When you live in Hello Kitty Hell, you have to grab onto the smallest things to maintain your sanity…things like this Hello Kitty candy:

There is really nothing special about Hello Kitty candy and the evil feline has adopted making the sweet and sugary substance in her image in countless ways. That being said, I particularly like the placement of the candy stick on this one (since I have the urge to do this to Hello Kitty on a daily — if not hourly — basis) and think it would do wonders to the entire Hello Kitty image if all Hello Kitty items were to add this as part of a new design. Oh, one can dream — even when living in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by Marco who deserves applause for showing there is a way to improve Hello Kitty, but who also should be forced to eat this on a regular basis as punishment for reminding my wife that we haven’t had much Hello Kitty candy around the house which will undoubtedly mean I will be having a sugary diet next week…