Hello Kitty Afro Samurai Tattoo

I don’t know which is more disturbing — that Hello Kitty tattoos actually exist or that they continue to mix and match the evil feline with other themes that make you simply say, “WTF?” That is about all that can be said for the Hello Kitty Afro Samurai Tattoo:

Hello Kitty Afro Samurai tattoo

It disturbs me that Hello Kitty is not satisfied with her cutesy image and now wants to also be seen as “tough” — but I guess that is typical in her quest to Hello Kittify every possible inch of human culture and make it her own. While I guess it does bring about a truer image of Hello Kitty that everyone but the Hello Kitty fanatics see, it scares me that at some point in the future when I go to bed with my wife, this is going to be the image that is staring back at me which would definitely increase the heat in Hello Kitty Hell…

Sent in by Brian (who has also created the Hello Kitty Vampire tattoo, the Hello Kitty Jesus Tattoo and the Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo — which has confirmed my commitment to never take my wife to Youngstown, Ohio because I would be deftly afraid of what kind of Hello Kitty tattoo she would return with) who deserves to have these tattoos inked on himself for thinking for even a moment that sending me any of them could ever be a good idea…

35 thoughts on “Hello Kitty Afro Samurai Tattoo”

  1. It’s like Hello Kitty meets the Hulk!!!!!! LOL!!!!

    Brian: You Rock- it’s just a little disturbing 🙂
    It could almost be Dear Daniel!

  2. This one isn’t one of my favourites, but I suppose there’s a story behind it…

    Brian: I totally agree with MHK, you rock! I’m especially impressed by the spiderman-skin-rip tattoo shown on your page. It’s far beyond amazing!

  3. lol, Thanks for the comments.

    Yeah, I drew it originally with the bow on hk head but it just didn’t look right. as for the story its from a cartoon called Afro Samurai that ran on Spike for a while.

  4. Yeah a bow prob wouldn’t have looked right, it would been Crossdressing Afro Samurai 😉
    Keep up the awesome work!
    Go Buckeyes!

  5. egh who would want something that repulsive on their body unless it was like punishment or something
    and look still no darlene im starting to believe she did od on that “pepto” woot

  6. Is there some kind of cult kidnapping people and testing new HK tattoos on them? Is Darlene behind this? Are these tattoos an ‘enhanced interrogation technique’ like waterboarding? What the hell is happening to this planet?????

  7. All these nutty Kitty fans sitting around with nothing to do are trying to raise Kitty awareness by trying to prove she’s cool through combining her with other, less girly or more widely accepted things in pop culture. My fear is this won’t be over for years until HK has been combined with everything possible and duplicated 50x over. It’s a scary future ahead.
    If HK & (illogical) fans ruled the world we would be the resistance and you would be our newsletter. Ftw.

  8. lol! i think that these tattoos he does are really funny and well drawn, but that’s definitely not the way i’d want HK tattooed on my body (if i ever let my obsession get that far). i’d want her to look cute! but to each their own.

    i really can’t wait to see what other HK tattoos he comes up with!

  9. hello kitty is really evil!!!
    hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!hello kitty is EVIL!!!


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