It was bound to happen. Thinking that I could finally leave the Hello Kitty nightmare of Halloween (costumes and pumpkins) behind and begin to concentrate on what travesties Hello Kitty Christmas has in store for me, Hello Kitty fanatics would have none of that. One felt it was necessary to send me another Hello Kitty homemade Halloween costume:

Here is a little advice to remember whenever you have a costume to wear.
1. If your main objective is to make men run away from you screaming in terror, this is the perfect costume for you to wear.
2. If your main objective is to humiliate your partner to no end, this is the costume to wear.
3. If your main objective is to get yourself labeled as a Hello Kitty fanatic, this is the costume to wear.
4. If you want to live a relatively normal life and not traumatize the people you love, this is not the costume to wear.
I would have thought that showing photos of people placing these Hello Kitty heads on cats and dogs would have been enough to send the hint that they also would not be very fashionable on humans, but alas, I once again have greatly underestimated the fashion sense of Hello Kitty fanatics…
Sent in by Rachel who should have to wear that thing around every day of the year for thinking it was a good idea to send the photo to me.