This really shouldn’t be a surprise. When the evil feline is willing to create a Hello Kitty Darth Vader or a Hello Kitty Klingon, it isn’t a stretch to imagine that she would try to invade absolutely every imaginable franchise including Ghostbusters. So while my eyes bleed at the sickly pink and my brain hurts at the abomination of a Hello Kitty Ghostbusters proton pack, I can’t say that I’m really all that surprised. If you’re a fan, be prepared to weep:
I guess in a way a Hello Kitty proton pack kind of makes sense. Any ghost that saw it would instantly explode at its hideousness without it even having to be turned on which would make it very effective. Of course, the unfortunate side effect would be that the entire human population would also be spontaneously exploding upon viewing it.
And if for some reason you had superhuman tolerance to the sight of the thing and survived, Hello Kitty has a special surprise for you — it comes with the predictably annoying sound pack that will have you wanting to put yourself out of your misery as quickly as possible:
Sent in by Jonny Ruckus who for some unfathomable reason thought it would be a good idea to build it to wear at the 2011 New York Comic Con.
Sent in by David
Just putting a Hello Kitty sticker on this is so ghetto.
That makes bunny cry. __/;-;__
This could have been executed so much better! It didn’t have to be pink….
Awsome! It would be even better if it was used on you!
I need one to suck all the negative anti- Kitty energy from you or if that did not work, trap you soul in a Hello Kitty Ghost trap for eternity.
Allow me, please, to take this time to announce: It’s okay to not like things!
Also, I can’t even recognize this as a proton pack. It looks like another baby toy, you know with stuff you can pull out and it makes noises? Either that or a really suped-up backpack.
Egon + Hello Kitty = crossing the streams