello Kitty works. When it becomes difficult to find items that haven’t already been Hello Kittified, there is a simple answer: invent new ones.

Hello Kitty banana cover

WTF?!? A Hello Kitty banana cover? Don’t bananas already come with their own naturally produced covers? That is how any normal person should react upon seeing this Hello Kitty product. Not my wife. “That is soooooo cute. We need some,” was her reaction in typical Hello Kitty Hell fashion.

Having lived in Hello Kitty Hell for a number of years, I have seen my share of completely useless Hello Kitty products. I have to say the Hello Kitty banana cover has to rank not only near the top of totally useless Hello Kitty products invented, but of all products ever invented. That being said, I have no doubt that the Hello Kitty apple and orange covers are already in the works…

Update: You really thought the evil feline could stop at one Hello Kitty banana cover?

hello kitty banana case

Sent in by leslie

50 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Banana Cover”

  1. Maybe they’ll blacken slower? Then it’ll take longer for your wife to stamp Hello Kitty on your Banana Bread!

  2. Maybe they could also make Hello Kitty grave covers? To pack your grapes for lunch, you could pack them in individual HK covers … 🙂

  3. We also have banana boxes made from plastic in Germany… there is a TV show called “Besser essen” (eat better), and the children in the show always get such a box 😉 (but of course without hello kitty on it.)

  4. Don’t know where you come from, but around here, bananas bruise easily, and anything that will keep it from turning into mush between my house and lunchtime at work would be useful. The HK I can’t speak for, but it is not THE dumbest invention ever.

  5. I guess this is useful and have already seen some here in France.
    My wife is a teacher and I recall her telling me some kid (3-4yo) has crushed his banana so that when she opened it, it was totally mashed, and defintly not eatable as is.

  6. That is very cute.. in a strange way.. that I love.. as long as it isn’t rude.. where can I buy this -crap- that I’ll end up showing off to my friends?

  7. Actually, banana covers are big players amongst cyclists. After churning out 20+ miles on the bike, it sucks to find that your tasty, tropical snack is nothing but mush.

    (BTW- my nine-year-old daughter has taken to drawing all things in HK fashion, so I’m being dragged into my own HKH!)

  8. I can see why men and women could detest HK banana case, but I don’t really know why should this great invention be the top of useless products – I love my bananas spotless – even the smallest nick on their flesh from being squished somewhere and I won’t eat it even if I was starving – too yucky 😉

    And as a added bonus, it is true that bananas get ripe slower in these – and I don’t like ripe bananas ;P

    So there 😀

  9. Hello Kitty banana cover… sounds more like a cover for their newly re-released “shoulder” massager…. if you’re going to get the vibe you need a kitty cover to put it in 😛

  10. ummmm okay, my mind’s in the gutter but i see that and think “there’s something else i can store in that thing!”

    too bad the Hello Kitty “shoulder massager” is rigid…. 😉

    i do like Hello Kitty but sometimes i’m happy stuff like that never makes it to the US market.

    (btw: if you ever go to Orlando, FL keep your wife away from the Mall at Millenia, there’s a store there she might go nuts over ;-D)

  11. i love hello kitty but why banana covers don’t banana’s already come with their own peel or whatever it is called so i idk whatever. g2g peace out

  12. Okay, I just gotta say, your “natural banana cover” editorial comment effin PWNS!! X-D

    If someone could gather up this useless crap, buy a big house (or store building) and make a museum, they’d be rollin in it!!

    Sanario would have to pay them royalties for giving HK-fanatics more shopping ideas! 😉

  13. this is disturbing
    but i find it amusing
    i’d definitely buy it
    😀 maybe to amuse visits
    i love amusing visits with my stuff

  14. Personally, i love Hello Kitty, but this is definitely pushing it.

    As for apple covers, i already have them (but they arent even hello kitty, not even pink)

    I just hate it when apples are all dented.


  15. This is so idiotic. I mean, even if you put your lovely bananas in them to prevent squashed-ness, that cover doesn’t even look hard enough to protect a banana. All you’ll get is a banana covered in teeny tiny little fibre bits which is probably bruised anyways.

    Hello Kitty Hell, your blog rocks(:

  16. Here in Brooklyn we usually get green bananas that need ripening. In my house Bananas disappear if you wait too long. I have lost out on many bananas due to this.

  17. All of you jerks who trash this item are wrong. This item is the BEST. If you have a banana once in a while for lunch this cover protects the fruit from bruising – – which is probably a foreign concept to you obese losers who live on chess doddles and fruit loops. Long Live Hello Kitty.

  18. i’m not surprised some one calling themselves palin2012 can’t spell cheese or doodles and supports the world domination of the evil feline 😉


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