You’re excited for Halloween because you have decided to go out as Darth Vader. You can’t wait for your friends to see your awesome costume. Then mom says that you have to take your little sister with you. You can’t believe your rotten luck. Having your little sister tagging along is going to ruin everything. You think that it is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. That is until you see your little sister’s costume:
Star Wars costume
Hello Kitty and Disco Stormtrooper Costumes
This is definitely going to be a long and horrifying Halloween if this is any indication of the Hello Kitty Halloween costumes that will be finding their way into my mailbox over the next few days. If you can be judged by the friends you keep, this pretty much explains the Hello Kitty I know…
Sent in by simon
Hello Kitty Darth Vader Halloween Costume
I never thought I would say this (and the fact that I’m about to is further proof that things are incredibly wrong in the world), but the Hello Kitty Darth Vader is becoming downright common. First there was the photoshopped Hello Kitty Darth Vader that lead to anime convention circuit Hello Kitty Darth Vader which lead to the Hello Kitty Darth Vader combination that just should have never come into existence (with the Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo thrown in for good measure). So is it any surprise that the Hello Kitty Darth Vader is now seen as an acceptable Halloween costume?
Sent in by swhero