Hello Kitty Ice Cube Tray Giveaway

It is not often that my wife will give away things in her Hello Kitty collection, but she always has a soft heart when it comes to good causes. When we were in Japan, we used to give toys to a local orphanage. Now that we are back in the US, we needed to come up with a new project. We have set a very ambitious goal to provide a lot of food to food banks, and although we have just started, we are making a difference.

I recently heard about contest to blog about the Vancouver Winter Olympics, and while the odds of being picked to do so are long, I have decided to at least try and win. While it would certainly be cool to attend the Winter Olympics, an added benefit is that I would be in contact with a lot of Olympic athletes who I could let know about Penny Experiment and possibly help out with it. Even better, I would get to escape Hello Kitty Hell for a couple of weeks.

When I asked my wife is she would be willing to give up anything, we ran into a slight problem. The vast majority of my wife’s collection is in storage in Japan and she only brought with her essential (in her view) evil feline items. After some thought, she picked out a number of items that I will be giving away over the next 10 days or so.

Of course, in order for my wife to give up anything, I also had to make a deal with the devil. If I do end up going, I’m required to buy any Hello Kitty items that I come across (I can’t escape Hello Kitty Hell even when I will be on my own). While both terrifying and nausea inducing, I agreed to the deal for the positive benefits in furthering a good cause.

This contest is for a Hello Kitty 3-D ice cube tray:

hello kitty ice cubes

The Olympic contest is to help support and spread the word about lesser known athletes participating in the Olympics games. I decided to participate by helping get the word out to people by creating Facebook fan pages.

Entering this contest is easy — simply become a Facebook fan of Clyde Getty, a 48 year old that will be attempting 2 triple flips in freestyle skiing (worth watching some of his videos – they are amazing).

After becoming a fan, leave a comment letting me know that you have and that will be your entry. I will have a random number generated for the comments that qualify left below. The person’s comment that matches the number will receive the Hello Kitty ice cube tray.

The contest starts now and will end at 11:59 pm eastern (10:59 pm central, 9:59 pm mountain and 8:59 pm pacific) on Thursday January 21st. Open to anyone living anywhere in the world.

UPDATE: There were 137 entries in the contest and the randomly generated number was 10. A big congratulations goes out to Carol Browne for being the winner:

random number ice tray

163 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Ice Cube Tray Giveaway”

  1. Helloooo!! My name is Poppy, and I just joined!! Should I comment there too? I am hoping very much to win this because it is so so hot here.

  2. πŸ™‚ brave man. I wish I will be that healthy/limber when im 40 lol. I just became a fan, and it’d be amazing if I could win. haha

    Good luck to everyone and have a good day all <3

  3. Hey! I live in Vancouver and will definitely be keeping an eye out for Clyde Getty! And I’m his 23rd fan.

    I’ll be back every day now seeing who’s who on your athlete list. This is great. Thank you!

    I also loathe Hello Kitty, but I have a good friend who is in love with it/her/THAT animal, so should I win, the item will be going to a very good home.

  4. Hey, I just became a fan. This is a great cause! By the way, Im stuck in Hello Kitty hell because my best friend is almost as bad as your wife…it’s a tough job loving these evil feline lovers! πŸ˜‰

  5. Hooray for Clyde! I’m his 71st fan πŸ™‚ I’ve wanted this ice tray for ages. It should go to a kitty lover instead of a fanatic, since fanatics already have too much stuff! I, good sir, am just a fan. Although, I’m sure you don’t see much of a difference!

  6. I done becomed a fan… Just think how those kitties will look, with red or green liquids… MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem. I mean, uh, Yay!

  7. WOOT! For Clyde!!! I made a comment on his page, and instantly became a fan. Hope I hear from you, I like my water HELLO KITTY COLD! πŸ˜€

  8. I just became a fan and this is the comment I left on the fan page: WOO HOO!!! Go Clyde Getty!!!!! Me and my Hello Kitty friends are cheering you on! On facebook, I’m T. Daphne Kean…

  9. I became a fan of Clyde Getty on facbook…you were right on…his videos and skills are killer…and god know my single ass could use the hello kitty ice cube molds for my vodka bonges BIG TIME! Love your blog!!! Hope you have a great day….you always brighten mine…and I thank you for that.

  10. I’m a fan! ^_^ Hope Clyde proves that the middleaged are still very much capable of Rocking Out at Sports. . . .(For the father that thinks he’s too old to ski -_-)

  11. Mr. HKH, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…if you do come to Vancouver, you’re coming back with enough HK crap to choke a catgirl. There’s a very large Asian community here, and while more Chinese than Japanese there’s still more than enough of the evil feline around.

  12. I became his friend!! Going to check out his videos now! If i should win…i will be very excited to place them in the sun and watch her melt…

  13. hey im angel and i think if clyde makes it to the Olympics he will e one to watch for, because he trained soo hard to get there xx

  14. AHhhhHhHhh!. ^.^ i want dis sooo friggin bad!.
    i love love love love hello kitty!. tehe(: im trying to win this for my sister for christmas lol she also loves hello kitty(: anyways i badly want dis!,. πŸ™‚ rawr<3

  15. This is the coolest thing ive ever seen… ever.
    but thats beside the point.
    you look like you need a best friend.
    so pick me ! ( ^ 3 ^ )

  16. I admire your cause and try and do as much in my community as possible as well. I heard you were injured and wanted to wish you a speedy revoery.

  17. i would love to get the ice trays i cannot go without my ice everyday they would be so much more pleasant with my baby girl on them


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