No matter how much a Hello Kitty fanatic wishes it to be true, putting on evil feline plush ears with a bow is not acceptable behavior. Asking your significant other to try them on “just to see how they look” pretty much assures that you are comfortable with him living in Hello Kitty hell…

Sent in by amara (via hottopic)
Update: Of course, the evil feline would never allow there to be just one of these as monica shows via the Three Apples art exhibit:

i have this! it’s supposed to be for Halloween, but i totally wear it whenever i’m bored.
Where is possible to buy this one <3?
This from Hot Topic.
I’m getting this. It’s all your fault. 🙂
Best. Birth Control. Ever.
thats awesomeee i want it sooo muchhhh!!!!!!!! and i like those piercings i think i want something like that
haha i have this. I love it.
HA! My halloween acsessory’s better!
Scarecrow vampire teeth.
Anyway, I guess the headband’s okay. My dislike for Hello Kitty makes it hard for me to admit to anything being good.
Great. Now you’ve tempted me to buy this for halloween.
damn I kinda want this….
What “Hello Kitty headband”? I got kind of distracted by the model’s eyes and smile. 😉
I have it<3 I wear it to work all the time
Wow I got to get someone in the US to get me this..
OMG I just bought this the otherday m gonna wear it to school today. And yes I’m in high school as a matter of fact I’m a SENIOR lol class of 2010
i have this. and i love it ;]
I need this for my costume but it’s sold out everywhere 🙁
I feel totally..disgusting saying this, but does anyone have a link of where to buy this?
i have those, i got them at hot topic, dude ur such an idiot, you say you hate hello kitty, but you have a blog dedicated to her, seriously, get a life.
i want the one by chubby bunny. i have the other. in fact i’m wearing it RIGHT NOW!
I feel so weird considering I’m wearing that same Hello Kitty headband right now..
I have these. My boyfriend got them for me. he thinks there adorable.
Oh Hey I Have Those Ears…
where do u get the ears?
Plz plz plz tell me where to get those??
I would totally wear that just to annoy my friends lol and entertain my sister and i’d wear HK’s tacky fake little outfits to go with it. 😈 lol
I have them love them but I rather dloing a gaga hair hk bow
iiSOO want the big bow onee ! where can iget it ?
I want one so bad Ill wear it all the time