Bondage Sofa (NSFW)

There really isn’t any doubt that the evil feline loves her sex. She can pretend all she wants that it is a shoulder massager, but it doesn’t take a genius to know that two kitties are much more likely to meet. Simply knowing that Hello Kitty latex beds, Hello Kitty S&M floggers, Hello Kitty pasties, Hello Kitty handcuff nightmares and the Hello Kitty love hotel all exist, it shouldn’t be a shock that a Hello Kitty bandage sofa exists:

hello kitty bondage sofa

The mere fact that my wife thinks that this would be a good addition to our house scares me far more than her buying Hello Kitty low rise underwear for me because it ultimately means she thinks a scene like this would be a positive thing. Proof once again that no matter how bad Hello Kitty Hell gets, it finds a way to get worse…

Sent in by Ashley (via etsy) who deserves much more punishment than I could ever reasonably imagine for ever thinking that showing this to me could result in anything but terrifying nightmares for all that see it…

28 thoughts on “Bondage Sofa (NSFW)”

  1. I have a cunning plan – persuade the HK fanatic that they want to be the sub, and to play bondage and blindfold games, cuff one wrist to each end of the sofa, blindfold them, then go away and do something non HK!

  2. kitteh & Jellie: Now all we need are hundreds of couches and blindfolds. I wonder if we can leave them in the Badlands, Death Valley, float them down the Amazon River…

  3. I think the whole “A** (not worthy to call it art) installation” disturbing; my condolences Mr HKH.
    Still is this were the wife chains you up with the hello kitty sleeping bag when you dis the kitty?

  4. I must say, I don’t mind Hello Kitty items for kids, because that’s the age group she was originally intended for. But when Sanrio puts her on sex toys, weaponry, and hardware, it’s gone too far.

  5. Is the gilr in the picture the girl who sent it in? Hahaha

    Jk jk… buts its just a sofa, cover it up and your done!

  6. Sanrio doesn’t make these items that’s people who take hk image to an extreme limit. I got to admit that I like hk but Im not that crazy to want this! Lol 🙂

  7. If you cannot see the DevilishAngel nature that is HelloKitty, then you are sadly, missing the very core of her nature. Why do you think she is so loved and hated. HKH….well he is simply a boy who wants to pull her braids because he can’t …..well …pardon my candor…admit he wants to sit on her lovely ladylike pink and white settee.

  8. Pingback: Update 9/30/10 | Mark Stratis
  9. honeslty this is just one reson i love this site, i wantt o buy it even if i know well i have absolutely no where to keep it

  10. I wonder who in their sane mind would purchase this and put this in their homes, free for public viewing. Something like this belongs in the basement of the most demented hello kitty fan. Thanks for sharing this piece of disturbing furniture, I had a good laugh.


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