As if science isn’t having enough trouble in schools, fanatics somehow thought this would be a good idea — the Hello Kitty periodic table:
Of course, the truly scary part of this is that it’s not beyond comprehension that one day all periodic tables in schools may look like this, which tells me that I have definitely been in Hello Kitty Hell far too long…
Sent in by Ashlin
This is so nearly actually good; if they’d only made the effort to lay it out with all the elements in the correct Periods, including putting the Lanthanides and Actinides outside the main table, if could have been clever rather than a POS!
Well, whatever floats your boat.
Is she a KISS fan..?
Nah, I don’t think that will happen; scientists would be pulling out hair at the innaccuracy of the design, I think.
uhh…….. the level of mindrape is epic kind of like justin bieber fans but worse because teeny boppers dont know the periodic table yet.
If there was a really good version of this while I was in HS, I might have been more interested in learning the periodic table, lol!
That is too cool! Could get more kids into chem/physics. 🙂
this is almost as bad as twilight. almost.
forget the fact that its hello kitty, that looks confusing as hell!
As a scientist, and the daughter of a scientist, I think that this is actually very well done. Especially considering that it was probably done by a little girl.