Hello Kitty men

I’m off for two weeks of vacation which for most people would mean a nice relaxing time, but for me it means having to figure out ways to avoid Hello Kitty in places I’ve never been before. If life has dealt you the unfortunate hand of living with a Hello Kitty fanatic, you already know they have a radar like sense of homing in on anything related to the evil feline.

Anyway, while I’m gone, I thought I’d throw up some of the 500+ photos sent to me that are just as bad as anything I’ve listed on here, but which haven’t gone up yet simply because I don’t have enough time to write about all the Hello Kitty crap that is out there. You can imagine what I would write about it (or you can write it for me in the comments) until I get back. Why don’t we start off with Hello Kitty men:

Hello Kitty men

Seriously, you though that Hello Kitty would limit herself to Hello Kittifying women?

Sent in by far too many people that definitely have way too much time on their hands that they would ever come across something like this…