Hello Kitty Snow Cap

HKH Editor note: All I can say is be very careful what you wish for when it comes to Hello Kitty Hell because things will always turn out much worse than you could ever imagine…enjoy the next two weeks

By darlene

Hello Kitty is a fashion icon that everyone loves and cherishes. True men embrace her because they have no fear of their masculinity. It’s is only men that have issues with their manhood that don’t like Hello Kitty and feel it necessary to say bad things about her. That is why Hello Kitty has started a men’s line of clothing which will be a huge success. This man is a true man and shows his fashion sense with a Hello Kitty snow cap:

Hello Kitty snow cap

Look at how cute this is and how happy it will make every person that sees it. The world would be a better place if all men would be willing to wear Hello Kitty snow hats. Men that have to complain about Hello Kitty and refuse to see how cute and adorable she is are sad examples of what is wrong with this world. They can never give the support that women need and will prove that they are selfish and only care about themselves.

If you want to find a good man in this world, give them Hello Kitty to wear. If they do so happily and want you to buy more for them, you have found a true man and one that every woman will be envious of. If they show any hesitation or embarrassment, you know that they have huge issues and can’t be the type of man that every woman needs, so break it off right away.

Everyone knows that real Hello Kitty Hell is not having Hello Kitty in your life.

77 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Snow Cap”

  1. wow, the last line really makes me fear for my life. if there are people who are taking hello kitty to a religious level, well that’s just scary as hell.

  2. ….why do you think so badly about me???I’m so cute and pretty and I have no mouth so I can’t talk too much…not as all the women in the world…..

    have a good day!!!

  3. From the picture, I can’t quite make out the shape of this person’s head. Also, I don’t see any clear indication that this is a man.

    That schoolbus-yellow line along the left side of the frame makes me believe that this picture was taken in a school bus. I don’t see any indication about the length of that bus, but I suspect it’s short.

  4. I’m thinking this is an April fool’s joke… and/or that Darlene must be Mr. Hello Kitty Hell’s wife for all I know since he’s letting her take over.

  5. I seriously don’t know if I can take two weeks of this without wanting to kill myself and take as many people with me as possible…
    Besides, my Hello Kitty hat is so much better looking- it’s black punk!
    @ Kitteh!!: I see a man wearing that hat, I’d be wondering where his boyfriend was!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    @ kitty: are you saying all women have big mouths????? (you may actually have a ‘slight’ point)

  6. This is awesome. Now Darlene gets to show what she does to the world instead of being some mouth, and gets wholly derided for it.

    I don’t care if it’s fake. That’s awesome.

  7. it’s… april fools day…..it’s april fools day…. it’s april fools day….. please don’t do this to us….. it’s april fools day….yeah…. it’s got to be a joke… please…..

  8. If you see a man wearing hello kitty he is either gay (not saying anything aginst homosexuals almost all my gay friends wear hello kitty sadly) or just plain ugly

    Who wants to date a man that wears a kitty cat that wears a bow on its head….creepy

  9. @Ashley: It would really piss me off if it looked better on him than me! πŸ˜‰

    @Kitteh!!: Don’t be mad, it was meant as a joke, some of my best buds bat for the home team. And sadly they are all the hot one πŸ™

  10. For a moment there, I thought mr HKH had totally lost it. Then I realized what day it is.
    Please, tell me it’s not for real!!!

  11. Please, please please let this be an april fools joke. I will never read this site again if it really is darlene. Just. Plain. Wrong.

  12. Same here, Puppy, so let’s wait until tomorrow X]

    If it’s true, we’re gonna have the two creepiest weeks ever. Yet, I think it’s hilarious.

  13. Umm…best case scenario: this person is homeless and that’s the only thing that he/she could find to put on their head….

  14. I did not write that!!!

    How dare you! This is pathetic. You have to steal my name to make your blog more popular. It’s reprehensible and you should be ashamed of yourself! It’s sad enough that you have to constantly insult the people that send you photos, but now you stoop to making fun of them even when they don’t. It’s one more reason for everyone to leave and it shows how lame your attempts to make this blog popular are. This is the worst April Fool’s joke I have ever seen.

  15. Oh, man… LMAO!!!!!!! Damn near peed myself πŸ™‚
    That was great…(as I heave for air from laughing so hard)

    Oh Darlene…will you ever learn?

  16. @Mhkitty LOL same,

    i was going to reply earlier but i had to go, now i`m glad i waited to see darlenes reaction LOL, so uhm yeah

  17. Jeez, i nearly choked when i saw this…thought mr HKH had lost the plot…now i get the joke….*huge wave of relief*

    I couldn’t face two weeks of that…

  18. All I have to say is, even knowing it was a joke, trying to write like darlene was one of the worst experiences in my life πŸ˜‰ Ended a little sooner that I thought, but hope everyone enjoyed…

  19. hahahahahaha finally darlene writes something i’m glad to read, or at least the first line, i kinda put the rest of it into the crazy ol’ darlene section and forgot to comprehend what i read, something along the lines of “i’m a crazy freakish prick with an annoying obsession with a mouthless cat, watch me rant about the same crap that doesn’t make any logical sense! when is purple!? why is tuesday!?” etc. etc.

    but the first line made me give a big sigh of relief

  20. Is Hello Kitty eating that man’s brains? If teh Demon Cat is sucking them out of his ears tehn that explains why he’s not screaming in mortal agony.

