I made a comment in one of my previous posts that Hello Kitty is on everything except pizza and beer and that in time, she will probably be on those too. Well, it seems that one of those can be crossed off the list with the introduction of Hello Kitty pizza:

There aren’t many things in life that can stop me from eating pizza, but this is one of them. There is something seriously wrong in the world when pizza is being made in the shape of the evil feline’s head with a slab of mystery meat as her bow.
Of course, this plays right into my wife’s ultimate goal of serving only Hello Kitty food and she is already searching the local stores to see if we can get some to try. Yet one more reason to note that things can always get worse in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by Andrea who really should have to eat only Hello Kitty food for the rest of her life for thinking that it could in any way be a good idea to bring this to my wife’s attention.
Update: Even after all this, people think that attempts at Hello Kitty pizza is a good idea:

Sent in by Gloria

Sent in by joe (via capitu)

Sent in my renaldo

Sent in by sally

Sent in by Amy
At last, my minions and worshipers have created pizza in my image! Soon the world will be mine…
Thats, Just Odd.
But If Your Wife Does Find It Make Sure To Take Big Mean Bites out of it. x3
Hello Kitty needs to ether let the pros make all the pizzas, or get some lessons. That monstrosity you posted is just way too greasy, and something looks a bit off with that cowhide bow. They weant realt cheep with this one, and it probibly costs a fortune.
Okay, I LOVE Hello Kitty, all of her Kitty products, everything that doesn’t make sense as a Hello Kitty thing but has her face on it anyway, and I even love my fair share of Hello Kitty foods (especially fruit snacks!)… but that looks really, really gross. It looks like someone ate off the toppings and then threw them up back onto the Kitty Crust. Blegh. I’d want to have one of the boxes because she looks precious on it, but I’d never in a million years eat that.
Doesn’t look tasty …
Holy crap… surely you can sneak in normal pizza without her knowing… right?
That looks like garbage, and I would never eat it in my life….
I mean seriously, were did that pizza come from, an oven, or a cow?
This is the nastiest thing I have ever seen.
not trying to be gross….. but….
that looks like a hello kitty roadkill……
You shall not call my image gross!
I would give it a try, i love pizza!
It is written with Traditional Chinese text, which I suspect is from Taiwan.
The one of the right is Hawaiian.
The one of the left is “Peach flavor”, disgusting! What’s next? Hello Kitty strawberry beer?
Thank you siimuk! At last, a true, devout follower!
My cat has yakked up better looking things on the carpet.
If all I had to eat was that……abomination, I’d be losing weight extremely rapidly.
You call my image cat puke? An abomination? When I control the world I will remember this…
They really DO need to learn to make pizza, it looks like a greasy burnt monstrosity.
Also, that last pic of the pizza on the left, if you squint you can kinda see hello kitty’s face all smushed.
Stacey, agree with you totally! Love love love HK, but that pizza looks disgusting!!
Is there anything Hello Kitty that you can say a nice thing about? You are such a negative person it’s not wonder that you don’t like Hello Kitty because she offers hope and brightness to everyone while you only offer gloom. People love both Hello Kitty and pizza, so combined they make a perfect snack that everyone would love. You are the only one that can ‘t see this.
I’d be checking that use by date!
2005!!! yech
Nice reading comprehension there, Darlene. Did you even glance at the comments?
Those “pizzas” look absolutely revolting. Even without the image of that creature, they would look truly disgusting.
Hi, I’m new here. I love Hello Kitty and am starting a collection. I live in New York and I recently discovered the “Hello Kitty New York” store by accident in Times Square. There’s also one in Manhattan Mall called “Kitty’s Castle,” which I recently discovered. Unbelievable-a dream come true!
I like this site because its funny, but also because I agree with some of it. I think when it gets into HK guns, airplanes and, uh, pizza, its just too much and it actually takes away from the whole appeal of HK because it no longer means anything.
I’m adventurous about food, but that does not look good.
