Hello Kitty Darth Vader Tattoo

It was bound to happen because, as regular readers well know, this is Hello Kitty Hell and that means there is no limit when it comes to Hello Kittification. It also means that common decency is suspended and the sacrilege event of mixing Hello Kitty with other pop culture icons –which should not happen in the worst of nightmares — is common place. With a Hello Kitty Darth Vader and a Hello Kitty stormtrooper tattoo already in existence, it was only a matter of time before the Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo would appear:

Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo

There isn’t a lot more to say about this other than it’s wrong…just completely wrong…which, when you think about it, pretty much sums up Hello Kitty Hell in its entirety…

Sent in by tattoo artist Brian from Youngstown, Ohio (via a painting from Nick) who once again deserves the worst of the worst (and possibly a Hello Kitty tattoo of his own) for thinking in any way, shape, or form that sending this to me was a good idea…

58 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Darth Vader Tattoo”

  1. I sort of like the idea of Hello Kitty being burned in lava and being forced to wear the Darth Vader outfit…. I suppose it’s the only plausible reason she would wear that suit in the first place…

  2. while not a big fan of this or the other controversial tatt, i must say Brian is terrifically talented. exceptional ink work.

  3. Yeah, while I dislike these particular works, if I lived in or near his burg and wanted a tat, I’d definately talk to Brian about what I wanted.

  4. Was this another “tattoo of the day”? Has someone allowed to have this tattoo done just because it was for free? If it was than there are some weird people out there if not… well they’re weird too!
    The tat is great and very well done but I wouldn’t choose it for myself 😛

  5. Gotta admit the tattoo is well done, Brian should just try and use his skills more on non HK tattoos.

    Though thinking about it, Darth Vader kind of fits Hello Kitty…shes just not as insanely cool as Vader. Maybe Emperor Palpatine? Could anyone else see Hello Kitty as a wrinkled up evil overlord trying to convert or kill everyone in the galaxy?

  6. Brain is one talented tattoo artist, but if I suggested something like this to my tattoo guy he would slap me silly. This is so wrong on so many levels I can’t even start…

  7. lol thanks for the compliments. Yes this was another free tattoo of the month. I only do them when I’m bored and need to do a tattoo that will make me laugh.

  8. Not sure whether to love this or hate it- on one hand, we don’t have to actually see HK’s face (always cause for celebration), but on the other hand, it’s an affront to all the Star Wars fans of the world. Either way, it’s actually a nicely done tattoo, and this Brian is a very talented person.

  9. The darth vader tattoo is on a guys chest. The jesus one is on the inside of another guys arm.

    To answer demeters question, why not. lol Its funny. Seriously though its all because the tattoo is free. Like this darth vader one, I don’t even think the kid knew it was hello kitty or darth vader. All he knew was it was free and he wanted a tattoo. Its really sad to think thats all the amount of thought that was put into the idea of getting the tattoo but thats the kind of clients I deal with daily; whatever is cheapest to them is good. They don’t care at all. So I figured if people aren’t going to think about what they’re getting I might as well use that to my advantage and do some fun tattoos.

  10. What would match my Hello Kitty Cigarette Etui that I got for Christmas….NOT KIDDING!
    Hello Kitty has a dark side too! It lives in the non-licensed reproduction underground!

  11. Pingback: Abodes.org » Vader kitt3h! - Your #1 source for politically correct and totally inoffensive kittens, ninjas and boobies
  12. Pingback: The Best And Worst Hello Kitty Tattoos Ever | ALBOTAS |
  13. Pingback: The Lonely Vampire Chronicles » Blog Archive » Kitty Wars: A New Hell
  14. i can not wait for the post where you announce that your wife wants you to get a hello kitty tattoo. i am almost completely certain it will come. and i feel so bad for you.

  15. Pingback: Deviant Scribe » Hello Tattoo!
  16. I am not a Hello Kitty fan, but I am a huge Star Wars fan. I actually know the guy in the Hello Kitty Darth Vader costume.

  17. i actually love it. haha.
    i love star wars i love hello kitty… actually amazing.
    nice one to the tatooist 🙂 ahahha

  18. Well, Brian did my custom hello kitty tattoo, and its a beast, just like this sweet hello kitty is a beast. He is amazing at tattooing her. Shes freaking awesome who wouldn’t want that, hello kitty and darth vader together

  19. Awwwww! I love it, and it’s quite well done. But I gotta point out your typo up there “With a Hello Kitty Darth Vader and a Hello Kitty stormtrooper tattoo already in existence, it was only a matter of time before the Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo would appear:” You wrote Darth Vader twice?

  20. i like to think of her being darth vader, because she would have to burn in lava and control ppls minds, so our world is in a good place right now.!

  21. LOL I got this tattoo last night…my husband has a real darth vader and i did kitty vader to match. I HAPPEN TO LOVE IT

  22. Hi 🙂 Like my tattoo? This is actually my picture, it was not ‘created’ by Brian neone, its called “Hello Wars” and there is a bunch of fan art that combines multiple star wars characters w/ Hello Kitty. I used to live in Youngstown, OH but now Hail from StL.


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