If you have to ask “When is Hello Kitty’s birthday?” or don’t instantly know that it’s November 1, 1974, then consider yourself one of the luckiest people on the planet. If you do know that November first is Hello Kitty’s birthday, you either have been endowed with an unfortunate intellect which for some unimaginable reason gives you the misguided sense to be a fanatic, or have the truly horrible misfortune to be close to a fanatic. And while it’s a truly sad existence to find yourself in either one of the two latter situations, I do believe that everyone should be wished the very best on their birthday. It’s with this in mind that I recalled the one Hello Kitty cake that I could get behind and once again present it to Hello Kitty on her birthday.

Wishing the evil feline everything she most certainly deserves in the year to come…
That was just plane mean! I just celebrated Hello Kitty’s bday by buying some of the new Hello Kitty tokidoki merchandise!
I totally agree! The Hello Kitty plane was mean! 😉
…Wow, dude. I’m looking into the mouth of madness right here, with all the hello kitty merch and the rabid fans that buy it and post here. And I’ve just been looking here for half an hour. How do you keep it together? Do you get periodic injections of pure manliness to dilute the madness?
I celebrate her birthday annually by baking a Hello Kitty shaped cake, throwing a party, and dressing up in my Hello Kitty costume. <3
To be honest, I had no idea when the evil feline’s Bday was till I visited your website!
I couldn’t celebrate her bday coz I dnt hv my own money bt I did make my aunt buy me a HK chocolate with a charm and a HK ice cream maker
This is serious. They even went through the trouble of making the knife out of cake instead of just using a regular knife! :O :O :O
Definately was decked out in my HK swag today in honor of her birthday! 🙂 Wore my Hello Kitty Music shirt and made a special bow just for the occasion!! Used a headband, and hotglued a bow with my broken ipod shuffel in the middle.
I can’t help but think of how this “non-animated” kitty, ever began to grace storybooks, coloringbooks, t-shirts, etc. There is nothing compelling about this kitty. It does not purr, it does not meow, it does not eat or drink – hell, the damn thing doesn’t even take a shit! I have found myself in a bit of a quandry. Who is actually saying “Hello?” It certainly cannot be the kitty, because I’ve never seen a talking kitty, real or otherwise. I guess that some lame soul, who had nothing else to do, so they created this monstrosity. I feel it only right, that the same (as portrayed with the cake), befall the idiot who began this nightmare.
You MIGHT wanna’ rethink that one statement you made about Hello Kitty not defecating…. XD
Happy birthday my Queen.
I celebrated HK’s B’day by purchasing my baby girl’s first HK item, a Victoria Coulture HK onesie! I can’t wait til she gets here so she can wear it!!!!
I love victoria couture!
No cake for you Mr. HKH.
Right now I am at a loss how to curse you.
Oh, may your right foot be hancuffed to a Hello Kitty bed and a dull rusty knife be your only escape. For thsi desecration.
Oh yes…my husband LOVES this. He’s got to be the biggest HK hater ever, apart from HKH of course.
Oh the irony…Isn’t that also the “Day of the Dead” or “All Soul’s Day” in most contries?
OMG. That’s one cruel cake!
I’m a Hello Kitty fanatic myself, and, I must say…this cake is simply beautiful! If we can’t poke fun at our own obsessions, after all, then we are taking ourselves entirely too seriously!
That cake is beautiful. Whoever decorated it was very talented with their use of fondant. Very nice attention to detail.
Lol omg i laughed so hard right when i saw that picture
Happy b-day Kitty its my b- day too 😉
I love Hello Kitty more then a lot of thing (not everything). So when I found out her birthday was the same day as mine, I weeped with happiness.
Your image is offensive and the only reason I came onto this is so I can steal you photos of Hello Kitty-centric items, like a car full of Hello Kitty. (: Stop bitching, get a life <3
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funniest cake EVER! *tries to breathe* I can only imagine that cake was made for someone who recently got out of a relationship with a HK Fanatic and their very thoughtful friends chipped in for a special “Welcome back to sanity” cake. LOL
dats messed up 2 kill hello kitty
oh my god what are you thinking about it? I am a Chinese,
I don’t know what you’re thinking.Is it right? Are you crazy?you don’t have to hate Hello Kitty. This is our Chinese Perspective?I was14 years younger.my God you are a talent.
OMG. My Kitty T^T
Oh dear! I can’t believe it!
PAHAHAHAH! YOu make me laugh. Read this. First off , if hello kitty was from hell they wouldnt have a hello kitty around today. Yes, they wouldnt have hello kitty shirts or jewlery. Its so popular, they have a hello kitty store in japan. SO, this rumor has been going on for 7 years now, and its getting pretty old. Pus if she was the devils daughter, wouldnt it be in the bible? Ill bet you dont know how hello kitty talks you hater man!