  21. I love this cute hat, I would totally wear it. Looks just like my last cat before she died, except the bow, I never tortured her with any bows. Okay on a girl like me, but not on a guy unless he hits the feminine side. I like my guys masculine. Great website, one of my top faves to read. I hope this is April Fool’s.

  22. Love it!! One of the best ‘fools’ of the day!!
    The writing isn’t quite as psychotic as the true Darlene, but I imagine that’s a scary mindset to try and simulate.
    Thanks for the laughs guy!

  23. Ouch you almost got me for a second, I was visualizing 2 weeks of Darlene taking over and kept thinking…boy this is how Hello Kitty Hell gets when it hit rock bottom.

    Relieved it was nothing but an April Fool’s prank LOL

  24. MHK, I’m not mad at you, or anyone else (and am straight, even if 3_000 miles away). I just don’t get how ripping a line from Firefly which is directly apposite to the picture means I’m falling for a Huntigowk!!

  25. HKH needs to write more entries as darlene to doubly entertain us with his writing and darlene’s deranged counterpoint.

  26. @Kitteh!!: I have never watched Firefly in my life so I have no clue as to what you are saying… did I rip something?
    A little help here????

    @Mr. HKH: You are seriously evil….that was MEAN, but that’s why I’ll keep coming back!

  27. Darlene’s comment? PRICELESS!!!! I would give anything to have seen the look on her face when she read what we all thought was her comment. I also was getting a little worried for the possibility of having to read blogs like that for 2 weeks. I think I would have to give up loving HK for that time, but I guess not, she lives on! I live for this blog, don’t ruin it with crap like that.
    The guy in the hat? GAY?(that’s ok, but please come out of the closet) If my man wore that hat or any other HK gear, I would have to wonder if he was on the DL. Not cute, but I would wear it with much pride.

  28. It’s kind of hard to explain, but one of the characters, who’s a (well written and played, but otherwise stock) “Central Casting Larcenous Heavy” gets a knitted multi-colour bonnet with ear covers as a present from his mother, puts it on, and asks the others what they think of his new hat. The response is “You see… of anything!” So I was the one ripping the line, because I thought it applied to the HK hat! You see, unless the hat doesn’t exist, except for the purposes of the Huntigowk, I wasn’t caught by anything just for quoting from one of my favourite live action shows ever!

  29. Okay… I’m still confused but not as much πŸ™‚

    I would wear the hat but I’d have to accessorize with something non-cute to take the *cuteness* edge off….

    I got a zip-up hoodie this weekend while out of town and it has HK in plane and says ‘I’m on a natural high’…..
    hmmm, I wonder what kind of other ‘high’ there is??? (winks) I’ll have to send a pic since I have no site to link to and hope Mr. HKH puts it up.

  30. MHK, if you like live action SF rather than just Manga (nothing against Manga; it’s a comment on your tastes I do and don’t know), you should get Firefly. Odds on you can find the box set on-line for about the price of a film or 2.

  31. HKH that was just awesome… I am so very happy that it was a joke. And Darlene’s reaction was one for the books! HAAHA! I can’t imagine writing like her… must have given you a terrible headache.

  32. Best April Fool’s Day joke EVER!!! HKH, you are a genius! And Darlene’s reaction was priceless. Delusional, yes, but priceless.

  33. haha this reminds me off this old guy that works at the hello kitty store near me. He has hello kitty ties made for him so he can where them when he goes to work. he has a special tie he weres when hello kitty her self comes to the mall the sotre is in =]

  34. So darlene didn’t write this, i saw her comment and she said something like i didn’t write this

    To Darlene: There is nothing you can do, you cant rant or whine because its life, you get pranked, i get pranked, they get pranked and more! Who knows, The owner of this blog could have fell in a hello kitty prank or hello kitty trap or whatever he likes to call it

    Cont. comment
    Yes, that was a strange snow cap, i would be not buying it if i was pranked into doing it. Hehehehehe

  35. “If they show any hesitation or embarrassment, you know that they have huge issues and can’t be the type of man that every woman needs, so break it off right away.”

    Okay, so i should break up with my boyfriend for not wearing Hello Kitty?

    “The world would be a better place if all men would be willing to wear Hello Kitty snow hats. ”
    So wearing Hello Kitty will stop everything bad? Lets get Gordon Brown and President Obama, and other world leaders to wear Hello Kitty, and life will be sorted ^_^ Not.

    I’m sorry, I like Hello Kitty, but that whole posting is/was pathetic. Coming from a 16 year old girl, as well. Β¬_Β¬


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