It’s never a good sign when you see something in Hello Kitty Hell for the first time, but you can usually console yourself with the fact that it was most likely a one time abnormality that you will never have to witness again. It’s much more worrisome when that image appears for a second time in a different situation because this gets you thinking that you may be seeing the beginning of some horrifying trend that will mentally scar you for life. That is exactly the situation I now find myself in with Hello Kitty pajama bottoms being worn by men:

Left by mybffmatty on Twitter
And the first image from the Hello Kitty significant other post

Sent in by Melanie
i hope to god he bought those pj bottoms after he tried them on…. if not… some unlucky girl may take them home, ball sweat included.
HAHAHAHAHA! That’s what they get for not obeying the wife! 😀
They did say: Real men are not afraid of wearing pink. IMO: They are probably just hoping to get some since the plan of renting cute puppies or babies failed.
i hope your wife will never give you one of this…sleeping in a hello kitty sleeping bag is enough XD
LOL! Didn’t you find that cute?;) Poor guys! Wonder how much they were paid to pose for that in those horrible things…
Hope you get a lovely Hello Kitt free christmas!
HAHAHAHA winners!! love that store
Is it wrong that I think the guy in the second picture is kinda hot? (fyi “kinda” instead of “totally” because of the pink pj bottoms)
MAN!!! I can’t UNSEE THAT!!!
Wow. That’s all I can say and not in a good way. Although I do give them credit for just putting the pajamas bottoms on.
HAH I love this! That man is hilarious in the first shot. His wife prolly wouldn’t buy sexy lingerie until he took a picture in those!
Real men admit they love Hello Kitty! : )
aww iwant some
haha this i hilarious:]
He looks drunk out of his mind 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
love those pink pyjama bottoms. he looks gorgeous wearing them also
Who is the guy wearing them???? I seriously/strongly think that’s my younger brother Jason B. If anybody knows initials or just first name of this guy wearing the hello Kitty pajama bottoms please let me know that be great. If that is my brother it’s freaking awesome LOL ?