Shadowdragon-“NASTY My cat has yakked up better looking things on the carpet.If all I had to eat was that……abomination, I’d be losing weight extremely rapidly.”
I completely agree, couldn’t have said it better, some weight loss would do me good tho. Lol
I like Hello Kitty a lot. I like pizza a lot. This does NOT lok like pizza to me. Looks like, as some of you already said, more like something thrown up, and that has nothing to do with the supposed HK-face that seems to be smudged out all over.
Darlene, he actually does say something positive about HK-stuff occasionally, for example the HK barf bag, which by the way would come in most handy here… 😉
Wow! I am at a loss for words… I L-O-V-E Hello Kitty but this pizza is not cute… AT ALL! I would still try one though.
and it’s a shame it’s so nasty, because it could have been done really cute. that monster is probably all preservatives and nastiness. ewww.
my 3 y/o who loves hk just went “eww yussy merow merow” which is katie speak for “ew yucky kitty”.
even she thinks it’s nasty.
I don’t know what that horribly disgusting abomination is, but it is NOT pizza. What it is is an insult to real pizzas everywhere.
Omeegod. I. Want. That. I love Hello Kitty and I love pizza, its just perfect. I eat really sub-par food all the time, wouldn’t bother me.
I’m sorry. Never mind the HKification; that is just plain bad pizza, and should not be eaten by anyone!
It looks disgusting…
Well it looks more like a zombie kitty face instead of a pizza…and I do know what a pizza looks like being Italian 😉
I’m worried, the kitty fever is spreading around here too!
Further thought, based on typical UK prices.
Cheap pizza costs about £0-10 for ingredients, sells for £1-50.
Good pizza costs about £0-12 for ingredients, sells for £3-00.
Do Sanrio care that little about their brand image?
It looks like one of those pizzas that come out of a vending machine. Gross!
that looks so nasty.
don’t…don’t answer that.
I’ve seen better looking things on the side of the road!
I think someone should make Darlene eat like 3 dozen of them, and THEN she how full of love and brightness she is!!!!
Ha! 🙂
Homeless people wouldn’t even eat that crap!
This looks vaguely like Hello Kitty would look after a guest appearance on a Happy Tree Friends episode.
Mysterymeat? I’m glad I’ve become a vegetarian…
These look like those pizzas you’re supposed to MICROWAVE. just so they’ll be completely soggy and repulsive if they weren’t bad enough already.
the chernobyl-HK doesn’t help matters.
darlene, would you eat that pizza?
so gross but so cute!
This is seriously the most comments I have ever read on this site. But, agreeing with the majority, that pizza does not show HK’s best side. It looks like a scene from a horror movie and someone’s face got ripped off…count me out.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww……… that looks revolting!!! the cheese is gooey and watery!!!!!!!!! ewwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m allergic to pizza but stand by anything hello kitty!! i start my day with a helping of hello kitty waffles, then on to hello kitty fruit snacks, washed down with some breakfast beverage from my hello kitty thermos. now if only i can get grilled chicken in the shape of hello kitty………..
A true follower! cryssy!
ok, this just looks disgusting.
Finally my two favorite things combined into one!
It would be nice to viciously rip HK’s head apart but that just looks repulsive.
And of course Darlene would eat it.
She’d probably eat her own vomit to if it was in the shape of HK
Curses. Reading the title I hoped this would be about normal pizza containing succulent slices of freshly slaughtered Hello Kitty, but evidently this is not the case.
Hahaha, this is VILE!
Poor Hello Kitty. I think she really wanted to be a calzone instead.
That looks like Hello Kitty’s head exploded after 10 days of intense decomp. I would agree that she should have been a calzone.
But I wanted to let you know I linked to you during a search on information of my thesis, of which was why Darth Vader and Hello Kitty don’t mix.
This about as horrible.
looks like that guy at the beginning of Robocop that gets doused in toxic waste
Ughh, urggh, nasty=do NOT eat this.
OK ok ok ok, stop bagging on the Pizza Hello Kitty, dammit!
Do not WANT…
Jon- get bent!
We’ll bag all we want!
It’s Hello Kitty Hell!
…Hmm… I like that it’s in a shape other than a circle, but it looks sort of gross…Sorta watery… But maybe that’s just because of how long it was microwaved…
I wonder how it tastes.
That looks like it tastes disgusting.
Is this pizza.. China free or not ?
