It’s not like there was any surprise that this was coming. My wife loves to create Hello Kitty pumpkins and the fanatics out there have never had a problem sending me their Hello Kitty pumpkin carving creations to give my wife more ideas. I have the distinct feeling that I will be getting more to add whether I want them or not because Hello Kitty fanatics don’t understand the concept of “don’t share” and they seem to feel (for some unfathomable reason) it’s their duty to make my life all the more Hello Kitty Hellish.

Sent in by Alice

Sent in by Jessica

From Shelly via Facebook

Sent in by carmenkitty

Sent in by Gayla

Sent in by hellokitty_luver

Sent in by Layla

Sent in by Ericka (“I thought someone might enjoy seeing an evil Hello Kitty with a katana that I made into a jack o lantern last night.”)

Left by Kathryn via facebook — one for each of the last four years.

Sent in by Kelsey