You have to love (or more appropriately, cringe) at the way the evil feline sells stuff. Take for example Hello Kitty Intimate slim panty liners (not to be confused with other official and non official feminine protection products already being sold with the cat’s face on them) which somehow “truly understands” something or another (apparently “truly understands” isn’t in reference to how horrible we know their catch phrase for this product is). And is it just me, or does the box look like they made these slim panty liners to appear similar to Hello Kitty’s bow? I don’t even want to go there…

Sent in by lovemimi
update: For those who wanted to see a close up of the Hello Kitty panty liner boxes (seriously, why the hell does anyone want to see a close-up of Hello Kitty panty liner boxes???)

Sent in by Pinky

Sent in by Allison Dixley