that article is garbage, everyone knows that dear daniel is hello kitty’s husband and that BADTZ MARU is NOT HER BOYFRIEND dur dur dur dur
how disgusting! but by the way … even if this shouldn’t be a hello kitty pizza … it doesn’t look very tasty! humans are crazy!
Yay! I sent this in!
All I see is a mis-shaped pizza
OK, I like Hello Kitty…..but this pizza looks GROSS.
The cheese slathered all over it and the oil looks revolting!
Ok. I like Hello Kitty and all…but that’s just gross.
that looks nasty
im a BIG fan of hellokitty but tha pizza is way to far .ok i aggree with accessories like hairdryers,fridges,phones,bags stuff for your room ecetera BUT pizza is just stupid.you could say i worship it but not enough to eat that manky thing ewww its grosse HK needs to either let go of the fact that human kind is no match for her…or she needs cooking lessons :S
wtF!!! that luks NASTY!
that looks like poop on bread :/
Ewww; too greasy. D:
Her face looks all contorted.
>,<; Too much grease!
It look like Hello Kitty meets Napalm. yuk
Hello Kitty meets Freddie Krouger lol. I love pizza but i wouldn’t eat that if i was starving and there was nothing else to eat. Darlene get over your self
That is disgusting! That has seriously put me off from eating pizza PERIOD!
it looks like a fur ball. or what is cat puke. i though that was really funny.
“here eat hello kitty’s fur ball”
That pizza looks gross, but the box is damn cute, so I’d buy it… Hey I’m a Kitty freak, I have no choice!
That pizza looks more disgusting than what the schools over here in the states feed us students. And trust me I never thought it was possible for something to be THAT disgusting until I saw this.
Eat my furball , what a ridiculas idea , when I get hold of the world everyone who does not love me will perish !!
If you really do live in Japan/China/Korea, why don’t you just grab your wife and haul your ass to America? That way she can’t possibly find all that horrific HK crud!
that is just wrong. i am all for little hello kitty cheeses or items where you can tell it is her, but this looks like hello kitty after she got run over by a new york city cab. …
I’m not sure if this is real, but I DID find this picture… //i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/Nine20_2008/Hello%20Kitty/Hello.gif
Well, if, God forbid, you ever do find yourself being force-fed this, you can keep telling yourself, “Hello Kitty ROAD pizza, Hello Kitty ROAD pizza… “
dont judge the book by its cover, yea. just like that pizza,its look pretty gross,lol but lets give it a try, who knows? might one of the delicious pizza ;D
Maybe a cat vomited that up but I think thats where the similarity ends.
I weep for humanity, that one should choose to draw sustenance from such a vile image… do you not know that by consuming such you are swallowing a fate worse than death? this is the face of hell-o kitty as it really is, an unrecognizable charred face of a cat demon straight from hell… upon first bite, you will become possessed and shall forever remain its minion…
That’s totally Evil ._____.
That pizza looks like death. It actually looks like cat vomit. Ew.
You dare call my image cat vomit? You sicken me. When I take over the world, you shall regret ever doubting me for a moment…
holy hell. That looks discusting. Hope ya never have to eat that (actually I do since it’d be funny as fun but I’m being nice)
Yuck!! i hate cooking if i dont have to, but id rather make my own pizza then eat that!!!!!
This is disgusting and ridiculous. If you are so obsessed with Hello Kitty and you’d be willing to eat this crap you might as well shape it into her face and make one worth buying and eating.
hands down, one of the most truly disturbing images i’ve ever seen. how can i look at pizza again?! and i’m a HK fan!!!
Sorry but that looks like something I shat out of my ass
Wow. That looks disgusting. I mean I like Hello Kitty…but seriously?!
this looks alright… But I rather make my own HK pizza at home with my favortie toppings. What I want is for HK to have hello kitty lunchables if ders non already.
looks ugly…:S
That bow is disgusting…the first HK pizza is wholly unappetizing :s! The lower HK pizza is somewhat more acceptable…still though…
All off you Hello kitty haters are retarded. Sure, we all get that you hate the greasy pizza and all but really. Get a life. There are many greasy disgusting pizzas out there that you have probably tried. Many of us had pizza. HELLO? This is what our world is like. Full of fat people. I rest my case.