Do you know when you know it’s time to get out of the rap music business? The instant that someone suggests that you appear in a Hello Kitty music video and you actually accept. How to instantly ruin your rap music career:
Creating a Hello Kitty song no matter what the pretty much ensures the death of any music career if we really want to be honest. Here’s the video to show the proof if you still have any doubt (view at your own risk — you have been warned):
Sent in by HKGuy
This. is. SO. stupid. looking. hahahaha.
Why is this catchy? oh god. Hahahha.
Maybe they thought they’d latch onto the brony thing? idk
I love this, it’s hilarious
it was OK until the guy start rapping. But if Mr. HKH hates it I like it in defiance.
wow. just wasted 3 or so mins. of my vida that i’ll NUNCA get back!